Taoist world

Chapter 222: Lihuo Snow Cliff

After this ninth stream of spiritual energy rushed out of Jiang Yun's body, it was suspended in the air and did not immediately start to condense the blessed land.

And Jiang Yun just stared at this spiritual energy with his eyes, motionless.

It gave the monsters the feeling that Jiang Yun had not thought about what his last blessed place should be!

"Shiwanmang Mountain has given me a nurturing grace and a feeling of growth. Therefore, it is my sixth blessed place."

"The boundless sea touches my heart, and the water turned from the stones facilitates my practice and accelerates my growth."

"Because it can imprint the Tao seal on items, I call it the Dao Sea."

"The sea of ​​Dao and the sea of ​​boundaries, the two merge into one and become my seventh blessed place."

"In the realm within the realm, Senior Huntian gave me three great gifts to recreate the world with kindness. Therefore, it is my eighth blessed place."

"Now, this ninth blessed place..."

While Jiang Yun was talking to himself, the ninth spiritual energy finally changed.

"Stab" sound!

This spiritual energy suddenly burned and turned into a ball of flame!

This is not Lihuo, but just spiritual fire that any monk can easily cast.

Although it is a spiritual fire, it seems to contain tenacious vitality. Even in the snowflakes falling all over the sky, it still keeps burning.

The weather in Beishan Prefecture is snowy all year round, including now.

The snow never stopped, but got heavier and heavier, so in the eyes of the monsters, they didn't care about those snowflakes.

However, a moment later, a voice suddenly sounded: "No! That snowflake, that snowflake fell into the flames and was not burned!"

The sound of this voice made the monsters suddenly realize it.

Many of the snowflakes falling from the sky were directly submerged into the flames. Not only were they not burned, but they gathered more and more!

This scene is unfamiliar to others, but it is extremely familiar to many people in the Snow Clan's blessed land realm, especially the Snow Clan's grandpa.

Because every one of their tribesmen will encounter a situation similar to the one before them when they gather in the blessed land.

The light in Grandpa Xue's eyes was getting brighter and brighter, and he murmured to himself: "Could it be that his ninth blessed place is also our clan's holy land, Lihuo Snow Palace?"

The more Grandpa thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was very possible.

Because he allowed Jiang Yun to enter the Holy Land in advance just to help him find the last blessed place.

In the holy land, there is the Lihuo Snow Palace. Jiang Yun must have regarded it as his ninth blessed place after seeing it.

But soon, Grandpa realized that his idea was wrong.

Because the snow that accumulated more and more under the burning flames did not condense into the shape of a snow column, but had no rules, as if it was piled together randomly.

Grandpa couldn't help but frown slightly and said: "If it's not Lihuo Snow Palace, then what could it be?"

Only Xue Qing's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at the snow pile in the flames, and she said softly: "His ninth blessed place seems to be the cliff where we met!"

Facts have proved that Xue Qing’s guess was correct!

At the same time, in Jiang Yun's dantian that no one could see, there was also a ball of flame, burning the lake of spiritual energy in his body, beginning to truly condense into his first blessed place.

However, this flame is not spiritual fire, but Lihuo!

Under the burning of Lihuo, the spiritual energy in Jiang Yun's body instantly turned into liquid.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into mist and snowflakes, and merged into the Lihuo below, gathering more and more.

When Jiang Yun's ninth blessed land finally took shape, what appeared in everyone's eyes was a mountain cliff covered with snow, located at the very edge of Shiwanmang Mountain.

If someone can sit on the cliff, they will find that they are facing the vast sea surrounding Shiwanmang Mountain.

You can even vaguely hear the sound of the sea.

So far, Jiang Yun's nine blessed lands have finally taken shape.

Looking at these nine blessed places, every demon has a look of shock and envy on its face.

Although this is just Jiang Yun's dream, if he really reaches the ninth level of blessed land, then these nine blessed lands will turn from a dream into a reality.

There are nine points of blessed land, each divided into different environments and things!

No one could imagine how powerful Jiang Yun would be at that time.

Gradually, whether it was the sea, the Shiwanmang Mountain, the six peaks on it, the small villages, the mist all over the sky, the Demon-Reverse Bridge, or even the spiritual fire, they all began to dissipate quickly like bubbles. .

In the end, only a mountain cliff covered with ice and snow was left!

But in Jiang Yun's dantian, the snow cliff that appeared was wrapped in Lihuo.

Obviously, Jiang Yun deliberately concealed the true form of his first blessed land.

"Now, I am watching the sea from the snow cliff, and I am refining Lihuo in the Holy Land of the Snow Tribe. I will regard that place as my last blessed place!"

"It is also the first blessed place I have condensed in this life, Lihuo Snow Cliff!"

As Jiang Yun's words sounded, his dream state had ended.

At this moment, he has finally truly entered the first level of the blessed land!

At this moment, three fire dragons, each with a different color, suddenly flew towards Jiang Yun silently!

The one who took action was naturally Huo Duming!

He had been ready to go and waited until now.

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Although he had previously attacked Jiang Yun with a three-color fire dragon, Jiang Yun dodged it with extremely fast movement.

But this time he took action suddenly, and three fire dragons came out at the same time, just to make Jiang Yun absolutely unable to escape!

Three fire dragons formed into glyphs, roaring from three directions. Each one was exuding scorching heat, making Jiang Yun unable to escape.

But now Jiang Yun no longer needs to hide.

"Well done!"

While speaking, a cold light flashed in Jiang Yun's eyes.

The gentleness on his face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a vast, bloody and fierce aura!

And with the appearance of this aura, Jiang Yun suddenly pointed out three times in succession.

The speed of his attack was so fast that in the eyes of the monsters, it was as if he suddenly had three extra fingers, pointing at the three fire dragons that rushed in front of him!

Although these three fire dragons are just transformed by flames, they seem to be really alive.

When he felt the aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body, his forward speed had slowed down, as if he wanted to escape.

However, Jiang Yun's three fingers pointed out that they didn't even have the courage to escape. They could only obediently stick their heads in front of Jiang Yun's fingers.


The three fingers clicked almost simultaneously, and with a roar that merged into one, the three fire dragons exploded.

Although Huo Duming had already made up his mind to attack Jiang Yun secretly, how could Jiang Yun not be on guard against him!

In fact, even though Jiang Yun was always in a dream state and dared to gather his first level of happiness in front of the enemy, he had already considered various possible situations and was secretly prepared.

Seeing the three fire dragons exploding in vain, Huo Duming did not show any disappointment.

Even as the fire dragon exploded, the three flames above his head divided again, and a fourth blue flame appeared!

Four groups of four-color flames each separated into a strand and condensed into a flower of four-color flames, spinning towards Jiang Yun.

Although Huo Duming attacked Jiang Yun secretly, his original purpose was just to test, and he never thought that he could kill Jiang Yun with one move, so he only showed the strength of the third level of Blessed Land.

But now, he has clearly realized that Jiang Yun's power is far beyond his imagination. The third level of strength is not enough, so he broke out into the fourth level of blessed land.

Although this four-color flame flower does not seem to have any offensive power.

However, during the rapid rotation, this flower vaguely formed a face!

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