Taoist world

Chapter 2327: Clarifying the context

Jiang Yun was stunned immediately!

Dao Wuming continued: "You also understand the role of the power of assimilation. I can assimilate countless selves."

"And I did do that, so strictly speaking, we are all just equivalent to clones!"

Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses and said, "You are also a clone, so where is your true self?"

"I have no idea!"

Dao Wuming spread his palms and said, "Actually, the reason why I was named Wuming is because I really didn't know my origin or my name."

"Original?" Jiang Yun keenly grasped these two words in Dao Wuming's words and said, "Then do you know your origin now?"

Dao Wuming smiled and said: "I can only guess a little bit. Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much!"

Jiang Yun said in confusion: "Thank me?"

"Yes, because of this battle between you and me!"

"When I saw that palm of your hand that shattered the defenses of thousands of monks, I vaguely knew."

"Later, when you used the Heavenly Curse on Daoyi, I finally remembered it."

The art of heavenly curse!

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, stared at Dao Wuming and said, "How do you know?"

The Heavenly Curse Technique is a magical power belonging to the Celestial Clan. Among the two realms of destruction, very few people know it, so Jiang Yun did not name it when he used it.

However, Dao Wuming unexpectedly revealed that there are only two possibilities for his origin. One is that he is a supreme powerhouse in the Destruction Domain whose cultivation has reached the legendary realm.

Another possibility is that he comes from...

"You, are you a Celestial Clan or an Ancient Clan?"

Dao Wuming smiled slightly and said, "Do you think I look like a monster?"

Dao Wuming is from the human race, so he can only come from the ancient race!

This was really beyond Jiang Yun's expectation!

Originally, he thought that Dao Wuming was just from a certain ethnic group in the Destruction Domain, but he didn't expect that his true identity turned out to belong to the ancient tribe!

However, this made Jiang Yun understand why he had not discovered any ethnic group with the power of assimilation when he was destroying the domain.

"No!" Jiang Yun suddenly frowned and said, "If you are from an ancient tribe, then your strength is a bit too weak!"

By saying this, Jiang Yun did not mean to belittle Dao Wuming, but told the truth.

So far, the strength of any of the Ancient Clan and Celestial Clan members Jiang Yun has met is beyond Jiang Yun's imagination.

Needless to say, Tianjia's self-explosion of everything only destroyed a ray of his soul;

Hong Zhenyi can send himself directly into the Tianxiang Realm of the Destruction Realm at the entrance of the Dao Realm!

The vastness has allowed the world of mountains and seas to form a cycle of reincarnation for countless years.

Xuantong, if he didn't have the power of the Celestial Clan, would have been killed by his palm.

Compared with them, even though Dao Wuming's strength is weaker, his memory should not be easily tampered with by Dao Zun.

What's more, when he met Dao Zun, Dao Zun was far from as powerful as he is now.

Dao Wuming didn't mind Jiang Yun's doubts about his own strength. He smiled slightly and said, "I just said that when I came to the Dao Domain, not only could I not remember who I was, but my cultivation had also greatly improved. The level of decline has not yet fully recovered.”

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to let that Dao trap Tianyou's soul in one fell swoop!"

Jiang Yun nodded, sat down again and said, "Then why did you come to the Dao Domain?"

"I was ordered to find the whereabouts of Ji Kongfan, the leader of your Nirvana clan!"

Jiang Yun's body that had just sat down suddenly bounced up again. His eyes were fixed on Dao Wuming. After a long time, he said, "Do you know Xuantong?"

"Xuan Tong!" Upon hearing this name, Dao Wuming frowned and fell into deep thought.

Although he already knew his origin, some memories still seemed unclear. After thinking for a long time, he said with a sudden look on his face: "That's my eldest brother!"


Jiang Yun couldn't help but take a breath!

It turns out that Dao Wuming was the person from the ancient clan who came to find Ji Kongfan's whereabouts after Ji Kongfan created the Dao Domain!

However, he didn't know what he went through back then, which caused him to lose his memory and his cultivation level dropped. So instead of being able to return to the ancient clan, he was kidnapped by the Taoist Master and became the leader of the Taoist Sect.

Xuantong, as Dao Wuming's eldest brother, could never let go of his missing brother, so he secretly entered the battlefield outside the territory from the Celestial Clan, hoping to find Dao Wuming.

But in this way, Jiang Yun's originally confused identity became confusing again.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun has been able to roughly sort out a complete context for all things.

In this world, there was the Celestial Clan first, and then the Ancient Clan. After the Ancient Clan's war, the Ancient Clan and the Celestial Clan were on an equal footing.

Soon after, the Tongtian Sect and the Tongtian Order came, especially the Tongtian Order, which contained a variety of powerful forces, thus creating the Destruction Domain.

The monks who destroyed the realm went on to create countless realms.

In order to find out the purpose and origin of the Tongtian Clan, the two Tiangu clans stopped interfering in the affairs of the Mie Dao and the two realms, and just observed in secret until they discovered Ji Kongfan, the leader of the Nirvana Clan!

In particular, the Nirvana clan disappeared inexplicably. Ji Kongfan led the nine slave clans to open up a Tao realm, fake death, and escape into reincarnation.

This also aroused great interest in the Tiangu clan, and each sent a clansman to find Ji Kongfan's whereabouts, hoping to find out the truth behind the disappearance of the Nirvana clan.

As a result, the people sent by the Tian Clan did not gain anything at all and went back to answer their orders.

But the clan member sent by the ancient clan, namely Dao Wuming, encountered an accident. Not only did his cultivation level drop, but he also lost his memory. He was trapped by Dao Zun and became the leader of the Taoist Sect!

At this time, Dao Wuming asked: "How do you know my eldest brother's name?"

Jiang Yun did not hide anything: "I met your eldest brother on the battlefield outside the domain. He was worried that you had entered the Dao domain and did not return, so he came to find you!"

A wry smile appeared on Dao Wuming's face and he said, "It's been countless years since we parted ways. I really don't have the shame to see him."

Jiang Yun asked again: "Senior, why did you suddenly know that Dao Tianyou was captured by Dao Yi?"

"Although I am not a competent father, there is always a ray of my consciousness hidden in Tianyou's soul. Even if he is reincarnated, I will know if he is in danger!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this. Strictly speaking, he and Dao Tianyou could really be regarded as brothers in need.

His soul is protected by a golden lock and Ye Guchen, while Dao Tianyou is protected by his father's consciousness, which cannot be erased even by reincarnation.

"Then where were you?"

Jiang Yun wanted to see if he could find Dao Wuming's true identity through Dao Wuming in front of him.

Just move faster, Dao Wuming shook his head and said: "I was just an ordinary monk before. I realized that Tianyou was in trouble, so I woke up and became Dao Wuming."

"The nearly ten thousand monks are like this!"

Dao Wuming divided the power of assimilation into ten thousand, or even more, and hid it in the bodies of some monks.

If the power of assimilation is not awakened, these monks will live without knowing it.

But once the power of assimilation is awakened, they will all become Dao Wuming from the inside out!

Dao Wuming asked: "By the way, Jiang Yun, how come you have the power of the Celestial Clan and know how to use the Heavenly Curse?"

"As far as I know, not many people know about this heavenly curse technique, even among the Celestial Clan!"

Jiang Yun pondered for a moment, then told the story of his battle with Tianjia on the battlefield outside the territory, and his subsequent battle with Huayu.

Naturally, Jiang Yun still said he didn't know why he was able to come back from the dead.

After hearing Jiang Yun's experience, Dao Wuming said with emotion on his face: "You are a lucky person and you have your destiny. When I saw you for the first time, I knew that your life would never be ordinary!"

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said: "The first time I saw Senior, I was filled with hatred for Senior!"

"Hate?" Dao Wuming waved his hand and said, "You are still an infant, how can you hate me?"

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