Taoist world

Chapter 2777: Cause and Effect

Although the voice was like a whisper, as the voice fell, Dao Wuming, who was always paying attention to Jiang Yun, trembled heavily, frowned, and repeated the four words spoken by the voice.

"The thread of cause and effect!"

Immediately afterwards, Dao Wuming continued to ask: "Even if there is a thread of cause and effect in Jiang Yun's body, except for the living beings involved in the cause and effect, outsiders cannot see it at all. How do you know?"

In the ninety-ninth floor of the Guantian Palace, a voice sounded again: "Because that golden lock seal is also involved in the cause and effect, so I can know it!"

Dao Wuming nodded, his eyebrows almost completely knitted together and said: "Old Karma, why did you appear in this domain? How did you find Jiang Yun and form a karma with him?"

"Is this just a coincidence, or did old man Karma do it on purpose?"

"If it's the latter, then why did Old Man Karma do this?"

A series of questions also came out of Dao Wuming's mouth.

However, just like Jiang Yun, it was naturally impossible for him to get answers to these questions.

"Assuming that these two golden threads were made by Mr. Fair, they can only correspond to the two so-called gifts he gave me."

"The first golden thread just appeared at the time when I was telling you how to ring the giant bell, which was when I settled my grudge with the fair old man."

"Moreover, the shape of the golden thread is not round, but slowly heals into a round shape until it disappears... Could that mean that the grudge between me and Old Fairy has disappeared."

"The time when the second golden thread appeared was when the old man Fairy gave me a farewell gift. Moreover, its shape remained a semicircle and there was no sign of healing..."

"Does that mean that this golden thread means that I have owed Old Man Fair a favor? When I return this favor to him next time, the golden thread will heal into a circle, and Disappear again?"

Jiang Yun's speculation can only go so far.

"However, this matter is not urgent. After all, the first golden thread has existed in my body for nearly a hundred years, and there is nothing strange about me. The second golden thread must be the same, "

"What's more, after I ring this giant bell, I can see Old Fairy again. At that time, I can verify whether my guess is correct!"

Jiang Yun finally put aside his worries about the golden thread for the time being, and turned his consciousness to look around.

With the departure of Mr. Fair, there are now only four people left in the square.

A big man in purple robe, the tall and lanky man he had fought with before, Si Lingrui and himself!

"First help Si Lingrui ring this bell, and then ask him to leave this inheritance world quickly, so that I can have a good fight with Shura and the others for this Tongtian inheritance!"

This Tongtian inheritance has aroused great interest in Jiang Yun.

Next, Jiang Yun also told Si Lingrui the method of ringing the giant bell. However, compared to Old Man Fair, Si Lingrui was really unable to disperse the power of heaven into ten thousand parts, so Jiang Yun also I can only continue to wait for him here.

However, Jiang Yun naturally did not waste time. While waiting, he also continued to master the use of the power of heaven.

"Ancestor, what are you doing!"

At the same time, within the ripples, Tian Yu kept chanting in a voice that only he could hear: "You can obviously pass this third level in an instant, so why are you starting to meditate here again?"

After seeing Jiang Yun smash the mirror with one finger and deducing that Jiang Yun could see the runes on the bell body with his spiritual consciousness, Tian Yu firmly believed that Jiang Yun had an absolute advantage in the inheritance of this power. To surpass Shura and Shaozun and have the ability to reach the end.

Therefore, he increased his bets and wanted to use Jiang Yun to make more money for himself.

But he never expected that Jiang Yun would start meditating again and rush to the next level without any hurry!

Because he couldn't hear the audio conversation between Jiang Yun, Old Man Fair, and Si Lingrui, this made him confused and didn't understand what Jiang Yun was doing.

However, no matter what Jiang Yun was doing, he just hoped that Jiang Yun could quickly continue to pass the level, otherwise, his two pills would be wasted.

The Nine-Return Resurrection Pill doesn't matter, but the Nine-Yuan True Pill is really more important than one's own wealth and life. If he loses to others, he can only find a tree and hang himself.

Long Yu's teasing voice sounded at this moment: "Father, you seem a little nervous!"

Fairy Linglong also said immediately: "I really don't know where you have so much confidence in the monk you chose."

"I think it will take at least another seven days before he can ring the giant bell."

"By that time, the lower realm monks chosen by Brother Long Yu and I should be able to enter the fifth level!"

Although Tian Yu was indeed nervous in his heart, he said unyieldingly: "Tch, why should I be nervous!"

"You two are a bit underestimating me. Didn't I tell you that I don't even care about these two pills? If I lose, I lose!"

Suddenly, another old voice sounded: "Well, now I also want to increase the stakes. I wonder if the three of you agree?"

The owner of this voice chose Chen Siyu!

Chen Siyu never rang the giant bell before, so he didn't dare to increase his bet, but now that he saw that Chen Siyu had also entered the fourth level, he couldn't help but feel a little more hopeful.

Before the other two people could speak, Tian Yu had already refused: "I don't agree, I don't agree. I just asked you to join me, but you didn't join me. Now I have no chance!"

Three days later, another bell rang in the square. This time it came from the tall and thin man who had fought with Jiang Yun before.

And watching him walk into the light door and disappear without a trace, Si Lingrui finally sent a message to Jiang Yun again: "Brother Jiang, I can't do it!"

"Even if I can do it, it will definitely take a long time. If you wait for me here, I will drag you down!"

Si Lingrui's realm and strength are the lowest among all, and his qualifications are not very high. It can be said to be a miracle that he can reach this point.

Now that he saw other people ringing the giant bell one after another, he couldn't calm down at all. It was impossible for him to divide his heavenly power into ten thousand parts in a short period of time.

Hearing Si Lingrui's words, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He knew that Si Lingrui was telling the truth, and it was indeed impossible for him to wait here endlessly.

Moreover, including the tall and thin man, the number of people who have entered the fourth level has now reached five.

This inheritance was left to you by your parents, so you have to fight for it no matter what!

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Okay, then you stay here first. I think it should be safe here for the time being, at least there is no danger to your life."

"I will also pass other levels as soon as possible, and then come back to pick you up and leave together!"

Although Si Lingrui didn't want to stay here alone, at this point, he had no other choice but to accept his fate and sigh: "Okay, but before you leave, I'd better tell Si Lingxiao's matter first Let me tell you!"

"In this case, even if I die, at least I have lived up to my ancestor's trust!"

Jiang Yun could tell that Si Lingrui's attitude was already quite negative, and he even believed that he was certain to die. There was really nothing he could do about it.

"You say it, and I listen!"

Si Lingrui was silent for a moment before saying: "Before I tell you Si Lingxiao's origin, I first want to tell you the biggest secret about my creation clan."

Si Lingrui's first words made Jiang Yun frown slightly.

He and the Chuangsheng royal family were not even friends, but Si Lingrui wanted to tell him the biggest secret of their family. This was really unreasonable.

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