Taoist world

Chapter 3676: Free to go (repair)

Old Man Karma's domineering words shocked everyone again.

Originally, they thought that Old Man Karma was just trying to rescue Jiang Yun from the hands of the Thirteen Great Heavenly Lords.

However, he didn't expect that from now on, he would still protect Jiang Yun!

Although Jiang Yun has found Hidden Sky and Qiankun Auction House, the other monks don't know.

Therefore, in their view, Jiang Yun, who was originally floating like a rootless duckweed in the gathering area of ​​​​the heavens, now has a backer!

Moreover, this is not just an ordinary backer, but is even taller than Jiang Yun's father Jiang Qiuyang. It is a mountain that even the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords cannot climb!

With Old Man Karma as his backer, Jiang Yun can really run amok in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

The most shocked ones at this moment are naturally the thirteen Great Celestials.

Although they had to let Jiang Yun go today, it was only for today. If they had the chance to see Jiang Yun again in the future, they would not let him go.

But what Old Man Yu said now made them have to give up this idea completely.

If you touch Jiang Yun again, it will be like provoking old man Karma.

And the consequences of provoking old man Karma are something none of them can bear.

If they were not afraid of Old Man Karma, there would be no need to let Jiang Yun go now.

Zhenque Tianzun's face could no longer remain calm. He hesitated for a moment and then said with a sullen face: "Senior Karma, I think you should also know what Jiang Yun did to me, Zhenque Tianzun!"

"From now on, senior, you have to protect him, so will all the things he did before and the grievances he had with me, Zhen Quetian, be wiped out?"

"Even if I agree, how can I explain it to my disciples?"

After hearing what Tianzun Zhenque said, Old Man Yu reached out and stroked his beard and said, "I said I would protect him, but I didn't mean to allow him to act recklessly."

"I'm not such an unreasonable person."

"No matter what outrageous things Jiang Yun has done before, he must have targeted people with the same level of strength as him."

"Whoever wants to seek revenge from him has to go and I won't stop him."

"However, if some people want to bully the small and think that they can do whatever they want to them without the protection of their elders, then you can give it a try!"

Everyone finally understood the meaning of the old man's words.

Old Man Yin and Yang did not object to someone looking for trouble with Jiang Yun or taking action against Jiang Yun, but only for those who were at the same level of strength as Jiang Yun.

Those reincarnation and powerful Heavenly Masters, especially the Great Heavenly Masters, dared to deal with Jiang Yun regardless of their status, but the old man of cause and effect would not agree.

There was a faint cold light in the eyes of Zhenque Tianzun. This old man of cause and effect was clearly targeting the thirteen of them.

However, he didn't dare to have an attack yet, so he could only look at Old Man Yu and nodded coldly.

The old man Qiu bowed his hands to everyone again and said: "Everyone, thank you for giving me face. I have something else to do, so I won't delay here any longer."

"I'll take my leave first!"

"Jiang Yun, let's go!"

Just when Old Man Yu was about to take Jiang Yun away, Gu Yang, the Gu family who had never spoken, suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

Hearing Guyang speak, Zhenque Tianzun's face suddenly lit up.

Although he didn't dare to do anything to Old Karma, he hoped that someone would stand up, not to mention resisting, but at least question Old Man Karma.

Now, since Gu Yang has taken the initiative to stand up, maybe there is still a chance to reverse what happened today.

Old Man Yu turned to look at Guyang and said, "Why, do you have anything else to do?"

Guyang smiled slightly and said: "Senior Karma, since you have returned to the All Heavens Gathering Area, does that mean you can go there freely?"

Upon hearing Gu Yang's words, the other monks looked at a loss and didn't understand what the "there" in Gu Yang's words specifically meant.

But the expressions of the rest of the Great Heavenly Lords, including Jiang Yun, all changed.

However, the faces of the Great Heavenly Lords became more happy, while Jiang Yun's face became ugly.

Because Jiang Yun knew very well that the place Guyang mentioned was the lower domain where he was!

The lower domain where I am located has many secrets that I still don’t know the answers to.

For example, the void seal was left by the void god.

For example, some monks are inextricably linked to the All Heavens Gathering Area.

Even those monks, until now, don't even know their true identities.

Jiang Yun had always wondered why no one dared to go to his lower domain.

Later he learned that, apart from the fact that the angel patrol did not allow people to follow him in, the most important reason was that there was old man Karma sitting there.

Now, Old Man Karma has left the lower domain and came to the All Heavens Gathering Domain. Doesn't that mean that he is no longer in charge of the lower domain.

Without the presence of Old Man Karma, the Lower Realm is equivalent to opening the door, and all monks from the All Heavens Gathering Realm will be allowed to enter freely!

In the lower domain, there are too many people and things that Jiang Yun cares about.

If these powerful men from the All-Heaven Gathering Domain are really allowed to enter, it may bring disaster to the creatures in the Lower Domain at any time!

After all, among the lower realms, the strongest one is the real life realm.

Back then, a group of monks from the Real Life Realm in Babu Tian almost overturned the lower realm.

Now if someone from the Law Breaking Realm, the Reincarnation Realm, or even the Heavenly Lord, the Great Heavenly Lord and others enter the lower realm, Jiang Yun simply cannot imagine the consequences.

Jiang Yun suddenly looked at Old Man Karma, really hoping that he could give a negative answer and put an end to the thoughts of the Great Heavenly Lords in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

However, after being silent for a moment, Old Man Yiye nodded and said, "That's it!"


Hearing the answer from the old man Yin and Yang, Gu Yang laughed out loud without concealing it. He cupped his fists and saluted the old man Yin and Yang and said, "Thank you, senior Yin and Yang, Gu knows!"

Most of the other twelve Great Heavenly Lords also showed joy on their faces.

The dissatisfaction and regret that had surged in my heart because I had to let Jiang Yun go suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Being able to go to the Lower Domain is of great significance to them, even more than catching Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun's heart sank to the bottom, and he wondered if Old Man Yu had left the Lower Domain in order to save himself.

If so, then I would rather stay in the hands of the thirteen great gods than hope that the lower realm will not be protected by the old man Karma.

Old Man Karma saw everyone's reaction in his eyes and said calmly: "Although I am no longer there, I still want to advise you, everything must be measured and don't go too far."

"Otherwise, even you may not be able to bear the consequences!"


After the words fell, old man Karma didn't give the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords a chance to speak again. After winking at Jiang Yun, he led Jiang Yun and strode out of the boundary.

Although Jiang Yun had many things to ask Old Man Yu, he did not dare to speak at the moment, so he could only follow behind Old Man Yu and walk silently.

In this way, Jiang Yun and Old Man Yiwu slowly walked out of this world under everyone's gaze.

The hundreds of millions of cultivators who were watching outside the boundary once again made way for the two of them to pass until they disappeared from sight.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun heard an old voice in his ears: "Jiang Yun, if you have time in the future, come to Fengmingtian."

"I have something to tell you!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he knew that the person speaking must be the Great Heavenly Lord.

Maybe, he is his grandfather!

Jiang Yun did indeed want to visit Feng Mingtian, but he never had the chance.

But now that the Fateful Heavenly Lord has personally invited him, and the danger of the trials in the heavens has been lifted, it may be time for him to go there.

Old Man Yu and Jiang Yun, after leaving everyone's sight, suddenly said in a deep voice: "Let's speed up and leave the Sky Survey Territory quickly."

"You don't have to worry, I was entrusted by your grandfather to help you!"

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