Taoist world

Chapter 695 The final blow

Jiang Yun played one trump card after another, catching Yue Qing off guard and in a panic.

It also allowed him to finally no longer worry about the consequences of the collapse of the mountain and sea realm, and he unleashed his true cultivation, summoning his own clone to end it all.

However, Jiang Yun also thought that Yue Qing's clone was cultivated by Taoist spirits.

The Spirit-Scattering Whip is specially designed to attack Taoist Spirits!

At this moment, the soul-locking incense in Yue Qing's body has not completely expired, so he is still unable to move and can only let his clone attack Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun also realized that this might be his last chance!

If he could seriously injure Yue Qing's Taoist spirit, then his true self would feel the same way, making it possible for him to escape.

Otherwise, if he waits until Yue Qing regains his ability to move, he will definitely lose today.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's last two preparations finally came into use.

The wick of the flameless puppet lamp is lit directly.

Countless humanoid life fires swarmed out, pouring into Jiang Yun's body layer by layer, turning into a fiery red mark like a brand on Jiang Yun's body.

Fate Fire Seal!

After eight years of no return, the total number of lives killed by the Taoist sect exceeded one hundred thousand.

Now, as Jiang Yun faced Yue Qing's fist, the life fire seal composed of one hundred thousand life fires was all imprinted on his body in an instant.

Countless life fire marks dyed his hair red, dyed his eyes red, dyed his body red, making Jiang Yun seem to be wrapped in flames and covered in blood.

Jiang Yun's body collided with Yue Qing's fist, and the Spirit-Spreading Whip in his hand gathered all the spiritual energy in his body and hit Yue Qing's body hard!

This is Jiang Yun's final blow!

At the same time that Yue Qing's clone appeared, Dao Lian'er and Mutian, who were fighting outside the Mountain and Sea Realm, all stopped involuntarily and looked at the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Naturally, they all sensed Yue Qing's burst of cultivation, which also puzzled them both.

Mu Tian said with a surprised look on his face: "In this wilderness, there are still people who can force Yue Qing to use all his cultivation!"

"Isn't this the person he wants to arrest?"

Daolian'er also had a look of shock on her face.

Although she didn't know what happened, she disagreed with Mutian's last sentence.

Because according to Dao Tianyou, the strength of the leader of the Dao Dao branch is only at the cave heaven level.

How could a monk in the Cave Heaven Realm push a dignified patrol envoy to the point where he unleashed his entire cultivation base?

However, now she ignored her curiosity and realized the seriousness of the matter, so she glared at Mutian fiercely.

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"Mu, if Yue Qing only kidnapped the leader of my branch, I think the Taoist sect might not cause trouble for you."

"But if this Shanhai Realm is completely destroyed and all the disciples of our Shanhaidao Branch Sect die, then you and I will be mortal enemies from now on!"

Even though Dao Lian'er and Mutian fought for a long time, in fact, the two sects were both Nine Dao Sects, and they had no deep grudges against each other, so neither of them really used their full strength.

But now, Dao Lian'er is really anxious.

But Mutian still looked alright, the shock on his face turned into an indifferent smile and said: "Dao Lian'er, you don't need to scare me here."

"You Taoist Sect has branch sects, but my Qiudao Sect doesn't have branch sects!"

"Do you think the sect leaders of our two major sects would go to war just because a mere branch sect was destroyed?"

This is true, the Nine Dao Sect has many branch sects in various worlds.

For example, there are more than 10,000 branch sects of the Taoist sect. If one or two are wiped out, they will not be put in the eyes of the main sect leader.

Even if Mu Tian destroyed the Taoist branch, it would be impossible for the two major sects to enmity over a mere branch in the wilderness.

However, Dao Lian'er said coldly: "Just a branch?"

"In less than ten years, our Shanhai branch has been promoted to two levels in a row, and the light of inquiry has been born!"

"You should know what the light of inquiry means to me, the Taoist sect, right?"


Upon hearing these words, Mutian's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Of course he knows what the Light of Asking is, and he also knows better how important the branch sect that gave birth to the Light of Asking is to the main sect of Asking.

If such a branch sect is destroyed, it is really possible that the two sects of Dao Dao and Qiudao will become real enemies from now on.

But he was a little unwilling, so he let Dao Lian'er enter the mountain and sea world to rescue the leader of their branch sect.

Dao Lian'er then said: "In addition, do I need to remind you again that if this world of mountains and seas is destroyed, then your Taoist disciples will probably not escape the same disaster!"

Mutian's expression finally changed completely. He really didn't expect this!

Speaking of this, Dao Lian'er suddenly frowned and said, "Mu Tian, ​​if you have time to stop me here, why don't you take the opportunity to rescue your Daozi!"


Mutian was speechless.

He also asked the sect master this question back then, but the sect master told him extremely sternly that he would never be allowed to set foot in the mountain and sea realm again within a hundred years.

Otherwise, it will be dealt with according to the sect’s regulations.

Now facing Dao Lian'er's questioning, he can't tell the truth because your Gu Bu Lao of the Taoist Sect left a threatening message, and our leader of the Taoist Sect also accepted the threat...

"That Yue Qing and I have a special holiday and it's inconvenient to meet." Mutian made up a reason and said: "Well, I won't stop you, but after you enter the Shanhai Realm, you must find our sect's Taozi and take him out together. .”

Dao Lian'er took a deep look at Mutian. Although she was a little confused, she didn't think much about it and nodded: "Okay!"

Mutian finally stepped aside to get out of the way, and Dao Lian'er didn't waste any more time. With a flash of golden lotus, he rushed towards the entrance of the Mountain and Sea Realm.


The sounds made by Yue Qing's fist hitting Jiang Yun's body and the sound made by the Spirit-Spreading Whip hitting Yue Qing's body merged into one sound and sounded almost simultaneously.

With one blow, the expressions of both of them changed instantly!

Although Yue Qing already attaches great importance to Jiang Yun, he also knows that anything that appears in Jiang Yun's hand may contain great power.

However, he still did not expect that the whip held in Jiang Yun's hand would actually be a magic weapon specially designed to defeat Taoist spirits!

Even the Taoist Hidden Taoist Sword could not cause any harm to him, so naturally he would not go out of his way to guard against this spirit-dispersing whip.

Therefore, at the moment he was struck by the whip, a sharp pain suddenly surged out of his soul.

It even made him vaguely feel that his Taoist spirit was about to collapse.

Fortunately, at this time, the smoke of the soul-locking incense in his body had disappeared, and he hurriedly took the Taoist clone into his body.

But even so, my face became extremely pale.

No matter how high your cultivation level is, once the Taoist spirit is injured, it will have a great impact on the deity.

Obviously, Yue Qing was truly injured now, and it should not be taken lightly.

Looking at Jiang Yun again, after receiving the punch from Yue Qing's clone, the Hundred Thousand Life Fire Seal on his body suddenly collapsed layer by layer and turned into nothingness.

However, only half of the power of Yue Qing's fist was eliminated, and the remaining power was about to continue pouring into Jiang Yun's body.

Once it surged in, even though Yue Qing controlled the power of his fist, it was enough to completely destroy Jiang Yun's Dantian and turn him into a useless person.

Jiang Yun's face had become extremely calm, and his eyes even showed a hint of relief.

"it is finally over……"

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