Taoist world

Chapter 7719: Missing the Dao Realm

The soul clan is a Taoist cultivator, and Xiu Yue is also a Taoist cultivator. At this moment, although Jiang Yun is contending with the Wuding Soul Fire, the person who actually controls the Wuding Soul Fire is Xiu Yue.

What he exerted was also the power of the soul.

As for the soul beast, as the origin of the law, the competition between the soul beast and the unfixed soul fire is naturally a battle between Tao and law.

"What is this?"

Xiu Yue also saw the soul beast and frowned, unable to see the true face of the soul beast for a while.

However, he doesn't care!

Being in the Undetermined Soul Fire, using the Undetermined Soul Fire to deal with Jiang Yun, no matter what methods Jiang Yun had, when he thought about it, there was absolutely no way he could be the opponent of the Undetermined Soul Fire.

As the two watched, the body of the soul beast that had come to the four soul fire dragons suddenly expanded.

As if swallowing, it directly absorbed the four-day soul fire dragon into its body.

"Ho ho ho!"

It was clearly visible that the four soul fire dragons seemed to be stuck in a swamp, their bodies twisted wildly, and they let out bursts of roars, trying to break free from the soul beast's body.

The soul beast's newly expanded body quickly began to shrink again, squeezing the four soul fire dragons, causing their body twists and roars to become smaller and smaller.

Even their originally huge bodies began to become smaller as the soul beasts shrank.

This time, Xiu Yue, who was calm and composed, couldn't help but change his expression again: "This is the breath of law!"

"As a Taoist cultivator, you actually understood the law of the soul!"

Xiu Yue sensed the essence of the soul beast and realized that Jiang Yun had understood the law of the soul, but he still didn't care much.

In the vast world, there are not many monks practicing both Taoism and Dharma.

"In other places, your Soul Law may be able to compete with the Soul Avenue."

"But this is the Infinite Soul Fire. What you do is tantamount to hitting an egg against a stone!"

"Let's fight again!"

Xiu Yue raised his hand and saw around him, a large amount of Indeterminate Soul Fire, like warriors who had received orders, flying towards him and condensing into a giant standing tall on the sky and the earth!

The giant has no facial features, and his face is nothingness, but it seems to contain countless facial features.

And his limbs and body were shining with a faint golden light!

Great golden body!

Xiu Yue is a half-step of transcendence, and he has naturally cultivated his own golden body.

Now, it is condensed with the Unfixed Soul Fire.

The purpose is to compete with the source of the rules of the soul!


Xiu Yue's great golden body raised his feet and took a step towards Jiang Yun.

At the same time, a ball of soul fire emerged from his palm and was thrown towards Jiang Yun!

This ball of soul fire alone made Jiang Yun feel a sense of danger in his heart!

Fortunately, that soul beast also felt the danger, and its body suddenly shrank and swelled!

After shrinking, it turned into the size of a palm, completely crushing the four soul fire dragons in its body.

The ensuing swelling caused its body to expand rapidly as if it were inflated, and it also became upright, even on par with Xiu Yue's golden body of the Great Dao!

The soul beast directly swallowed the thrown soul fire, and then rushed towards Xiu Yue's golden body.

Jiang Yun understood that the soul beast still wanted to continue the Taoist dispute with Xiu Yue!

Although Jiang Yun wanted to help the soul beast, he also knew that he could only use his soul power now, so even if he took action, he wouldn't be able to help the soul beast much.

But of course, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Although the soul beast is the origin of the law of soul, it is not complete.

There are two soul beasts in Weiyang Nu's place.

One was given to Jiang Yun, and the other was forcibly taken away by Jiang Yun and placed in the hidden peak space to help Shura and others improve their soul power.

With only half of the origin of the law, it is unlikely to be the opponent of Wuding Soul Fire.

Therefore, Jiang Yun looked around, his mind racing, thinking about what he could do to help the soul beast and himself.

This is the inside of the Wuding Soul Fire. Naturally, all Jiang Yun can see is the Wuding Soul Fire.

"Immortal Soul Fire!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up.

The purpose of coming to the soul clan is to absorb the Wuding Soul Fire.

But now that he has been exposed to the Undetermined Soul Fire, and a soul beast has temporarily blocked Xiu Yue, why not just start absorbing the Undetermined Soul Fire immediately!

Jiang Yun's original plan was to wait until Xiu Yue was dealt with before concentrating on absorbing the soul fire.

After all, there are too many uncertainties in absorbing the Uncertain Soul Fire, and there is no room for interference from others.

But Xiu Yue's control over the Undetermined Soul Fire greatly exceeded Jiang Yun's expectations, and made Jiang Yun no match at all, so it was better to start absorbing the Undetermined Soul Fire directly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun opened his mouth without moving his body, activated all the soul power in his body, and sucked hard!

Although Jiang Yun's soul power is not as good as Xiu Yue's, if it is only used to absorb the Wuding Soul Fire, its power is still amazing.

He saw a ball of flame suddenly emerge from the Wuding Soul Fire, like a fire dragon, rushing directly towards Jiang Yun's mouth.


With the soul fire entering his belly, Jiang Yun let out a long breath and immediately inhaled hard again.

The second ball of soul fire also rushed into his mouth.

And over there, the soul beast and Xiu Yue's golden body of the Great Dao were already fighting together.

As for Xiu Yue, he naturally saw Jiang Yun's actions.

Instead of stopping Jiang Yun, he said with a sneer on his face: "Absorbing the Wuding Soul Fire like this, you think you don't die fast enough!"

The strong men of the Soul Clan in the past generations, including Xiu Yue himself, all used this method to absorb the Unfixed Soul Fire, hoping to fully control it.

But unfortunately, until now, no one has been able to succeed.

Therefore, in Xiu Yue's view, Jiang Yun was seeking death.

If it is allowed to be absorbed, the final result will be that Jiang Yun's soul will be fused with the Wuding Soul Fire.

This is indeed the case!

When the second ball of flame poured into Jiang Yun's mouth, the Wuding Soul Fire's body seemed to be angered, and the flames suddenly surged.

As a result, there was no need for Jiang Yun to take the initiative to absorb it. A continuous flame poured out from the body of the Unfixed Soul Fire and rushed towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

Absorbing the Indeterminate Soul Fire, regardless of the unfamiliar power contained in it, the size of the Indeterminate Soul Fire alone is terrifyingly large.

If he absorbs it slowly and refines it while absorbing a little bit, then as long as there is enough time, Jiang Yun can naturally absorb the entire Wuding Soul Fire.

But now the Indeterminate Soul Fire is coming all at once, giving Jiang Yun no time to refine it at all.

It doesn't require much soul fire at all, and Jiang Yun's soul can be exploded in no time.

Once the soul exploded, Jiang Yun was in turn fused with the Wuding Soul Fire.

But looking at Wuding Soul Fire's fierce reaction, even if Jiang Yun wanted to give up absorbing it now, he couldn't do it.

At this time, Jiang Yun missed his guardian world extremely!

In addition to merging with the physical body, Jiang Yun's soul also has a powerful place, that is, it can transform into heaven and earth!

As Jiang Yun's strength increased, the area of ​​the guardian Tao Realm was constantly expanding, enough to accommodate the body of Wuding Soul Fire.

"It's a pity that the Guardian Realm is..."

Jiang Yun's soliloquy suddenly stopped before he finished speaking.

Because, he actually sensed the aura guarding the Taoist world!

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