Taoist world

Chapter 7726: Moths Fly into the Flame

Jiang Yun was in the guardian world, and all directions were still filled with seemingly endless soul fire, making it impossible for people to see clearly what was going on inside.

But under the cover of these soul fires, there are almost transparent light groups that are constantly pouring into Jiang Yun's body.

These light groups are souls!

However, they do not have any consciousness and have become energy bodies like aura.

The reason why the Unfixed Soul Fire is powerful is that it can absorb the souls of the creatures in the cauldron.

The soul is like firewood. Only by constantly adding it to the fire can the soul fire not only continue to burn, but also burn more and more prosperously.

Before, Jiang Yun had been thinking about how to absorb the Wuding Soul Fire.

But after understanding the nature of the Indeterminate Soul Fire, he changed his mind and absorbed the souls within it.

Therefore, the rush out of guarding the Dao Realm just now seems to be swallowing up the Unfixed Soul Fire, but the real target is the souls hidden in it.

Facts have proved that Jiang Yun's decision was right.

As these souls were annexed by the Guardian Realm, the strength of Wuding Soul Fire immediately began to be weakened.

Especially at this moment, the influx of these souls not only allowed Jiang Yun's injury to heal quickly, but also the consumed soul power was being replenished crazily.

As long as Jiang Yun can absorb all these souls, the Indeterminate Soul Fire will lose the supply of firewood, and the fire will gradually weaken until it eventually goes out.


Xiu Yue's eyes widened, and what was revealed in his dark eyes was no longer hatred, but all turned into shock.

He continued to roar: "These souls are all mine. It is their glory that they can be absorbed by me, and it is also their final destination. They cannot be absorbed by you!"

Jiang Yun looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Actually, you are just as pathetic as Xiu Yue."

"Your soul should not have been born and should not have appeared in this world."

"I don't know if it was a coincidence or someone did it deliberately to give you a soul."

"But you shouldn't think that you are really the supreme being, that you are higher than any other life, that you are the master of all souls!"

Wuding Soul Fire made Xiu Yue work for him. Although it did deceive Xiu Yue and gave him some promises that were impossible to fulfill, at least it did not deceive Xiu Yue.

It truly believes that its own life form is higher than any other life form, and that it is the master of the souls in this world.

In its eyes, the souls of all living beings after death belong to it, so all living beings need to surrender to it.

But now, Jiang Yun actually snatched away these souls in its body, which was unacceptable to it.

And Jiang Yun's words made him roar even more angrily: "I was born to be the master of the soul. If you don't believe it, just watch it!"

"The soul is attracted by the soul!"

Above Xiu Yue's eyebrows, a rune exuding a simple and powerful aura suddenly appeared. It was not Xiu Yue's soul pattern, but the soul pattern of Wuding Soul Fire!

The appearance of this soul mark alone can show that Wudi Soul Fire is, in the final analysis, also a monk.


Xiu Yue's eyebrows suddenly exploded, and ten light groups of different sizes flew out.

Inside each light group, there is a small Xiuyue.

Jiang Yun looked at the ten light groups and knew in his heart that these were Xiu Yue's three souls and seven souls.

Ten light groups quickly condensed in the air and turned into the appearance of Xiu Yue, but his body was transparent and his face was blank.

Jiang Yun has seen too many soul bodies, but this is the first time he has seen it like this, where the soul is divided into three souls and seven souls, separated from the body, and then reassembled into a complete soul.

Although the Wuding Soul Fire has been occupying Xiu Yue's body, it has not erased or swallowed up his soul.

However, now Wuding Soul Fire was so angry that it first pulled out the soul of its loyal believer.

After Xiu Yue's soul appeared, it was suspended in the air blankly, staring at his own body, obviously not understanding what was going on.

As for Xiu Yue's physical body, there was still a popping sound of "bang bang bang".

A large number of cracks appeared on his body, and transparent things like tentacles protruded from them.

These transparent objects are actually the limbs of the Unfixed Soul Fire.

Because the soul of Wuding Soul Fire is a mixture of the souls of all living beings, it no longer has the shape of any race.

It has no limbs, no head, no body, and no fixed shape.

This is the real origin of the name "Wuding".

"Buzz buzz!"

Immediately afterwards, the soul pattern of the Wuding Soul Fire emitted thousands of rays of light, spreading in all directions, making the space tremble.

Groups of light surged out from the Wuding Soul Fire's body one by one, heading toward the clawed limbs of the Wuding Soul Fire and approaching the ten soul guards.

The soul of Xiu Yue was the first to bear the brunt, and was directly grabbed by a tentacle and integrated into it.

And the light and vibration emitted by the soul pattern also spread farther away. In an instant, it was millions of miles away.

Jiang Yun's consciousness could clearly see that in the areas covered by these lights, souls began to emerge one by one.

Those are the souls of other creatures in the Soul Realm!

The Wuding Soul Fire actually extracted the souls of these creatures, and it was clearly intended to absorb the souls of all the creatures in the entire Hunyou Domain and turn them into part of it to serve as its firewood so that it could burn more vigorously. , more durable!

Facing the Wuding Soul Fire, which was almost in a state of madness, and facing its various actions, Jiang Yun's face was not filled with disgust or hatred, but instead had a touch of sympathy.

Because as he just said, the soul without fixed soul fire should not appear in the first place!

The souls of all living beings are blended together, which is equivalent to blending the personalities and consciousness of countless living beings together. What is created is simply a monster!

Since he is a monster, it is not surprising that the other party does crazy things.

However, Jiang Yun certainly would not sit idly by and let the other party behave so recklessly.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Hun, come!"

After the words fell, the guardian world around Jiang Yun suddenly turned into a waterfall of light again and submerged into his body, making him stand there alone like a soldier who had taken off his armor, only the soul fire was still on his body. Burning.

Strange to say, after Jiang Yun withdrew the guardian of the Dao Realm, at this moment, whether it was the light groups pouring out from the Wuding Soul Fire or the souls of living beings pouring in from all directions in the Soul Nether Realm, they actually He really had a part, changed direction, and rushed towards Jiang Yun!

In short, at this moment, Jiang Yun and Wu Dinghunhuo were like two dazzling fires in the darkness.

And those souls and light groups turned into moths.

They can choose which fire to throw themselves at!

At the same time, Dingxin Territory and Danlu surface!

Jiang Yiyun looked up in a certain direction, frowned, and murmured: "You really make me worry!"

"It's only been a few days, and I've actually gone to the Soul Clan again, and even used the power of the Soul Clan's chain!"

"That guy, stop talking about me. Beichenzi can't do anything to him, but you still dare to provoke him."

"I can't save you this time, so you can only wish for yourself!"

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