Taoist world

Chapter 7756 Exactly the same

Just when Beichenzi went to find the nine Ding Wai Chao Detao and prepared to unite them to find Jiang Yiyun, the figure of Ten Thousand Lords ushered in the Jitian Law Domain.

The loss of the Soul Nether Realm and the disappearance of the Wuding Soul Fire made Wan Zhu finally understand why Zixu was so afraid of Jiang Yun.

He also had to worry about whether Jiang Yun would come to trouble him again.

And he really didn't know much about Jiang Yun, so he had to discuss with Zixu how to deal with Jiang Yun next.

After listening to Wan Zhu's account of his fight with Jiang Yun, Zixu didn't have any special reaction.

To be honest, this result was within his expectation.

It was as if there was a drop of candle dragon blood in his body back then.

He believed that there must be more secrets hidden in Jiang Yun, which is why Jiang Yun's strength is unfathomable.

He reminded Wan Zhu to be on guard against Jiang Yun, not out of good intentions, but just wanted to use Wan Zhu's hand to test Jiang Yun's strength again.

"Alas!" Zixu sighed and said, "I don't have any good ideas here."

"You must also know that not long ago, I invited some other domain owners to come to my place and told them about Jiang Yun."

"Some of them didn't believe it, so I took them to the Daoxing Territory."

"As a result, with the combined efforts of all of us, we were unable to break through the protection of the Daoxing Domain."

"Therefore, whether it is Jiang Yun or Daoxing, it is like a big mountain to us, which is difficult to conquer."

Wan Zhu looked shocked and said: "How can the protection of Daoxing Great Domain be so strong?"

Zixu pondered and said: "I have several people from the Daoxing Territory here. They speculate that the defensive measures were not made by Jiang Yun, but were left by a transcendent strong man who had left the Daoxing Territory."

Wan Zhu suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, with light shining in his eyes. He stared at Zi Xu and lowered his voice and said: "Brother Zi, is there no transcendent strong person born in your domain? Is there no transcendent strong person left behind to rely on? ?”

Zixu nodded and said, "Of course."

"I think that not only our Jitian Law Domain, but also your Ten Thousand Lords Law Domain, and most of the great domains that have given birth to transcendent powerful men, should have similar reliance!"

Wan Zhu didn't speak anymore, just stared at Zixu.

Zixu obviously understood what Lord Wan meant, and said with a cold smile: "Brother Wan, there's no need to look at me like that, those are treasures at the bottom of the box, for life-saving purposes!"

"Until it's a real life-and-death situation, if it were you, would you be willing to use it?"

Indeed, most of the transcendent powerful men born in other great regions would leave something behind before leaving the cauldron.

Their purpose is not to protect their respective regions, but just to protect their families, sects, relatives and friends.

And with the start of the Dao-Law dispute, domain lords like Zixu Ten Thousand Lords will naturally collect more or less similar things.

However, they all regard these things as their own personal belongings, and of course they are not willing to use them in the battle between the big domain and the big domain.

Although the Daoxing Great Region is a tough one, there are still many Daoxiang Great Regions left. It is impossible for them to use these things to capture the Daoxing Great Region now.

Wan Zhu smiled coquettishly and hurriedly changed the subject: "Then Jiang Yun is very likely to have obtained the Unfixed Soul Fire, and Brother Zi also knows the function of the Unfixed Soul Fire."

"This will undoubtedly make him more powerful, so we still need to find a way to kill him quickly first!"

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

Zixu nodded, looked in one direction and said: "There is only one way, which is the place to prove it!"

"As far as I know, there are already many monks going to the place where they should be certified, and they want to try to see if they can lead the way."

"If you can really pass the place of certification and become a leader, it is equivalent to being blessed with luck. Not only is it good for you, but you can also use luck to strengthen the strength of Dharma or Taoism."

"When the time comes, we will be more confident whether we destroy the Daoxing Domain or kill Jiang Yun!"

"Brother Wan, aren't you ready to give it a try?"

Although many people are interested in the place to be certified, they also have concerns.

Especially strong men like Zixu and Wanzhu who are already the masters of a large area.

If they are really the ones leading the way in Dharma cultivation, then everything is easy to say, but if they do not pass the place of certification, it will have a great impact on them.

The simplest thing is that in the future, they must obey the orders of the Dharma cultivator.

At their status, how can they be willing to submit to others and sacrifice their lives for others?

Therefore, they both want to go but also don’t want to go.

Wan Zhu looked at Zixu and said: "Of course I want to give it a try, but I am a little worried. I wonder if Brother Zi has any intention?"

"If so, why don't we go together?"

Zixu smiled slightly and said: "I have made appointments with several other people to go together."

"If I could walk with Brother Wan again, I would naturally wish for it."


Zixu suddenly paused. After turning his head and looking around, he changed his voice and said, "If Brother Wan wants to go together, we must reach some agreements first."

Wan Zhu was slightly startled and said: "What agreement?"

Zixu said softly: "If the leader of Dharma cultivation is among you and me, then others must not have any evil intentions."

"We need to assist each other to win the final victory in the battle between Tao and Fa."

""If the leader is not among you and me, then we will join forces and kill him! "

Kill the leader!

Wan Zhu's face showed a look of shock. He was about to speak, but Zixu had already waved his hand and said: "Brother Wan, there is no need to be so pretentious. Don't tell me that you don't have this idea!"

"You just need to tell me whether you agree or not!"

Who can become the leader of a territory, who is not a scheming and ruthless person? How can he be willing to let others be the leader!

Zixu didn't believe it at all. Wan Zhu had never thought of killing the leader of the Fa Cultivator!

"Haha!" The shock on Master Wan's face was instantly replaced by a smile. He rubbed his palms and said, "It made Brother Zi laugh."

"Before I answer, can Brother Zi tell me first, besides you and me, who else has Brother Zi found to accompany you?"

Zixu naturally understood what Lord Wan meant, and said calmly: "Don't worry, their status and strength are on par with ours. Together with Brother Wan, there are four of them!"

"Moreover, one of them is contacting Qiu Yulong, saying that there is a high probability that Qiu Yulong will agree. In that case, there will be five people!"

Wan Zhu was silent, weighing the consequences of agreeing and refusing in his mind.

The five domain lords join forces. Although the number of people is not large, but they can be favored by Zixu, the overall strength of their large domain will not be weak.

The five jurisdictions put together may even be able to compete with all other jurisdictions.

Therefore, after a while, Wan Zhu nodded vigorously and said: "Brother Zi is willing to tell me such an important matter because he thinks highly of me. If I don't agree, wouldn't I be too ignorant!"

"Okay!" Zi Xu smiled slightly and said, "Brother Wan will stay with me for a few days, waiting for them to arrive."

At the same time, in a certain area within the cauldron, a bloody figure sat cross-legged, looking at an unconscious figure in front of him.

If someone could see these two people, they would find that the two figures look exactly the same.

It’s all Jiang Yun!

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