These five poachers were escorted down the mountain by members of the forest ranger team such as Zhou Hancai and Yang Wei.

The staff of the forest public security department have already gathered into the mountain, and I believe that they will meet in the afternoon.

After Lin Bei and Luo Tianyou arranged the relevant matters, in order to be able to observe more, this rare antelope was specially stayed.


When Lin Bei caught the poachers, they did not disturb the takin, so at this time it was still grazing leisurely on the hillside.

As the drone got closer, the figure of the takin became clearer.

At this time, it is enjoying the tender grass on the hillside.

Suddenly, I don't know if I noticed the movement of the drone overhead.

The takin actually looked up at the drone hovering overhead.

Its thick white hair was stained with some dark yellow earth.

The short tail keeps repelling mosquitoes.

Big eyes look at the drone lens without blinking.

Those dark eyes seemed to carry a trace of aura that no other animal had.

"Good fellow, this takin is really big."

"That's estimated to be hundreds of pounds, right?"

"Haha, you look at its little eyes, it seems to be very curious."

"Is it so sensitive to hearing? It seems that the UAV has already been discovered.

"Anchor anchor, is this really called an antelope? The name is also too stupid.

"How do I feel it's a bit like four."

"This can be called six unlike."

"Haha, I have to go to Qiandu to see if there is an antelope that the anchor said!!"


Stared at the drone in the air for a long time.

Seeing that the big bird in the air was not a threat to him, the takin continued to lower its head and graze.

The pink tongue rolled slightly, and the emerald green grass on the ground entered his mouth.


"What you're seeing now is a male antelope."

"Don't look at this big guy as if he is docile, in fact, they are very dangerous animals."

"You see its valgus horns, and its thick limbs, which are actually their weapons that hurt people."

"When you see an antelope in the wild, you must keep a safe distance."

Lin Bei looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and explained.

"What? Will this thing hurt people? No, it looks very docile.

"Such a cute animal, it feels like a cow."

"Is this thing as scary as the anchor says? Also attacking people?

", it doesn't look like a wild animal that attacks people."

"Brothers, I just made a thousand degrees, and it's really an antelope."

"According to the introduction, this kind of antelope is called a fierce beast."

"Really fake, still a ferocious beast? Isn't it a little bigger.

"Brother, don't you know that the more humble an animal is, the more dangerous it is?"

"Really fake? Anchor, let's popularize science. "


Looking at the barrage, so many netizens are interested in the takin not far away.

Lin Bei also nodded slightly.

"Antelope, is a bovine family, an antelope genus."

"The body is thick, and the general shoulder height is about 110-120 cm."

"Male antelope can weigh up to 400 kilograms, the largest can reach a shoulder height of 2 meters and weigh up to 1 tonne."

"Both female and male antelope have short horns, but the antelope is not a cow, it belongs to the sheep subfamily of the bovine family, and is close to the boreal antelope in classification."

They are one of the most precious animals recognized in the world

, "because it is as thick as an ox, like a small buffalo, and its head and tail are short, and it resembles an antelope, it calls like a sheep, but its temperament is rough and like an ox, hence the name antelope."

"The horn suddenly flipped out from the head and protruded outward, and then folded backward, and the tip of the horn was inward, twisted, so it is also called the twisted antelope."

"Takins generally live in cold areas with high altitudes and low temperatures, but they are also distributed in the Qinling Mountains."

"This is the first time we have found a trace of an antelope in Nanhu."

Takins prefer to live in groups, ranging from 20-30 to 50 in a herd.

"They are strong and fierce, and when they are attacked or feel threatened, they usually use their horns to attack or defend against danger."

"Like goats, they eat almost all plants that can reach their mouths, and their diet includes more than 100 kinds of plants, and even up to 300 species."

"In addition, takins also like to lick rock salt, nitrate salt or drink salt water to meet their needs."

"Therefore, places with a lot of salt in the forest are often areas where they gather."

"The antelope we saw should be an adult male antelope."

"But we didn't find any other antelope around, so I judged it should be a solitary cow."

"There may be many netizens who do not understand what this single cow means."

"It's actually an antelope that has been driven away by cattle or failed in the fight for a mate."

Lin Bei explained with a smile.

After listening to Lin Bei's popular science, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"It's no wonder it's called an antelope, it's an animal between a cow and an antelope."

"This antelope has such a fierce personality? I wanted to persuade the anchor to see if I could get closer and touch it, but forget it. "

Antelopes protect animals at the national level, and I go to those poachers and really punish them."

"As far as I know, takins generally live near the Himalayas, and there are also a small number of distribution in the Qinling mountains, but they have never been found in the south."

"Lying groove, upstairs boss, you mean, this is the first time?"

"Didn't the anchor say before that the appearance of takins in South Lake is the first time? At first glance, you didn't listen carefully.

"Obediently, it is another first-class protected animal."


Half an hour later, the takin in the picture seemed to have eaten enough, so it continued leisurely towards the hillside.

Lin Bei used the map to compare with the location previously published by the system.

The direction in which the takin was found to be walking was the cue area provided by the system.

"It seems that I rescued this takin early."

Lin Bei said secretly in his heart.

Watch the takin not far away slowly disappear into the woods.

Luo Tianyou was obviously still a little unfinished at this time.

"This rare wild animal in the alpine zone."

"It actually appeared in our South Lake."

"This news still let the professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences know, and they can't sleep without excitement?"

Luo Tianyou secretly said in his heart.

"Lao Luo, is this suddenly enlightened?"

"In the first few years, the rangers in the reserve must have seen this kind of takin."

"Whether it's coat color or appearance, it should be."

Lin Bei looked at Luo Tianyou and quipped.

"If I had known that the animal I witnessed was an antelope, I would have organized a human investigation long ago."

"However, this antelope is also quite hidden, and a few experts were stunned that they did not find any clues about it."

Luo Tianyou also smiled bitterly.

"Okay, Lao Luo, isn't this also discovered now."

"This news will be reported to the above, I believe they will soon arrange for female takins to come to our reserve."

"Maybe we can breed a litter of calves in our reserve."

Lin Bei patted Luo Tianyoudao on the shoulder and smiled.

"Haha, then let's go down now?"

"I have to report to my superiors right away."

Luo Tianyou saw that the antelope on the hillside had burrowed into the forest and disappeared, so he simply spoke.

"Well, let's go down the mountain as soon as possible, but I heard from those poachers before, and in this wood, there are many traps."

"We'll go get rid of those traps later."

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