From the reserve to the python gully, the distance is about ten kilometers.

Along the way, you will pass through a dense jungle and a valley.

Since they are all mountain roads, Lin Bei and Zhou Hancai, a few people can only take hiking into the mountain.

More than twenty minutes later.

"Boss Lin, how is Wang Dong's situation now?"

"If this is really bitten by a five-step snake, it will be dangerous."

Zhou Hancai wiped the sweat on his head and gasped.

"Listen to Yang Wei said that he was bitten by a five-step snake, let's rush over as soon as possible and pick them up."

"We must hurry up and send Wang Dong to the hospital quickly."

"Old Luo, I have already told him to go to the hospital to contact the serum of the five-step snake."

Lin Bei spoke.

"That's good, as long as you find the serum, there should be no big problem."

"Alas, it's all to blame on me, I already knew to let them rest for the day." Zhou Hancai sighed.

"No one wants to encounter this kind of thing, and you don't blame yourself too much."

"The most important thing for us now is to seize the time to meet Yang Wei and them as soon as possible."

"Brothers all insist, Wang Dong is in a very bad condition now, we must send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

Lin Bei turned his head to look at the few people beside him.

After a long journey, Yang Wei Wang Dong, the group, and several people from Lin Bei met in the valley through the mountain col.

Yang Wei was carrying the unconscious Wang Dong on his back at this time, and he was already sweating.

Huh, hoo, huff gasped.

"Hurry up, help put Wang Dong down first, change people, and let Yang Wei rest." Zhou Hancai said anxiously.

"Captain Zhou, Wang Dong seems to be breathing a little short now, and he feels that he is having difficulty breathing."

"What can I do about this!" The rangers on the side supported Wang Dong and hurriedly shouted.

"Don't rush yet, let me show him."

"Put your clothes on the ground and put Wang Dong down first!" Lin Bei spoke.

Just took over Yang Wei, the ranger who had Wang Dong on his back nodded, and several others quickly took off their clothes and padded on the ground.

Soon, Wang Dong was lying flat on the ground.

Lin Bei lifted Wang Dong's left ankle and found that the wound bitten by the snake had swollen and was still bleeding.

"Yang Wei, are you sure that the snake that bit Wang Dong is a sharp-nosed viper?" Lin Bei looked at Yang Weidao.

"Yes, it's definitely a sharp-nosed pit viper, and I was next to Wang Dong when he was bitten."

Yang Wei gasped and wiped the sweat on his head.

"Sharp-nosed pit viper, that is a blood-soluble toxin."

"After being bitten, it will affect blood clotting, and bleeding will continue at the place where the wound appears."

"In severe cases, there will be generalized and extensive bleeding, such as oral cavity, conjunctival bleeding, hematochezia, hematuria, hemoptysis, hematemesis and other manifestations."

Lin Bei held up Wang Dong's head, gently opened his mouth, and began to examine his mouth.

"Shortness of breath a bit, but not yet breathless."

"At present, the toxin should not spread very quickly, I will go to the forest now, find some snake medicine to relieve symptoms, and you continue to carry him back."

Lin Bei ordered.

Several people nodded when they heard this, and together they carried Wang Dong on their backs and ran towards the direction of the reserve.


At this time, the live broadcast drone flew above Lin Bei's head.

He is filming Lin Bei going into the woods, looking for snake medicine.

"This anchor will still look for snake medicine?"

"I don't believe it, didn't you just say that you were bitten by a sharp-nosed viper? That thing is called the Rotten Meat King.

"After being bitten, the wound will rot around, especially poisonous!"

"What? Will the wound rot around the wound after being bitten? Sulfate snake venom? "

Obedient, really fake? Is this sharp-nosed pit viper so terrifying?

"What kind of snake medicine is the anchor looking for?" Does the anchor understand Chinese medicine?

"It looks like I should be looking for some herbs, I don't feel like it's of any use."

"These five-step snake this kind of poisonous snake bite, must not exercise vigorously, as soon as possible injection of serum is king."

"This Wang Dong is estimated to have been almost an hour since he was bitten until now, I don't know if there is any salvation."

"Is this anchor broadcasting to save people? Is this green weed also herbal? The

netizens in the live broadcast room commented one after another.

At this time, Lin Bei was engrossed in looking for herbs in the woods.

Among the advanced Chinese medicine techniques given by the system, there are records of treating poisonous snakebites.

Among them, there are many kinds of herbs, which have a certain relief for snake venom.

Lin Bei searched in this forest for a few minutes, and he had already found three herbs for snakebites.

"Half of the lotus, heavy building, white intestine grass, almost, after applying, it should be able to relieve a lot."

Lin Bei held the three herbs and quickly ran towards the distance.

At this time, the people carrying Wang Dong on their backs were still three kilometers away from the reserve.

After some rotation, several people were tired and sweaty.

The face was also sunburned red.

Wang Dong's whole body on his back had begun to swell, and his face was a little black.

It doesn't look like the situation is very good.

"Stop first and put Wang Dong on the ground."

"Here are a few herbs I found, crush him first and apply them."

Lin Bei shouted at several people.

Several people listened to Lin Bei's words, stopped one after another, and applied the heavy building and half of the lotus and white intestine grass handed over to Wang Dong's wound with roadside stones.

"Okay, after dressing, I'll carry Wang Dong on my back."

"A few of you help me hold on, as for Yang Wei, you run back first."

"Let the hospital ambulance wait at the door." Lin Bei ordered.

Soon Lin Bei carried Wang Dong on his back.

Wang Dong is one meter and seven or five meters tall, and his weight is estimated to be more than 70 kilograms.

Fortunately, there is a system to improve Lin Bei's physical qualities.

Don't look at only a dozen more points, Lin Bei's endurance, speed, and strength are far beyond ordinary people.

Ten minutes later, Lin Bei carried Wang Dong back to the gate of the reserve.

The first responders, who had been waiting for a long time, carried Wang Dong to the ambulance.

Seeing the ambulance quickly driving away from the reserve, Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, let's go back and rest first."

"It's already been sent to the hospital, there shouldn't be any major incident."

"I'll call Lao Luo and ask if the serum has been found."

Lin Bei found a shady place, sat down, took out his mobile phone and called Luo Tianyou.

At this time, Luo Tianyou was in the First People's Hospital of the city.

After many searches, I finally found the serum of a sharp-nosed pit viper.

After connecting the phone, Luo Tianyou told Lin Bei that the trustee had found the sharp-nosed pit viper serum and had been sent to the First People's Hospital.

Hearing this, the stone hanging in Lin Bei's heart landed on the ground.

"Old Zhou, don't worry, Lao Luo has already found the serum and sent it over."

"As long as the serum is injected in time, there should be no problem."

"I'll drive later, let's go over to see Wang Dong's situation."

Lin Bei looked at Zhou Hancai.

"Found the serum? That's great. As

soon as Zhou Hancai heard Lin Bei say that Luo Tianyou had found the serum against the sharp-nosed pit viper, he was also relieved.

The two rested for a moment under the shady tree.

Driving a tank of three hundred, he rushed to the First People's Hospital of the city.

At this moment, in the First People's Hospital, Wang Dong, who had just been sent by ambulance, had been pushed into the emergency room.

The doctor first treated Wang Dong's wound, and then injected him with antivenom.

An hour later, Wang Dong was pushed into the ward.

Lin Bei and Zhou Hancai had also rushed over at this time.

"This patient was injected with serum in time and is no longer life-threatening."

"However, because he was bitten by a sharp-nosed pit viper, there was bleeding in the abdominal cavity, and further treatment was needed."

The doctor turned to Lin Bei.

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