"I'll go, there's a small waterfall in this place."

"Wow, the environment here is so good, you see that the stream in this canyon is so clear."

"This place is very rich in water, and it must be very exciting if it is used for rafting."

"Yes, this canyon is winding and precipitous, and it must be exciting to raft here."

"Upstairs thinking about fart, right? Is this a reserve, or rafting? "

Rafting is certainly impossible to develop, but the waterfall is really beautiful."

"Brothers, I know why this place is called Rock Eagle Cave, you look at that mountain, it looks like an eagle's head."

"Ouch really, there is a protruding eagle's beak!"


At this time, Lin Bei followed Wang Dong to the edge of the canyon for about five or six minutes.

I came to a relatively flat clearing.

Looking in the direction of Wang Dong's finger, in the turquoise weeds, several light yellow food packaging bags were lying quietly on the ground.

About four or five meters away from them, there are several deep and shallow shoe prints.

"Boss Lin, this is it."

"You see, this is the food packaging bag they ate."

"This is a shoe print, which was not stepped on by our ranger teammates."

Wang Dong spoke.

"Well, let's rest in place for a while, I'll take a look."

Lin Bei nodded, ordered everyone to rest in place, and Luo Tianyou began to study the food packaging bags on the ground.

"Lin Bei, this is egg yolk pie, and Shaqima's bag."

"These people must have replenished the water source here and then ate some food."

"There are still a few cigarette butts in this pile."

"Hey, these people smoke quite well, or nephrite creek."

Luo Tianyou picked up a cigarette butt and smiled.

"Lao Luo from the Rock Eagle Cave, there are only two ways to enter the reserve."

"One is to walk three kilometers to the south, to the shelf rock."

"There are not many wild animals there, but if you go north, you can go directly to the depths of the reserve, where the pandas live."

"Which way do you say they're going?"

Lin Bei looked at Luo Tianyou and said.

"It's hard to say, although the number of wild animals in this shelf rock is small, there are also some second-class protected animals in some countries."

"Let Yang Wei and them go to the front separately to see if there are any traces left by those people when they walked by."

Luo Tianyou said in a deep voice.

"That's it, after all, they entered the mountain two days before us."

"Maybe traps have been laid and wild animals may have been killed."

Lin Bei sighed and said worriedly.

Ten minutes later.

Yang Wei and Jiang Xiaoyu, who were sent out, rushed back.

"Boss Lin, Station Manager Luo, I have carefully observed in the south, there are no footprints and shoe prints, and even the weeds and thorns on the roadside have not been trampled on."

"They shouldn't have come from the south."

Jiang Xiaoyu explained.

"If you don't enter the mountain from the shelf rock, you must enter from the north."

"It seems that this group of poachers knows our reserve very well."

"Knowing that there are a lot of wild animals in the north, they all hit the idea of the south."

Luo Tianyou on the side frowned into a Sichuan character.

"What about Yang Wei, what did you find over there?"

Lin Bei looked at Yang Weidao.

"Brother Lin Bei, I looked around the north, there are many shoe prints in the bushes, and there are many traces of bushes being cut off by machetes."

"They should have come from the north, and as long as we follow their trail, we should be able to find them soon."

Yang Wei spoke.

"Since it is determined that they are coming from the north, it is very likely that this group of poachers will set traps near the giant panda habitat."

"In addition to the giant pandas, there are also South China tiger activities in that bamboo forest."

Luo Tianyou on the side spoke up.

"In that case, Lao Luo, then let's go now."

"Follow the traces they leave behind and catch up with them as soon as possible."

"Everyone be careful on the road, these poachers are likely to set up some traps or steel pegboards on the road."

Lin Bei glanced at the people behind him and instructed.

Everyone nodded when they heard this, put on their backpacks and continued to move forward.

Walking north along the canyon, the bush grows thicker.

But among the dense bushes, a path has been opened up for people to move forward.

This is undoubtedly what the poachers carved out with machetes.

After walking along the dense bushes for more than an hour, it was already noon.

At this time, the weather was very hot, and sweat had already wet everyone's clothes.

"Everyone is insisting that we walk through this bush and we should reach a forest soon."

Lin Bei and Yang Wei walked in the front and shouted in low voices to the team members behind them.


In the dense vegetation, drones are hovering in mid-air to photograph people.

Suddenly, Lin Bei found that in the grass not far away, the color of the fallen leaves on the ground was somewhat abnormal.

Along the way, the fallen leaves on the ground are basically yellow, but the edge of the grass not far away is covered with a layer of cyan leaves.

Lin Bei hurriedly made a stop gesture.

"Stop first, there seems to be a trap laid by poachers ahead."

Lin Bei hunched over and took two steps forward, and from the dense vegetation on one side, he broke off a thick wooden stick.

Holding the wooden stick, Lin Bei gently pressed the ground next to the grass.

Just listen to a crisp click.

On the ground, covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, an iron trap suddenly popped out.

The trapper clamped with sharp serrations, and then clamped the wooden stick in Lin Bei's hand into two segments.

"Groove, this is a trap?"

"Obedient, anchor, you have to be careful, this group of poachers is so insidious."

"Put traps on the road they walked, won't they step on it when they go back?"

"If the anchor hadn't found out, I really wouldn't have noticed anything abnormal on the side of the road, and I didn't expect that there was a trap hidden."

"Good guy, if I had been clipped off my leg."


When netizens in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they sent barrages one after another.

"I'll go, Brother Lin Bei, he's really a poacher."

"This trap should have been specially placed here by them to avoid anyone following them."

"These poachers are quite cautious."

Yang Wei and Jiang Xiaoyu behind him spoke.

"It's really prudent, you see if this trap catches people's bones, it will definitely be directly broken."

"Wang Dong, you take a snakeskin bag and put away this trap."

"There should be a steel nail in this underground."

Lin Bei got up and pulled the closed beast trap fiercely, and directly pulled up an iron chain.

After Wang Dong behind him put the trap into the snakeskin bag, everyone continued to set off.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, now I can be 100% sure that these people who sneaked into the mountains must be poachers."

"This trap is the best evidence."

"Don't underestimate this trap, this trap can easily break the bones of people or wild animals."

"And this trap is difficult to open, and it can only be broken with specific tools."

"Traps like this are usually used by poachers to catch wild boar or some large prey."

Lin Bei glanced at the drone above his head and explained in a low voice to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

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