Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter One Hundred and Three

"Big sister boss, the people in Yutou Village really discounted the legs of those boys!" Yajing took the phone away, walked quickly to Jiang Xiuzhi, blinked and said.

They did arrange eyeliner in Yutou Village. Even if there was no eyeliner, they wouldn't know if such a big thing happened!

"As expected!"

Jiang Xiuzhi nodded, and she and Tang Long talked over the phone, and in these two contacts, she also understood this person roughly.

It's the kind of "brilliant" personality, how can I say it, I seem to have a bit of gangsterism on him, which is different from ordinary villagers in the ravine.

Can't understand him from the perspective of ordinary people!It's no wonder that such a person is valued by the warm spring woman.

It's really not easy!

"The video has been sent, do you want to watch it?" Yajing picked up her mobile phone.

Looking at the video, Jiang Xiuzhi did not see Tang Long's shadow, but other people in Yutou Village were dealing with this matter!

"Who is hitting someone?"

Jiang Xiuzhi looked at Zhang Guang in the video and asked curiously.

Yajing shook her head and said, "I don't know who it is, it seems to be just an ordinary villager in Yutou Village!"

Jiang Xiuzhi nodded, and muttered in a low voice: "The acting is very good!"

"You mean, the people in Yutou Village are acting?" Yajing was taken aback for a moment.

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled and said: "It's not acting. Yutou Village used to be a poor mountain village. There was no food to eat, and there was a belief in a fart. As for the ghost king cave, it was a torrential rain and thunder some time ago. No one in the village knows that there is a cave there."

After a pause, he continued: "If Tang Long and Zhang Xiu'e were sensible people, then the people in Yutou Village would not need outsiders to come here, so they would dig out the stalactites and sell them first!"

There are not many understanding people in Yutou Village. According to Jiang Xiuzhi, there are only two, one is the "boss" Tang Long of Yutou Village, and the other is the village party secretary Zhang Xiu'e. She has contacted these two people, whether it is Tang Long or Zhang Xiu'e. All have their own ideas.

"Then why are they acting?" Yajing frowned, asking somewhat incomprehensibly.Anyway, it's already written in the contract. If you don't follow the rules, just hit it.

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled and said: "There are so many benefits of acting. This drama is not only for the surrounding tourists and audiences on the Internet, but also for law enforcement agencies. The people in Yutou Village are not beating people for no reason. It's that these people didn't abide by the rules first and broke the taboo in Yutou Village."

Yajing blinked, still a little confused and said, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference, and there is a big difference!" Jiang Xiuzhi said with a smile: "Do you think the people in Yutou Village are stupid!"

With this story, this play firstly won the sympathy of the public. Yutou Village is not arrogant, nor is it a local rogue. Yutou Village is not a'powerful', it is these outsiders who do not follow the rules first. .In fact it is the same!

Anyway, let the people of Yutou Village make a fuss. At least 70% of the audience on the Internet will stand on the side of Yutou Village and support the villagers of Yutou Village!

When she saw Zhang Guang's beating, Jiang Xiuzhi frowned, somewhat uncomfortable, which was too violent for her.

How can civilized people see this!

"It's miserable!" Yajing couldn't help muttering. It was the first time she watched the video.

Jiang Xiuzhi said flatly: "Poor people must be hateful. They are also asking for misery!"

Was it the way it was? Yutou Village had set the rules for the'Guiwangdong' a long time ago, with the purpose of fearing that someone would break the rules and damage the stalactites in the Guiwangdong.

When they are good, they have to try whether they dare to discount their legs. Now that they are good, none of them can be kept. It is conservatively estimated that they will lie in bed for half a year.As for whether it will be disabled, with current medical technology, the problem shouldn't be big. Even if you lie in bed for half a year, it won't be easy!

Jiang Xiuzhi didn't know why he thought of Wen Rui's boy. He seemed to have his leg broken by Tang Long, and he is still lying on the hospital bed.

Do people in Yutou Village like to discount other people's legs?Or is it just a quirk of setting rules?

In the video, not only is Zhang Guang hitting someone, but there are also scenes of winning streak talking to the tourist.

After reading it, Jiang Xiuzhi smiled and said: "Whether it is the law enforcement officer who beats someone or the person who speaks behind, it is quite rare."

The ability of Yutou Village to come up with such a person really made Jiang Xiuzhi a little unexpected. In the big cities outside, such talents abound, but what is this place?

It would be nice to have someone who understands things!

I don’t know if Jiang Xiuzhi underestimated the mountain people, or she seriously overestimated herself, anyway, in her eyes, she really didn’t put the mountain villagers in her eyes!

Jiang Xiuzhi is very self-sufficient, and she thinks she is talented, few people in the world can match.In fact... it is true.

"You said what will happen next?"

Jiang Xiuzhi asked Yajing that the matter was just the beginning, not over, and she didn't believe that the three young men whose legs were broken were not behind the scenes.

'Yutou Village' is an Internet celebrity village, and it is now becoming popular, so naturally some people want to take advantage of the popularity of Yutou Village to rise to the top!

Yajing shook her head: "I don't know, but I think there will be more people coming to Yutou Village to make trouble."

"Yes, there will be no fewer people like this!" Jiang Xiuzhi smiled.

"Take it away!"

Ask Yajing to put her mobile phone away, there will be nothing to see in the future. For the time being, the situation in the Ghost King Cave has been controlled by the people in Yutou Village. Let's see how things develop.

Whether there is a pusher smearing Yutou Village on the Internet, or if someone comes down from above, demanding severe punishment for the perpetrators of the assault in Yutou Village, we can only wait and see.

However, from the consideration of Taoyuan County, it should not be a big problem. Although'Yutou Village' has only been famous for a few days, it has also demonstrated its ability to bring things to a large extent, which has greatly revitalized the tourism economy of Taoyuan County.

There are tens of thousands of people pouring into Taoyuan County from all directions every day. Not everyone will live in Yutou Village and choose to sleep in tents.Before arriving at Yutou Village, there will be more or less people who will live in Taoyuan County and go to other famous scenic spots in Taoyuan County. Before leaving, most people will choose to buy some local specialties.

This can play a leading role in the tourism and economy of Taoyuan County!

Moreover, from the perspective of the locals, "Yutou Village" is a very reasonable householder.

There is enough publicity before you enter the hole, and you have to sign the "Entry Agreement" and mark all the rules so that you have to "try it". Who is to blame!

Whether you understand or don't understand it, that's something to be said. She couldn't think of any solution in the future and where to start to smear Yutou Village!

Yajing thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Big sister boss, you said today's news in Yutou Village, will it have any adverse effects on Yutou Village?"

If the popularity of "Yutou Village" decreases on the Internet, the number of tourists will plummet. Not only is it not good for Yutou Village, but it is also not good for Huayutou Resort.

Jiang Xiuzhi said flatly: "In fact, letting the heat of Yutou Village be properly aired is not necessarily a bad thing!"

"It's not a bad thing?" Yajing blinked her eyes and said, "Why is it not a bad thing? Yutou Village and we can't make any money. Is it a good thing?"

"It is not necessary to make money in a hurry!"

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled and looked at the roaring tourists in the distance. There were too many people, so it looked messy.

"Are we ready?"

"Huh?" Yajing was taken aback.

Jiang Xiuzhi retracted his gaze and said indifferently: "No, we are not ready, and Yutou Village is also not ready. We don't have a place to connect to tourists now. Everyone is rushing. I don't think it is a good thing."

Yajing whispered: "Perhaps when our hotel and various supporting facilities are built, these tourists will not come yet?"

It is not ruled out that there is such a possibility, and this possibility is also the worst result. If it really becomes what you guessed, investing in the tens of millions of Huayutou Resort in Donghe Town will be regarded as a trick.

Jiang Xiuzhi doesn't want to see this kind of result. People who believe in Yutou Village don't want to see this kind of result either!

Making money is a good thing, but when you are not ready, just thinking about making money is not necessarily a good thing.

Jiang Xiuzhi did not explain to Yajing. She should be able to understand how much money can a tourist make now?

But will the experience the tourists have made them feel happy?And good value for money?

This is all related to them, and will they come here for vacation in the future!

If it's only a booming year, Yutou Village may be able to make some money, but Huayutou Resort, here is a fart of money!

The purchase of land cost 30 million yuan, not counting the current manpower and material resources, but the construction investment in the future.

This is definitely not a matter of recovering costs within a year or two!Therefore, Jiang Xiuzhi did not approve of Warm Spring's investment here.

The land is cheap, but the location is too off. If the entire resort is done well, it will cost almost 100 million yuan to recover the 100 million yuan. I don’t know how long it will take.

The risk is high and the rate of return is poor. Generally speaking, if Jiang Xiuzhi chooses, it will not pass the risk control barrier.

However, for Warm Spring, these are not a problem at all, because she is the boss, and she takes her own money to "smash" wherever she likes to "smash", and no one can say anything.

Yutou Village has a poor foundation, Donghe Town has a poor foundation, and even Taoyuan County has a bad foundation. From the humanities to the region, there is no place to shine.

This can be done, unless... everyone is united and working together, if there is more intrigue, then it will be a weird thing if it can develop!

"Look back, let our people stare at us to see if there are any anchors who secretly discredit us or Yutou Village nearby." Jiang Xiuzhi leaned into Yajing's ear and whispered.

Yajing stayed for a while, reacted quickly, her eyes flickered and asked: "Okay, do you want to fuck them?"

Jiang Xiuzhi said in a happy voice, "Look at it, even if you want to do it, it should be Tang Long. Yutou Village is the right one to do it, it's not our turn!"

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