Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 108 This is too

I don't know if it was because of Zhang Xiu'e coming, Shan Yao became a little silent, and Liao Xing was not as tall as before.Sitting there, I was listening to the discussion between Tang Long and Zhang Xiu'e.

Maybe she was like this before, but today is a bit special.

After all, Tang Long can be regarded as having a'little braid' in his hands, isn't it?

Speaking of today's Ghost King Cave, Zhang Xiu'e now also figured out that this leg should be discounted to the three bastards, who told them to be disobedient!

"Sister Xiu'e, where do the children in the village go to school?" Shan Yao asked suddenly.

Zhang Xiu'e was taken aback for a moment. Where do the children in the village go to school?Subconsciously turned his head and looked at Tang Long!

Tang Long shrugged and said helplessly: "Don't look at me, I don't know about this!"

Zhang Xiu'e thought for a while and said, "Should go to school in Donghe Town!"

Anyway, there is no elementary school in Yutou Village, and pre-school education is even more impossible to talk about. If parents work outside and live well, they will take their children out and study nearby. If there are no conditions, they can only become left-behind children.

"Donghe Town is so far away from Yutou Village!" Shan Yao frowned and mumbled softly. She is now the'Kid King' of Yutou Village, and no one can compare it except Zhao Xiaoyue.

However, Zhao Xiaoyue doesn't like to play with children very much, just habitually being a big sister, Shan Yao likes children in his heart.

She felt that she would be very happy to be with the children. Perhaps, in the deepest part of Shan Yao's heart, she still felt that she was the little girl when she was eight years old and had never grown up.

"I think we should build a primary school and a kindergarten in Yutou Village!" Shan Yao suggested.

She was not very interested in the things Zhang Xiu'e and Tang Long talked about, whether it was the situation in the Ghost King Cave or the suggestions of the'Longshanquan' mineral water company.

kindergarten?primary school?

How many preschool children are there in the entire Yutou Village?It’s just a dozen if you have a full play, because if you have a dozen children, it’s a little extravagant to set up a kindergarten?

You can get one from elementary school. After all, if the children in the village are too young, it is not safe to go to town and school!

"Yes, build a kindergarten, you think, when Yutou Village develops in the future, there will definitely be people from outside who come to work. If you bring your wife and children, then there is a kindergarten, will it be convenient?" Shan Yao Squinted his eyes and said happily.

Zhang Xiu'e smiled and nodded, then echoed: "It's really convenient. According to you, besides the kindergarten, we should also build a hospital!"

"Yes, I will fund, and let the village doctor Xiaoqiu be the director!" Shan Yao said happily.

People put on the look of not bad money!

"Okay, this thing can be done!" Tang Long smiled and said, since she said that she has contributed funds, why not do it?

No equipment?can be purchased!No doctor?Can I hire outside!

As long as the money is in place, nothing can be solved!

"Then it's settled, I will fund a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a hospital in Yutou Village!" Shan Yao smiled at Tang Long with squinted eyes.She really has no idea about money, nor lack of money.

Tang Long was more straightforward and began to calculate with his fingers: "A kindergarten is based on a budget of two million, and a primary school has a budget of three million, right? The hospital needs to be better, in addition to building a house, To buy equipment, but also to hire medical staff to come back, at least five million yuan."

Let him do this calculation, tens of millions went out!

Wherever they are sitting, they nodded indifferently: "Okay, just do it at the price you said. If the budget is insufficient, I will add another five million in."

Zhang Xiu'e looked at the two people who sang and played, feeling a little speechless, not knowing what to say.

One is a little rich woman who doesn't take money seriously.

The other is that if you dare to take the money, he will dare to do things. Don't say anything is impossible. It seems that if the money is in place, nothing is impossible!

Zhang Xiu'e said helplessly: "You two are almost done, do you think about the feelings of my poor boss's surname?"

"Sister Xiu'e, you are not the last name of the poor little boss!" Shan Yao looked at Zhang Xiu'e and laughed, smiling very happily.

Zhang Xiu'e glared her eyes, and said with a smile: "You still laugh, compared to your'little rich woman', I am not a poor little common people. What is it?"

"I'm not a rich woman!" Shan Yao put a smile away and said solemnly: "I am also a poor person!"

In Zhang Xiu'e's view, she was more like joking.

The summer mountain village, even in the evening, will not be much cooler. Only when the mountain breeze comes at night will it make people more comfortable.

Although a lot of things happened today, everyone was not too flustered. Generally speaking, it was quite calm.

In the evening, at the regular meeting of Yutou Village, Zhang Xiu'e went through all kinds of things from the beginning.

Make corrections where they are not in place, and praise where they are good.Her style of doing things is a little different from Tang Long, she is softer, after all, is she a woman!

However, there is that kind of complementarity!

After Zhang Xiu'e finished speaking, Tang Long stood up and said: "Today I want to focus on Zhang Guang!"

The villagers who were talking and laughing just now gradually calmed down and looked at Tang Long one after another. Basically everyone knew about the Ghost King Cave in Houshan.

"At the end of the year in the selection of talents in Yutou Village, villager Zhang Guang made an'outstanding contribution' to Yutou Village. I propose to promote him to Yutou Village's first-level talent and enjoy a monthly special talent subsidy of 2,500."

After a little pause, he continued to say in a deep voice: "If Zhang Guang is taken over, if he has to go to jail because of the Houshan Ghost King Cave, he will receive a lump-sum compensation from the village committee. The specific amount is based on the number of years. Within three years, 200,000, and more than three years, an increase of 200,000 for each additional year.

In addition, there is a fixed salary of 8,000 yuan per month during the period of imprisonment, and the mother in the family will receive 5,000 yuan of living allowance from the village committee every month.

And I promised on behalf of the village committee that after Zhang Guang returns, he will get at least one industrial management position in Yutou Village."

Shocked, shocked, and even some villagers almost didn't stare their eyes out, Te Niang, is this too fat?

If Zhang Guang, a kid who goes back to prison for ten or eight years, will become a millionaire without doing anything!

I knew there was such a good thing, so I got it!

After listening to Tang Long's words, the corners of Zhang Guang's mouth couldn't stop tilting up, grinning, it was worth it.

Zhang Xiue didn't speak with a stern face, she understood Tang Long's meaning, she was buying horse bones from her daughter.

If Zhang Guang is thinner, then which villager will still be willing to give his life for the village in the future. Now that there is a precedent for Zhang Guang, the villagers will definitely rush to it when something happens in the future.

Of course, it is best not to have anything happen. Zhang Xiu'e doesn't want anyone to go to jail because of the disputes in the village. Is money almighty?No, it was all in exchange for youth!

Tang Long waved his hand to organize the discussion group and said calmly: "Okay, don't be so jealous. Our village will not treat anyone who has contributed to the village collective in the future. Also, even if Zhang Guang doesn't have to go to jail, We will also receive a special subsidy of 100,000 yuan, and we will ask the best lawyer to come forward to fight this lawsuit and try to ensure that Zhang Guang is fine!"

Tang Long didn't want Zhang Guang to go to jail because of the Yutou Village. That was the worst plan.

"Next, adjust the center of gravity!"

After a pause, Tang Long continued to preach: "First of all, it will be the Ghost King Cave. From tomorrow, the current limit will be started. The campsite will start to organize and plan from tomorrow. Whoever has the special code will urinate and defecate anywhere without fines. All the grounds have been cleaned up for us, otherwise...the legs will be broken too!"

I don't know who it is. It's okay during the day, but at night, I urinate and defecate everywhere. Baba pulls everywhere.

Zhang Xiu'e couldn't laugh or cry, and said helplessly: "The total number of bathrooms is too small, and sometimes tourists can't hold back, they can only choose..."

Tang Long didn't smile, frowned and said, "Didn't you build a few more public toilets?"

"Too many people!" Zhang Xiu'e said helplessly.

But these things are not a big deal. I believe that if it is not too urgent, no one will choose what to do.

"Boss, if the current limit of the Ghost King Cave is, a lot of money will be collected a day!" Lian Sheng couldn't help but start.

Tang Long turned his head to look at him, and said flatly: "Can you guarantee that things like today won't happen in the future? If possible, then there is no current limit!"

After winning streak, he shook his head and said: "I can't guarantee it, even if it is a current limit, I can't guarantee it! Who knows what kind of shit is in the mind of those who put their heads on their ass! "

Today this is really something that no one can predict, so the winning streak feels a bit wronged.

"The fewer people, the lower the probability of a special situation. Too many people go in and the experience of entering the cave will not be too good."

After Tang Long hesitated, he hesitated, and said, "As for how to limit and how much the current is limited, let's see and control it yourself. We would rather make less money than have things like today happen several times!"

"Yes!" Lian Sheng understood Tang Long's meaning, he didn't want to beat himself, but more like everyone's attitude.

"The village chief, why don't you let the food stalls also start to limit the current? I'm tired of ten people today, and my arms are still sour. Tomorrow... I want to take a day off for a day off!" Liu Yishou said helplessly.

It's not that he is too hypocritical, but his arm is so sore that he can't lift it up. It is estimated that he will not be able to lift the spoon tomorrow.

There are not so many people, and the big guys are tired and dumbfounded!

Many villagers thought that Tang Long would object, but Tang Long nodded and agreed: "Okay, then you will have a day off tomorrow. The food stall will only serve steamed buns and pickles tomorrow."

Zhang Xiu'e said suddenly: "I have contacted the county pastry factory, and I can provide two carts of bread tomorrow."

Tang Long glanced at her and said with a smile: "Okay, in addition to steamed buns and pickles, plus bread and mineral water!"

Liu Yishou thought for a while, and he laughed: "The village chief, we can't cook some tea shops, steam potatoes and sweet potatoes, these are not a lot of work, easy to make in large quantities! And rice porridge... our village The villagers want to eat too!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "That's fine, plus steamed sweet potatoes, steamed potatoes, rice porridge, if the fish soup is not troublesome, you can also boil more Guo!"


Isn't this solved? There is nothing difficult in the world. You can only find a way to solve everything!

Tang Long looked at the others and asked, "Is there anything else you guys have? Some talk about it!"

"I have got!"

Li Ergou raised his hand and said.

Tang Long looked at him: "Say it!"

"Regarding the parking lot charges, I think that two yuan is too little, and there are too many cars. If it doesn’t work, let’s charge five yuan? Anyway, there are free places, and the charging places now require seven or eight people to watch and manage them. With more vehicles, the cost is increasing!"

Without waiting for Tang Long to speak, Li Ergou hurriedly said, "Of course, the increase in fees is not an arbitrary charge. I want paying users to wait for the best quality service. Those who don’t want to spend money can also go to the free parking lot. There are many places over there!"

Tang Long frowned and said, "Whether it’s paid or free, you have to look at other people’s cars. Whoever comes to our fish head village to play is always happy. No one wants to find a good life for themselves. ."

Whether it’s a paid parking lot or a free parking lot, it’s best if nothing happens.

"Tomorrow, go to the county town to find someone to come over to monitor, pay and free parking lot, press it!"

Security monitoring?

That would cost a lot of money, right?Li Ergou thought so in his heart, but he dared not say it.

"Good! Tomorrow I will go to the county town to find someone to come back and press."

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