Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 162 Fully Armed Squad

Tang Long himself didn't want to come, he was'tied up', and now it's too late to say that everyone has already arrived.

However, he promised to help the sheep family, looking for'Returning Sun Grass', other things have not been promised!

You can flash people when you find "Huayang Grass".

"You said, Baohu, Leopard Prints, can they survive?" Yang Wuchan followed Tang Long and asked softly.

The two of them fell from the cliff, and the others should have also escaped, but they didn't know what danger was waiting for them.

Tang Long smiled and said, "Do you care about their life and death?"

Yang Wuchan can't stand the dangling appearance. She is usually a very proud woman. She has always regarded men as a dispensable existence, saying that it is a completely independent feminism, which is no problem.

But now, facing the man in front of him, he seemed to be restrained everywhere, the layer of'armor' on his body, like skin, was peeled off layer by layer.

Tang Long looked at the front. In the cave, his vision had gradually adapted and adjusted so that he could see the surrounding scene even without the help of a bright flashlight.

"Did you feel it!" Tang Long stopped and said softly.


Yang Wuchan was stunned, and leaned behind Tang Long, a little gloomy nearby, she was somewhat scared.

"There is wind!" Tang Long frowned and said softly.

Wind noise?

Yang Wuchan hesitated and said, "There must be a ventilation system in this cave, otherwise how could we come in?"

If it is a closed space, it is impossible for them to get here!

Tang Long's ears moved up and down lightly: "It's the sound of the wind, it just appeared!"

The five senses, and even the skin, are much more sensitive than normal people. Just now, Tang Long hadn't felt the sound of wind, but now that it has, the sound of wind is very strange.

"Do you feel wrong..."

Yang Wuchan's voice hadn't finished yet, Tang Long pushed him to the ground from the side, and he also hugged Yang Wuchan and rolled on the spot, avoiding the strange wind above his head.

Looking up, the owner of the strange wind... is a creature with wings and sharp claws about four or five meters in size.

"Horse monkey bat!"

Yang Wuchan screamed.

Tang Long turned over with an oolong twisted pole, kicked the thing that flew back and flew out, isn't it just a huge bat?

It is not surprising that there are bats in such huge caves, but the bats grow up to be so big, I am afraid they will not become refined.


Tang Long pulled up Yang Wuchan and ran forward.Bats, regardless of their size, usually live in groups, rarely singly.

I haven't ran a few steps yet, I only heard the sound of'tatata' from the front, the sound of the guns, the sound was very dense, and it proved from the side that no one was shooting.

"M4 assault rifle, standard, your people?" Tang Long hugged Yang Wuchan and hid behind a stone, frowning and asked softly.

Yang Wuchan shook his head and said, "No!"

The weapons Baohu carried were not M4 assault rifles. They were from official domestic authorities. All the guns they applied for were domestically produced, and it was impossible to have foreign equipment.

"It's not ours, that means there are other people coming in besides us." Tang Long muttered in a low voice.

Yang Wuchan had obviously thought of this too!

Who is it? Put it aside first, at least the other party's experience will not be any better than Tang Long and the others. I should have encountered this kind of'horse monkey' giant bat attack in front!

"Shall we go there?" Yang Wuchan handed Tang Long a short knife and drew out the pistol himself.

Tang Long thought about it, and said softly, "We can only pass!"

The gate of the'Ancient Temple' should be right in front. They have to go and look for the'Huanyang Grass'. If they are lucky and found it outside, they don't need to go inside. If they are unlucky... they can only have the grass tower. Damn it!

This time, how did Tang Long feel and suffer!

Looking at Yang Wuchan beside her, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and squeezed her tightly.


Yang Wuchan turned around and glared at him, not knowing what this guy was doing, suddenly pinched what he was doing.

Tang Long said blankly: "Go back, you just wait to be a horse!"

Be a horse?

Yang Wuchan's face blushed, and he chuckled softly. It's not enough to ride oneself once, still want to ride?Beautiful to you!

Tang Long took a deep breath, mixed the moist mossy air in the cave, inhaled it into his lungs for conversion storage.


Pulling Yang Wuchan and quickly ran forward.

There is a fire in front of it, and there seems to be a huge space of two to three hundred meters around it, which has been lit with torches. There are thousands of huge bats flying in the sky. A fully armed team of about thirty people is concentrating its firepower. In dealing with the flying bats overhead.

A bat carcass was caught in the air by a huge bat... and then screamed and torn to pieces.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

"Where is the gate of the ancient temple?" Tang Long asked.

Yang Wuchan discerned the downward direction, pointed towards the high platform not far away and said, "On that one!"

In the center of this natural hall, there is a high platform more than ten meters high, which is made of piles of huge stones, like some kind of altar for sacrifice.

Tang Long looked up fiercely, and there seemed to be a pair of weird eyes on it. Looking down below, there were only eyes, and the other areas were dark.

"Hundred-faced god?"

Tang Long frowned. These eyes have a certain magnetic field, which can affect a person's spiritual power. As for whether they are the "Hundred Faces God" worshipped by African tribes, he is not sure.

A pair of weird eyes, when staring at it, it seems to be conveying some kind of message to you, asking you to do something according to its guidance.

"Don't look at it!"

Tang Long's palm lightly covered Xia Yang Wuchan's eyes, allowing her to recover from her brief absence.


A glare of white light swept across the cave.


Tang Long hugged Yang Wuchan and lay down for the first time. I don't know the specific use of the new type of light weapon, but since the other party is prepared, it must be lethal to these giant bats!


The huge bat that was flying above the hall fell from the sky just like dumplings.

The full-armed team seemed to have anticipated all this. It walked over and fell quickly to the sky, still struggling to make up for the huge bat.

"This giant bat is afraid of glare?" Yang Wuchan asked tentatively.

Tang Long shook his head. I am afraid that this new type of light weapon is not just as simple as emitting strong light, it should also have a sound wave band designed for bats.

"Look, they have retreated to the dark side!" Yang Wuchan looked at the retreating team with arms and said with some surprise: "Since they wiped out these big bats, why did they leave in such a hurry?"

This team gave Tang Long and Yang Wuchan the feeling that it was more like a team dedicated to helping them clean up this group of bats!

"Not from your sheep family?" Tang Long asked again.

Yang Wuchan said definitely this time: "Absolutely not!"

Tang Long nodded. Since they are not from the Sheep Family, they were sent by someone else. In other words, there must be at least two waves in this ghost place now.

"Is there a way to contact Shangbaohu and the others?" Tang Long asked calmly.

Yang Wuchan took out his walkie-talkie and tried to call. After a while, he would shake his head and say, "I can't get in touch. There is no signal in the cave!"

It is not that there is no signal, but a special magnetic field!

Tang Long raised his head again and looked at the strange eyes of the sky. It was a little clearer. The eyes were inlaid with some kind of luminous object, but the area was huge.

Yang Wuchan also wanted to follow Tang Long's head up, but Tang Long knocked her head down and whispered, "Don't you want Xiaoming?"

The knock was quite painful, Yang Wuchan gritted his teeth, reached under Tang Long's crotch, and pulled his son: "Furious!"

Tang Long was taken aback, this woman was pretty fierce.He lowered his head and glared at her, and cursed angrily: "You show me honestly, when is it, and my mind is foolish!"

Yang Wuchan pouted, you were the first to be fierce!

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