Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 171: The best jade material

"Buy mine?"

"Well, yes, buy mine!"

Listening to Jiang Xiuzhi's report, Warm Spring frowned and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Is there a mine in Taoyuan County?"

She felt a little strange. She had never heard of any mineral deposits in Taoyuan County. Why did Yutou Village suddenly use tens of millions of funds to buy mines?

"I bought the Taoyuan Jade Mine!" Jiang Xiuzhi said helplessly.

"What kind of mine?" Warm Chun seemed to have not heard clearly, and couldn't help asking again.

"Taoyuan Jade Mine!" Jiang Xiuzhi said affirmatively. She had also heard about the rumors about'Taoyuan Jade' in the past two days. It seems that there is a Japanese businessman who has taken a fancy to a kind of stone produced locally in Taoyuan County. Acquisition.

I don’t know whether it’s true or false, but the news is definitely there!

"What is Taoyuan jade, can you explain it to me?" Warm Chun hesitated and couldn't help asking.

What is Taoyuan jade?

Jiang Xiuzhi shrugged: "Simply put,'Taoyuan jade' is a kind of quartzite. Can it be classified into the category of jade? I don't know. We are not professional, but now there are merchants in the county buying this kind of stone. I heard that many people have already started digging by the river!"


Warm Chun stood up from the chair, walked to the window, and asked curiously: "Does this matter have anything to do with Yutou Village?"

Jiang Xiuzhi shook his head: "I don't know either!"

She also just received the news. After all, the money in Yutou Village was lent by Warm Spring. Therefore, they have no right to supervise the use of funds, but they also have the right to know.

"Are you sure Yutou Village invested in'Taoyuan Jade'?" Warm Chun asked.

Jiang Xiuzhi nodded: "Yes, it's not only certain, but it's a sure thing. I invested 30 million to buy three'Taoyuan Jade' mines from Shuanghe Town!"

Warm Chun frowned and said, "Why haven't you told me about this!"

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled helplessly: "My Master Wen, we also just knew, okay, how can I tell you in advance!"

"I see, wait for my news!"

Warm Chun hung up the phone, frowned, Taoyuanyu?She didn't understand what Tang Long wanted to do.

This has nothing to do with Tang Long, she will definitely not believe it!

After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to talk to Tang Long personally.

There are many rivers in Taoyuan County, but the only one that runs through Taoyuan County is the "Jinsha River". It is rumored that some people have found Gootoujin in the Jinsha River before.However, the county has also organized manpower for exploration, and the province's exploration team has also come. Facts have proved that there are no gold mines in Taoyuan County.

So there is gold in the'Jinsha River', which is just a legend.

Although there is no gold in the'Jinsha River', there must be'Taoyuan Jade' seeds in the Jinsha River. This is true.

Everyone knows that in the jade world, seed materials are more valuable than mountain materials.And now the "Taoyuan Jade Investment Company" mainly buys seeds from Jinsha River.

Gou Yuniang and Tang Long stood side by side on the bank of the'Jinsha River', watching the villagers who were digging with a spade and pickaxe in the diving beach area. Now there are more seeds in the river and it is easy to dig. Everyone just picks them up. It's good to dig, because ordinary seed material, people will not spend money to collect.

At this time, no one has organized professional staff and used large-scale machinery to do this, and there are not many people buying Taoyuanyu.

"Now the seed material should be the cheapest time!" Gou Yuniang glanced at Tang Long and whispered.


Tang Long nodded. Except for the "Taoyuan Jade" investment company, Gou Yuniang is one of the few people who publicly acquired Taoyuan Jade.

Moreover, she is not buying one day or two days. Long ago, there were jade diggers in the Jinsha River, and they were in contact with Gou Yuniang.

Only before, there were not as many jade diggers as there are now. Everyone just came to try their luck occasionally, and Gou Yuniang only accepted those strange and top-quality materials.

The amount of funds used is definitely incomparable with now!

"Did you find this'Taoyuanyu' investment company?" Gou Yuniang bit her lower lip and couldn't help but ask her doubts.

She was the first one to buy a jade mine from Shuanghe Town, but she was not the first to publicly publicize Taoyuan jade!

This'Taoyuanyu Investment' company is.And it's still a foreign businessman!

Everyone knows that foreign businessmen have money. Someone dug up a piece of the best Taoyuan jade material that weighs two kilograms. It is a piece of pure black ink jade. The female manager of Taoyuan Jade Investment Company from Japan directly offered 200,000 yuan. I bought the material.

Two kilograms of 200,000, may not be a big deal for jadeite, but for the jade species of Taoyuan jade, it is absolutely sky-high!

Equivalent to one hundred yuan per gram.

"It's a bit related, but it's not very big. They accept theirs and we accept ours. Now that the plate is so big and there are so many'cakes', it won't make any difference!" Tang Long smiled and nodded.

Intuition tells Gou Yuniang that this'Taoyuan Jade' investment company must have something to do with her little man, or it would be so coincidental. He said that he wanted to speculate on Taoyuan Jade, and there was a jade company from Japan that was eyeing this?

The company also named it directly after "Taoyuanyu"!

When Gou Yuniang was about to say something, the phone ringing on Tang Long's body rang, interrupting her words again and holding back!

"Good Mr. Wen!"

Tang Long answered the warm spring call and looked at the bottom of the river embankment. More and more people came here. A stone of 200,000 yuan. Such explosive news is enough to attract the attention of many people in Taoyuan County. .

Is it a daughter to buy horse bones? The benevolent sees the benevolence and the wise sees the wisdom, but those keen jewelry and jade merchants must know that some people are beginning to hype the "Taoyuan Jade", but they are all watching from a distance. The current heat is not enough. Attract their attention.

"Boss Tang, can you tell me about the'Taoyuanyu'?" Warm Chun asked straight to the subject without circumstance.

"A very beautiful jade, it can be regarded as a specialty of Taoyuan County. Taoyuan jade is only available in Taoyuan County!" Tang Long said with a smile.Even if you don't tell these news, I believe that Warm Spring will be easy to find out.

Fried jade, not afraid of crowds.

The more people there are, the higher the value.

I'm afraid that no one will follow. If you lose your popularity, you will lose your wealth. If no one pays attention to this thing, then it will be cold.

In fact, the original layout did not start with Gou Yuniang and the others taking money to smash the mines, because there are a lot of seed materials. Before these seed materials are used up, the price of mountain materials will not be too high, no matter how long they are.

Only when more and more people begin to pay attention to "Taoyuan Jade" and start to buy, this is the start of the game!

Tang Long didn't want to do a "drip ball game". He felt that Taoyuan jade didn't need to be a game. Since it is a kind of exclusive jade, why do it have a game!

Hype is only the most basic part. Propaganda and promotion, and then use time to settle, make'Taoyuan Jade' a brand new business card for Taoyuan County, that is what Tang Long wants to do.

However, before that, hype about "Taoyuan Jade" is an indispensable thing, because people nowadays are more utilitarian. Even if it is beautiful, many people will regard it as if it has no value. For garbage.

"Are you the dealer behind'Taoyuanyu'?" Warm Chun asked softly after being silent for a while.

"The dealer?"

Tang Long shook his head and said, "I am afraid that you are mistaken. Taoyuan Jade will not have any dealers. I can only say that it is an original stock with great investment value and potential. If Mr. Wen is interested, you may wish to buy it. One point, and then put it on for a few years, I believe it will bring a big surprise to Mr. Wen!"

"It's not a simple thing to push the price of a kind of jade up!" Warm Chun hesitated and asked curiously: "Is Mr. Tang so confident?"

"Follow the trend!" Tang Long smiled casually.

Follow the trend?

Warm Chun said in his heart that it was a good move. If Taoyuan County is really due to the rise of the monster economy in the "Yutou Village", it is not impossible to bring Taoyuan jade by the way!

"Master, Master, someone dug a huge jade material, I'll buy it with money!" Ren Yingying rushed over and exclaimed excitedly as he ran.

Oversized jade material?

Tang Long couldn't help but look at her, and smiled into the warm spring on the phone: "Now, Taoyuanyu is already brewing. When the launch is officially good, Wen may wish to consider it more!"

After speaking, hang up the phone!

Coming over, watching Gou Yuniang ran to Ren Yingying who was breathing hard, Tang Long smiled and asked, "Did you buy jade materials?"

"Yeah, it cost 18,000 yuan. It's over there!" Ren Yingying pointed to the back excitedly, eyes like two gems, exuding hot sparkle, and shouted dancing and dancing: " Then the boss is a piece, if it is carved into an ornament, it will be very beautiful!"

Needless to say, letting Ren Yingying spend money to collect Taoyuan jade must have been ordered by Gou Yuniang, who wanted to experience her little apprentice.

The price is not a question. Now the price of Taoyuan jade is at the bottom, it is difficult to buy expensive!

"Go, go down and take a look!"

Tang Long smiled and didn't say anything. Gou Yuniang reached out and touched Ren Yingying's head, admiring it very much.No matter what jade material she buys, as long as she dares to bid, as long as she dares to buy, it is her experience and her future!

I was afraid that she hesitated and did not dare to start.

"Go, go, just below!" Ren Yingying pulled Gou Yuniang and happily ran under the river embankment.

"Hey, did you see it? I bought the big one!" Ren Yingying pointed to a gray stone the size of a millstone on the river beach and said excitedly.

The size is indeed not small, and the weight is about two to three hundred kilograms!

The workers of Baofeng Carving Factory are already there.

Gou Yuniang looked up at Tang Long. Tang Long shrugged to understand what she meant, and smiled and said, "Your own apprentice, you can teach yourself!"

Gou Yuniang smiled and walked over to the'big material' that Ren Yingying had bought.


The workers of Baofeng Carving Factory greeted Gou Yuniang.

Gou Yuniang nodded calmly and asked, "Have you settled yet?"

"My boss, it has been settled. The price is 18 thousand. Yingying decided to buy it. We haven't helped her see it!"

These are the masters in the carving factory. They have been dealing with jade for many years and have a good understanding of jade asking for directions.

"it is good!"

Gou Yuniang collected the materials by the river and brought over 20 people from the Baofeng Carving Factory. Among them, there were a dozen masters. If you have good materials, you can collect them as long as the price is right. I'm really not sure, I'm asking her .

"Do you think this material is good?" Gou Yuniang asked with a smile.

Ren Yingying's eyes flickered, she stood beside Gou Yuniang cleverly, took her arm, and whispered, "I think it's a top-quality material!"

"Superior material?" Gou Yuniang smiled. From the outside, this material is not the best material. The background color is gray and yellow, and the color is not correct.

Take out the bright flashlight that you carry with you, walk over to the piece of material, and ask: "Have you seen the light carefully?"

Ren Yingying nodded vigorously: "I have seen it!"

"it is good!"

Gou Yuniang didn't say anything, she turned on the bright flashlight, squatted down herself, and looked carefully in front of the piece of'big material'.

After a while, I turned off the bright flashlight, and stood up with a smile: "Yes, it is really good material!"

"We won't sell this stone!"

The young people on the sidelines suddenly shouted when they heard Gou Yuniang's words.

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