Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 173 Buyer's Market

"Mr. Liu, the people in Yutou Village are buying'Taoyuan Jade'."

Standing in front of Liu Meijia, Wang Chengwei said respectfully, that the sunspot Liu Jianming had just been discharged from the hospital two days ago. After being seen by Tang Long, he turned around and was admitted to the hospital again. Liu Meijia began to stare at people in Yutou Village. Every move.

Wu's can't do it, can't we still write?

Anyone who says black and hooligans can only be rough, they can also write, if it’s not for Liu Jianming’s own butt is dirty, otherwise Liu Meijia wants to call the police and call the police to deal with this matter. For the discount of the leg, when did you get discounted without a sound!

I heard that Liu Jianming was going crazy now, and he was awakened by the nightmare named Tang Long in the middle of the night.And Elder Tang also said that you had better not leave the hospital, otherwise this leg is healed, and then another leg, let’s change it!

I'm already begging my family to transfer to another place and not return to Taoyuan County in the future!

"Taoyuanyu? Didn't it mean that some Japanese businessman was hyping?" Liu Meijia frowned, wondering.

Wang Chengwei shook his head and said, "I don't know the details, but the people in Yutou Village are indeed collecting stones on the banks of the Jinsha River."

"What is the name of the proprietress of Baofeng Carving Factory?" Liu Meijia asked thoughtfully, tapping twice on the desk.

"Gou Yuniang!" Wang Chengwei said.

Liu Meijia nodded and asked curiously: "Where did that bastard Yang Chunming go? Did you find it?"

Yang Chunming was the former owner of Baofeng Carving Factory. He was set up by "Xiantao Villa" and defeated his family. The woman who set him up was a little supervisor of "accompanying wine" in Xiantao Villa. Chunming also made a lot of money.

"I heard that I went to the next city and made a detour to the'Jade City'!" Wang Chengwei said.

Liu Meijia nodded and sneered: "The daughter-in-law of Niu's family designed Baofeng Carving Factory and drove Yang Chunming away. Unexpectedly, it made Tang Long a bastard. Yang Chunming's daughter-in-law got a piece with Tang Long, right? "

Wang Chengwei nodded: "Many workers in this Baofeng carving factory know it!"

"Can Yang Chunming still be found?" Liu Meijia tilted her head to think about it.

Wang Chengwei nodded and said, "If you want to find it, it shouldn't be difficult, but it will take some time."

"Get it back!"

Liu Meijia sneered and said, "It's okay to add a block to Tang Long."

Everyone knows that Gou Yuniang is Yang Chunming's wife. Although they don't know how they discussed it, it shouldn't be a happy thing for Tang Long when Yang Chunming comes back. The more intimate he is with his wife, the more fun it will be.

"By the way, there is one more thing!" Wang Chengming seemed to think of something, and said, "The son of the Niu family seems to have not left yet in Taoyuan County."

"Yao Jingtian hasn't left yet?" Liu Meijia frowned and asked curiously: "It's also for'Taoyuanyu'?"

"It doesn't seem to be because her son Niu Aoqun is seriously ill and lives in the hospital!" Wang Chengwei explained.

"Severely ill hospitalized?" Liu Meijia tilted her head to think, and had nothing to do with Yao Jingtian or even the Niu family before, and the Niu family came to the door on their own initiative.

"Go, let's go to the bank of the Jinsha River and have a look!"

Liu Meijia is also a little interested in'Taoyuanyu'. With her commercial sensitivity, it seems that this matter is not very simple.

The Japanese merchant, Yutou Village, and the woman from Baofeng Carving Factory are very lively. Haven't heard of jade in Taoyuan County before?

As a local "snake" in Taoyuan County, Qiangyuan Company or Liu Meijia wanted to do something to take advantage of the right time and place.

Liu Meijia, a lady, also has money.She is just not sure whether this'Taoyuanyu' is profitable.

Liu Meijia took the people and personally went to the shore of the'Jinsha River'.

At present, both sides of the'Jinsha River' are the main battlefields for digging Taoyuan jade. Taoyuan jade is mainly seed material for the time being. There are a lot of seed material, and no one will spend money to buy mountain material.

What's more, almost all the people who invested in'Taoyuan Jade' were those whom Tang Long found!

"It's been two days!"

Gou Yuniang looked at Tang Long with some worry, and said softly.Zhang Xiu'e wants to stay in Yutou Village to stare at the village reform, as well as various large and small projects, a lot of things are waiting for her, and she has no time to come.However, Yutou Village also collects stones on the bank of the river. Li Ergou and Lian Sheng are all with them here.

What Gou Yuniang was worried about was that no one would follow the'end of the game.' Up till now, it was the first few companies that did not come in.

"Don't worry!" Tang Long smiled, paused and continued: "It's a good thing that no one comes in, the price will rise when there are more people!"

Fewer people, lower prices, easier to receive good things!

In the past two days, there have been more and more people digging stones on both sides of the Jinsha River. The news that the "Taoyuan Jade" investment company spent 200,000 yuan to buy a piece of the best Taoyuan jade, undoubtedly made a big splash.You know, 200,000 yuan is enough to buy a house in Taoyuan County, and there is more than enough money!

Many people have never made 200,000 deposits in their lifetime.It's not an exaggeration to say that it was getting rich overnight!

The adults and children who dig the seed material of "Taoyuanyu" are like crazy. They ran to both banks of the Jinsha River. Now it is easy to dig the material, but the price is relatively low. Even so, if you are lucky, you can make hundreds of people a day. There are quite a few.

Earn hundreds of dollars a day, for many people in Taoyuan County, they dare not even think about it, but now, it is really realized!

"Liu, look!" Wang Chengwei pointed to the dense crowd by the river and explained, "These are all people who come to mine!"

Needless to say, Liu Meijia also knows.

Liu Meijia frowned and asked, "Does anyone want the dug out stone?"

"Yes!" Wang Chengwei nodded affirmatively, "As far as I know, there are quite a few people collecting stones on both sides of the Jinsha River!"

"Whoever dug up all the stones?" Liu Meijia continued to ask.

Wang Chengwei nodded: "Close, I heard that there was a good stone two days ago, but it was taken away by Taoyuanyu Investment Company for 200,000 yuan!"

"Two hundred thousand?" Liu Meijia nodded, thought about it, and said with a smile: "What's the origin of this'Taoyuanyu' investment company, can you find a relationship?"

Qiangyuan Company is a local snake in Taoyuan County. They are the best at receiving and buying goods like this!

Nothing else, as long as you cooperate with them, the price will definitely be the lowest, and their purchase price will be very low, and both parties will have a profit!

Wang Chengwei understood what Liu Meijia was thinking. He hesitated and said, "Mr. Liu, maybe you are thinking a little wrong. I think the people from Taoyuanyu Investment Company are not only buying Taoyuanyu for the purpose of acquiring'Taoyuanyu'!"

Liu Meijia was stunned, looked at him and frowned and said, "I didn't buy Taoyuan jade to buy Taoyuan jade? What do you mean?"

Wang Chengwei said: "Many people feel that this'Taoyuan Jade' investment company is more like a hype about Taoyuan Jade!"

"Hope Taoyuan jade?" Liu Meijia scratched her head and looked at the people on both sides of the riverbank, and said thoughtfully: "You mean, they would be very disgusted that we lowered the price to help them buy Taoyuan jade?"

"The price can't rise. Who will sell the stone they bought in the first place?" Wang Chengwei nodded and said.

Local snakes like Liu Meijia and others like to help people solve their troubles. Almost all of them have heard of their prestigious Taoyuan County, and they are better at doing everything!

After hesitating, Liu Meijia said: "Find some manpower first, squat by the river sleeve and feel for the bottom, let's talk for two days!"

After that, lead the person away!

Liu Meijia’s family is not a'little character' in Taoyuan County. Although she didn't get down from standing on it, many people recognized her from a distance.

Streak went to Tang Long's side and said, "The village chief, Liu Meijia has brought someone here just now!"


Tang Long smiled, sat on the rock, looked at the busy figures on both sides of the river bank, and said calmly: "Come, don't be afraid of her coming, I'm afraid she won't come. The more people there are, the more lively we are. These people in Taoyuan County are not Come out to play, those outside, who dare to come in!"

He raised his hand towards the stones thrown on the river bank, pointed to it and said: "When nothing happens at night, bring more people over, clean up these unneeded stones on the river bank, and then pull them back to the truck. The foundation is used to build a house!"

Some of the stones dug out below are stones themselves, and some are'seeds', but the quality is not very good.

If the seed material is divided into four grades, the top quality is the most expensive, the first grade is second, and the second grade is the lowest price. Like those third and fourth grade materials, no one wants to throw them on the ground.

Now everyone is mainly collecting top-quality and first-class seed materials, like the second-class materials, the price is only a few cents per catty, which is very cheap.

What is the first-class material, what is the best material, how do ordinary people distinguish it?This is also very simple. To make the simplest analogy, a good thing is placed in front of you, even if you don't know what it is, you can recognize it as'good' at a glance.

If you watch too much, there will be contrast!

Now it is easy to collect materials on the beaches on both sides of the river. Find a bench, set a table, sit on it, and write a sign in a paper shell!

Dig something from the river beach and show it to you. For example, if you dig out a piece of'Taoyuan Jade' seed material, you can pay two yuan here and three yuan there, and they will sell it for three yuan. Fifty cents are not collected by others, so they can only be sold to fifty cents.

What price to charge, all in the buyer!

Of course, the person who digs up the material can also not sell it and take it home and store it.However, most of the stone-diggers are ordinary farmers in Taoyuan County. They don’t have that great vision. They dig a piece and sell a piece. For them, the broken stone in front of them can only be called money when they are exchanged for money. Piece of stone.

They are all afraid, like this kind of stone, some people are harvesting today, but no one will be harvesting it tomorrow. They worked so hard to dig a pile of stones, why?Isn’t it to make money? Otherwise, what's the use of digging a pile of rocks back!

Most people hold this kind of mentality. Basically, most people dig out a piece and sell it. Of course, there are many people with vision and vision, but after all, those are also a minority.

"Okay!" The winning streak is no nonsense. Whatever the village chief asks to do, then let's do it, just do it and it's right, regardless of right or wrong.

"By the way, there are many people in our village who want to come over to dig stones!" Hesitantly, he said to Tang Long.

Tang Long was stunned, then turned to look at him: "Are you all okay?"

The winning streak grabbed his head and laughed twice: "I have something to do, isn't the Taoyuan jade material expensive now? Someone dug a stone at the first two ends and made 200,000 yuan after changing hands. Isn't that greedy!"

Tang Long also smiled: "What is greedy? It depends on luck. Some people dig a day, and they may not make a hundred or ten dollars!"

A piece of second-class material is now worth three or five yuan, because it is easy to dig, and it may be worth a hundred or ten yuan when you encounter first-class or top-quality materials. It is also unattainable. With this skill, it is better to stay on the fish head. Do some work in the village.

Now Yutou Village is already being corporatized. As long as you don’t be lazy and obey the arrangement and management, your daily salary will not be less than two hundred yuan, and it is definitely not a tiring job!

"Go back and talk to the big guy, we fish head villagers don't do this kind of physical work!" Tang Long paused for a while, then smiled and added: "Just say what I said!"

"Hey, all right!" Lian Sheng grinned and nodded. Tang Long's words are now in the village.

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