Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 204: The First Person of Taoyuan Jade

"What should I do now?" Gou Yuniang waited for Thuhai to say goodbye and asked people to leave, looking at Tang Long eagerly.

In addition to buying the large ornaments of the Taoyuan jade sports car of the'extreme water sky blue' at a high price, he also spent a lot of money to buy two-thirds of the collection in the'Yulong Taoyuan jade' store!

This is not an ordinary collector, or a fan of Taoyuan jade. They have a very clear purpose. They want to enter the "Taoyuan Jade" industry to be your competitor, and the store is located opposite the "Yulong Taoyuan Jade" specialty store.

Faced with this kind of'competitor' who directly took money to kill others, Gou Yuniang really didn't know what to do.

Tang Long leaned on the sofa, lost in thought, what did these people want to do?Smashed billions in one go and bought out the "Yulong Taoyuan Jade" store?

Doesn't this mean that Yulong Taoyuan Jade suddenly adds billions of available funds?

"Thursday Sea?" Tang Long looked at Gou Yuniang and asked, "Have you heard of this'Sihai Group' before?"

Gou Yuniang thought for a while, shook her head and said, "There is no such company in the jade circle, and I have never heard of it before."

After hesitating, he whispered: "Should we break the contract and not do this business?"

Tang Long asked her to make a laugh, and shook his head: "Do you think it is feasible? Let's open the door to welcome the guests, and they will spend money to buy things."

Not for sale?There is no need to open the store "Yulong Taoyuanyu"!

Gou Yuniang frowned and said: "The other party bought two-thirds of our store's collections at once. These collections alone can make Thuhai's Taoyuan Jade Store the largest and most collected store in Taoyuan County."

Tang Long nodded and said, "Perhaps this is what the other party wants most."

Regardless of whether there is a relationship between the sea on Thursday and the black mark in the whole territory, his arrival is bound to add fire to the existing development of Taoyuan County and the Taoyuan jade market.

At the same time, it is tantamount to planting a nail in Taoyuan County!

"Winning streak, find a few clever people, staring at Thu Hai, and see who he will meet with in the near future!" Tang Long ordered after sending the information to Streak.

Someone bought out the "Yulong Taoyuan Jade" specialty store. The news spread throughout the entire Taoyuan jade trading market within half an hour, and then went viral on both sides of the Jinsha River and Taoyuan County.In the jade circle, this news is no less than the magnitude 7 earthquake, which has surprised many people who are concerned but don't take the'Taoyuan Jade' seriously.

That piece of Taoyuan jade carving sports car ornaments of the'extreme water sky blue' is worth 1.8 billion yuan. Buying the'Yulong Taoyuan jade' does not have two or three billion cash. Don't even think about it. You have to know that today is the'Yulong' The second day of Taoyuanyu's opening.

"Really? Buy the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade'? Let's play with it!"

At the beginning, many people didn't believe it, and it's hard to believe this news. Who would buy a jade specialty store for billions?

Although the Taoyuan jade is first-class top grade, the merchant will definitely want a profit. Which of the'taoyuan jade' in the Yulong Taoyuan jade store is not sky-high?

"Really, someone saw that piece of'extreme water sky blue' was removed with their own eyes!"

"Who is so arrogant? You even sold out'Yulong'?"

"I heard that it cost three to five billion!"

"Grass, this is because a big consortium is eyeing our'Taoyuan Jade'. Maybe the material market will skyrocket again tomorrow."


Xiantao Villa.

When Liu Meijia heard the news, her eyes almost didn't come out. She bought the Yulong Taoyuan jade specialty store for several billions?

"Are you sure it's a cash purchase? Who is speculating?"

Wang Chengwei swallowed and spit, shook his head and said, "Mr. Liu, absolutely not. Someone saw it with his own eyes. The news was confirmed by the clerk in the Yulong Taoyuan jade specialty store. With real cash, I heard that Gou Yuniang and Tang Long were both over. Now, those Taoyuan jade is already being shipped out one after another!"

After a little pause, he said: "In addition to the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' store being sold out, some people in the'Taoyuan Jade Trading Market' today are buying materials at no cost. Many merchants have turned the materials by ten. The price is going to take out, those people still don't care, everyone dare not sell it casually."

"Blast wash?"

Liu Meijia stared at her, blurted out two words.

Wang Chengwei was stunned, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Liu, what is'explosive washing'?"

Liu Meijia frowned, shook her head and said, "'Bloodwashing' is not a thing, it is a'manipulation' technique. One party controls a large amount of funds. Without a bargaining chip, it uses the sea of ​​money tactics to smash it down and make a handicap. Great shock!"

This requires huge amounts of funds to do it!

The current shock in the Taoyuan jade market is the pattern of being'exploded'.No one knows how much money they control, and no one knows what these people want to do.

"What if everyone is clutching the material and doesn't take action?" Wang Chengwei asked curiously.

Liu Meijia said, "Then the entire Taoyuan jade market will be monopolized by others in the future!"

When Wang Chengwei was about to say something, Liu Meijia's cell phone rang.

"Fully cooperate with the sea on Thursday to purchase jade in Taoyuan County. In addition, I will rush back in the shortest time!" Wan Qiang's voice came from the mobile phone.

Liu Meijia was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Wan Qiang to come back. It seems that this Thursday sea and the Taoyuan jade market will be lively.

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Meijia fell into deep thought.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the Taoyuan jade market is now revealing weirdness everywhere. Not many people took it seriously some time ago. Now it has changed, and it has become sweet and pastry. This is not ordinary sweet and pastry. .

Billions are smashed on a small jade species, how much gambling is needed, and it's just the beginning!

"Mr. Liu?" Wang Chengwei yelled softly.

Liu Meijia recovered, frowned and said, "Wan Qiang is coming back!"

After Wang Chengwei listened, his eyes widened: "It's also because of Taoyuan Jade?"


The current Taoyuan Jade Market is bustling, no, or the entire Taoyuan County should be bustling.

The news that the Yulong Taoyuan jade store was sold out, like Chang Bang, also spread to Wu Zhengyao's ears.

"Mayor Wu, look?" Wang Feiyue asked for instructions softly.

Wu Zhengyao looked out the window, and the afterglow of the setting sun was about to fall, and said: "The wind and rain are coming!" He can't say whether it is good or bad for Taoyuan County, but he knows one thing very well. Opened the gate of Taoyuan County to the outside world.


Tang Long returned to Yutou Village.

Zhang Xiu'e, Shan Yao, Wang Lu all stared at Tang Long, but none of them spoke first. They had also heard about Taoyuan County.

"Someone really bought the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' specialty store?" Zhang Xiu'e couldn't help but said.

Tang Long sat on the chair, a little thirsty, and the cup on the table didn't know who owned it, but there was water in it and it was not too dirty, so he took it directly and drank it.

Shan Yao's face is a little unnatural, this guy is drinking his own glass!

"2.5 billion, cash transfer, bought two-thirds of the collection in the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' store!" Tang Long put down his cup and nodded.

Wang Lu widened his eyes and said, "Will the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' specialty store make a profit?" You know, that's 2.5 billion, how much is the whole Yutou Village!

No matter where it is placed, 2.5 billion is a large sum of money.

Tang Long said: "It is certain to make money, but Thursday Hai, who bought the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' store short, has also become the largest collector in the'Taoyuan Jade' industry."

Whether it is or not, at least in the eyes of others, on Thursday Haihao invested 2.5 billion and bought out the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' specialty store, then he is now the largest collector in Taoyuan Jade.

It was precisely this 2.5 billion that pushed Thursday Sea to the throne of the first person in the'Taoyuan Jade'.

"Today, apart from the accident that the'Yulong Taoyuan Jade' specialty store was sold out, the Taoyuan jade trading market was also scavenged. Several hundred million yuan of funds came in, making many people in the market afraid to ship goods at will." Tang Long said sternly.

There is nothing to be happy about. If there is no such mysterious phone call, Tang Long might be happy, because the pool of Taoyuan jade has finally survived, but now, no one understands what the black label of the whole world wants to do.

If it is to make money, it will definitely cut the wool. When the tide is low, there will be many corpses left on the beach.

"There is one more thing that needs to be discussed with you. It is about the Taoyuan Jade Market in Shuanghe Town." Tang Long said, thinking of something.

"Huh? What happened to the Shuanghe Town Mine?" Zhang Xiu'e looked at him and asked in surprise.

Tang Long said calmly: "Someone wants to spend one billion to buy five Taoyuan jade mines in Shuanghe Town. I have already agreed!"

"One billion? Five?" Shan Yao frowned, "It used to be good, but now the price of raw materials has skyrocketed. Is this price too low?"

"US dollars!" Tang Long added two words.

"...I'm grass!" Shan Yao said violently, his eyes widened and puzzled: "Who is so arrogant?"

With a price of more than one billion yuan, for the time being, selling the Taoyuan Jade Mine will not be a loss. How long will it take to recover 200 million US dollars.

"No way, I was intimidated by someone and must be sold!" Tang Long confessed to the truth, otherwise they still don't know what they will think.

Zhang Xiu'e looked at Tang Long. It was no problem who he was being threatened. Instead, she whispered, "Should we sell a mine in Shuanghe Town in Yutou Village?"

Her idea is that almost all the development funds of Yutou Village now come from Warm Spring. If Warm Spring suddenly withdraws from the capital, Yutou Village will not find the money to return to others.Zhang Xiu'e was not a matter of the'Yutou Village No. 3 Mine', nor did he know that the 1.8 billion Taoyuan jade head belonged to Yutou Village.

Tang Long thought for a while and said, "This is yours. If you think it is worthwhile to sell one now, just sell one. It doesn't matter if you don't want to sell it!"

There are sixteen Taoyuan jade mines in Shuanghe Town, Yutou Village has three under Zhang control, Yulong has six, brother company has two, Gao Peng has three, and the remaining two are in the mountains. Yao's hands.

Regardless of whether Yutou Village sells it or not, Yulong’s Taoyuan jade mine must come up with two or three, and the brother company and Gao Peng must also buy one!

"Sell one!" Zhang Xiu'e hesitated, and said sternly: "Sell a mine, and then spend the money on the infrastructure of Yutou Village." She also added in her heart, returning the warm spring money, she didn't like it. By other people's money.

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