Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 225 I just want to hit you

"Who is this little girl film?"

Zhang Guodong couldn't believe that he would fall into the hands of a yellow-haired girl.Yes, the police really came and asked him to return to the police station to assist in the investigation.


What happened today, I am afraid that it can be explained clearly not only by the word "misunderstanding".


Tang Long received a call from Gao Peng and heard about the Taoyuan jade trading market. He couldn't laugh or cry. Ren Yingying is definitely not a light to worry about. Not only is she not fuel efficient, she is also not worrying.

"Is it okay?" Tang Long asked.

Gao Peng smiled and said: "What can happen? Many people in the market are watching. But those two guys are really not things. Seeing that the two sisters Ren Yingying are young, they want to take advantage of them. I want to grab the Taoyuan jade from Ren Yingying's hands."

After a pause, he said, "I like the courage of that girl, Ren Yingying!"

Tang Long rolled his eyes and murmured: "Do you still want the old cow to eat tender grass? Hurry up and take care of your thoughts and be careful that Wang Lu gets your tendons."

"Dirty!" Gao Peng wailed and hung up the phone.

Set up a street stall?

The matter of Ren Yingying was a reminder to Tang Long, who said that the Taoyuan jade trading market was prepared for merchants?Will the foundation of Taoyuan jade be more stable only when it circulates?

In the morning, Ren Lingling and Ren Yingying made at least 20,000 yuan by setting up a street stall.

The price of Taoyuan jade seed material has dropped again and again this week. Although it is not as severe as the previous period, it is still falling. There is no intention to stop.

Therefore, Taoyuan jade's name is indeed getting louder and louder, but more and more jade merchants have stopped and left the market.

"Mr. Zheng, is it almost done?" Assistant Zheng Feng asked softly.

For Taoyuanyu this week, there is only one word to express,'cool', it is so cold that it makes people chill, otherwise Zhang Guodong is also a'boss'-level purchasing manager anyhow, he has seen hundreds of millions of funds, why would he stare at him? Tens of thousands of things in the post.

During this period of time, he really lost a lot of money, selling when the price went up, and buying when the price plummeted. Anyway, he never made a profit.

"Is there any reaction from Xu Shiyun?" Zheng Feng asked, still staring at the data module on the Apple laptop.

The assistant shook his head: "No response!"

Zheng Feng hesitated, then continued to ask: "Where is Taoyuanyu Investment Company?"


"it is good!"

The assistant scratched his head, not understanding what Zheng Feng's "good" meant.

In the afternoon, Ren Yingying raised her head to look at Tang Long who was walking over, shrank her neck, her eyes murmured and dodged, not knowing what she was thinking about carefully.

"I heard people say that they were arrogant with others in the morning, and they asked the police to arrest them?" Tang Long walked to the back of the booth, tilted his head and looked at Ren Yingying and asked.

Ren Yingying stared her eyes and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, who is playing bullshit, they are trying to bully people, if you don't believe it, ask Ren Lingling."

Tang Long white her eyes and said, "Then what that means, Miss Ren Yingying, just take up the booth and don't talk about others in the ward, so it makes sense?"

Ren Yingying rolled her eyes and said, "I didn't casually occupy other people's booths. This booth is Yulong's good!"

"When you occupied it, did you know that it belonged to Yulong?" Tang Long asked her to be amused.

Ren Yingying said: "I don't know if I know, this stall is owned by Yulong, and what do you mean by Tang Long? My sister and I were bullied. Instead of being angry, you came to interrogate me first. Or are you not your own?"

"You just owe repairs!" Tang Long snorted.

However, in the morning, Mr. Zhang and Manager Li of the "Curious Color Jade", Tang Long will not be used to it. He has already explained that this matter can be big or small. It is a misunderstanding when it is small, but when it is large, Isn't it just Ming grabbing?

The one who set up the street stall is Ren Yingying, who wants to be replaced by someone else, ordinary people with no power and power, where should he go?So this thing cannot be finished as simple as that.

At least the two must be well educated. Even if they are not judged, they must stay in the detention center for several months!

"How is the street stall selling in the morning?" Tang Long asked, turning the subject off.

Ren Yingying was stunned, rolled her eyes and said, "It's pretty good. I sold tens of thousands of dollars in the morning."

Now the two sisters, Ren Yingying and Ren Lingling, are doing "unique business" in the market, because there is no stall for "individual customers" in the market.

However, watching the two sisters make money, some people are setting up a stall in the afternoon. Taoyuan jade materials are aimed at jade merchants, but these ordinary jade articles are aimed at ordinary people, let alone earning tens of thousands a day, even a day. Earn a few hundred, isn't that money?

Anyway, idle is idle!

No one thought that this allowed Wang Chengwei to see the opportunity. The Yulong, Sihai and other specialty stores outside the market sell all'high-end' products, but'Jiayuan' is not. It is positioning itself in the low-end market. Mainly wholesale.

If you want to set up a street stall, you need a source of supply, and Jiayuan Taoyuan Jade happens to have a source of supply.

At least ten stalls were contacted in the afternoon. The low-end Taoyuan jade at these stalls were all purchased from Jiayuan Taoyuan jade.

And the high-end, without exception, are all bought from Yulong.Except for Yulong's supply, it cannot be mobilized in a short time.

I am afraid that the two sisters, Lingling and Ren Yingying, would not have thought that the retail business in the Taoyuan jade trading market would have arisen because of them.

In the afternoon, there were obviously not as many tourists as in the morning, and sales were not as good as in the morning. However, by the evening, the two sisters still made eight or nine thousand yuan.

"Get rich!" With surprise in Ren Lingling's eyes, within a day, she made 30,000 yuan by setting up a stall in the market. Even if she divides it in half, she can still divide it into 15,000, which is completely usable. , Buy a smart phone, and then buy a high-end laptop that can play games.


Ren Yingying rolled her eyes and said with a smile.

Ren Lingling blanked her eyes and hummed: "Smelly girl, it's no wonder Tang Long said that you are itchy and you owe a beating. I don't think it's fake at all. Take the money!"

"What are you doing!"

Ren Yingying's eyes were staring, and he was covering the cardboard box with the money in both hands. Of course, most of the money was in the phone.

Ren Lingling said: "What are you talking about, all the money earned today will go to me."


Ren Yingying stared her eyes and said angrily, "Why?"

"Why?" Ren Lingling said solemnly: "Just because I am older than you, because I am your sister, and because you want to make me angry, I dare to beat you, okay?"


Ren Yingying's eyes widened, she couldn't think that such a'brilliant' words would come out of her sister's mouth.

"Beating and paying, you choose it yourself!" Ren Lingling's eyes flickered, and there was no hint of joking on his face.


Ren Yingying thought for a while, if Ren Lingling really dared to be'rough' to herself, would Ren Qiang and Zhou Fang help themselves?Stuck!

Don't care about your parents, will Tang Long take care of it?That would certainly not be true. He was eager to clean up himself. How could he stop Ren Lingling. The master who loved him the most was in the magic city and couldn’t return for a short time. It seemed that Ren Lingling really couldn’t provoke him, or he would beat him. No one stopped.

"Sister, count you cruel!" Ren Yingying smirked, and angrily handed over the money box. Heroes, no, good women don’t suffer from immediate losses. Obviously they can’t do Ren Lingling, and no one is helping him. What's wrong?

Muttered in a low voice: "You look like this, I won't take you to play in the future."


Ren Lingling dismissed it, and happily brought the money box over. Brother Tang Long gave him the trick, otherwise she wouldn't be able to take all of it, at most half, even a small head.I'm fine now, hee hee, today's income for the whole day is all my own.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, there were basically no tourists in the market. The Taoyuan jade seed material, which was originally slumping, suddenly changed.

"Can you sell the material in your hand?"


"what price?"

"Eighty thousand!" The jade merchant who had the goods replied lazily. The material on hand, calculated at today's selling price, would sell for a maximum of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and it was about to close the stall soon. Selling, so the price doubles at once, and more is like symbolizing the price.


Then he packed up the seeds of various sizes on the stall.

The price is negotiated, payment in seconds, and both money and goods are cleared!

Has the price of Taoyuan jade seed material increased?

Sweeping goods like this were staged at the stalls of major jade merchants.

"The price of Taoyuan jade seed material has risen!"

"Eighty percent!"

"Ninety-five percent..."

Sisters Ren Lingling and Ren Yingying are still sharing the spoils here, just listen to someone shouting in the market.

The two sisters looked at each other, Ren Lingling looked at Ren Yingying and asked, "The material market is going to rise?"

Ren Yingying frowned, her eyes flickered and shook her head and said, "I also said it's not so good. It's only been a week. I expect that even if the price rises, it will take at least two weeks!"

"Shall we buy some?" Ren Lingling asked excitedly.

Ren Yingying looked up at her and sneered: "Buy? What to buy, is it only the 20,000 to 30,000 yuan in your hand?"

The 50 million raw materials sold last week had long been taken away by Gou Yuniang. Even if Gou Yuniang was petting her apprentice, it was impossible to put tens of millions in her hands.

"Twenty to thirty thousand yuan, isn't it money?" Ren Lingling was unhappy, and muttered in a low voice: "I owe you, I will spank you in a hurry, wait!"

Ren Yingying stared her eyes, she didn't understand, who was the courage of Ren Lingling, she dared to be so bold to herself?

Ren Lingling really bought it, and used the 30,000 yuan he earned from the street stall with Ren Yingying today to collect two cardboard boxes of Taoyuan jade seed material.

However, at the close of the market, the market price of Taoyuan jade seed material stabilized at 70%, and did not soar or plummet.

But the price increase is like a stone, still in the Taoyuan jade market, causing numerous waves of large and small waves.

On the way back, Ren Yingying Xiaozui felt Lao Gao: "It is said that I will make some pocket money. Who told you to buy seeds!"

"Shut up, the money is mine, sister I am happy!" Ren Lingling ignored her.

Ren Yingying curled her lips, this sister, there are signs of blackening, her eyes rolled around, and she started to think about it. She is still young, and she wants to do something. She doesn’t want her family to know, and she doesn’t want to tell Gou Yuniang. Can use the'old sister', so can't let Ren Lingling ask Tang Long that stinky guy to win over.

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