With outsiders around, Jiang Xue naturally can't be so bold, clearly expressing the'purpose' she wants, but when she is carrying people on her back, she will give Tang Long a bitter look from time to time.

Tang Long couldn't laugh or cry. Although he knew that he was handsome, he was not so attractive, right?

To be honest, he didn't feel much about Jiang Xue and even Xu Shiyun, Zhao Xiaoyue and the others' "little girls movies", they were too tender, and he only regarded these little girls as sisters in his heart.

Ho Nai's children now are so precocious!

"I want to get a place in the city and drive the'Fish Head Village Hotel' over. Is there any suitable place?"

While eating, Tang Long asked Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue was stunned for a while, and then his eyes flickered strangely. Yutou Village is going to open the hotel to the city?Doesn’t that mean that Tang Long will come to the city often in the future!

"Sometimes there is, do you want to buy or rent?" Jiang Xue asked with a smile.

Tang Long said indifferently: "You can buy or rent. Money is not a problem, it's mainly because the place is right."

Yutou Village now has money in his hands. A'Taoyuan Jade' mine sold for 200 million US dollars, and there is nowhere to spend it.

"Near our school, there happened to be a very suitable place. The place used to be a hotel, which was opened by the county agency below. However, it was closed for unknown reasons. It is still idle. I heard that I just wanted to go abroad. Rent!" Jiang Xue said with a smile.

Tang Long asked: "Is the place big enough?"

Jiang Xue nodded: "It's not small, there are yards on the front and back that can be used as parking lots. The building is only three stories high, but it's very long. Each floor is big, and there are at least hundreds of rooms inside!"

Tang Long's eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "Is there a way?"

"There must be some way, but... it needs to be expressed!" Jiang Xue looked at Tang Long with a red face.


To whom, although she didn't say it, Tang Long tasted it.With a wry smile: "You, can't you think about it in a serious way every day?"

Jiang Xue blushed and whispered: "Huh, people can be serious!"

I was probably afraid that other people at the dinner table would find out, and hurriedly changed the subject and said, "If you want to rent, you have to hurry up. There are a lot of people staring there!"

"Money is not a problem, if you have a way, you can help Zhang Luo Zhang Luo, the benefit of turning around is indispensable for you!" Tang Long smiled.

Jiang Xue raised her head and looked at Tang Long: "Oh what you said, don't regret it then!"

Tang Long smiled bitterly: "Just don't go too far!"

"Don't worry, you can definitely satisfy me!" Jiang Xuechao Tang Long blinked.

Zhao Xiaoyue made a color toward Shan Yao. Although there was Jiang Xue's roommate next to him, everyone was not a fool. No one could tell that Jiang Xue was interesting to Tang Long.

Thousands of defenses, house thieves are hard to prevent!


Shan Yao almost didn't make Zhao Xiaoyue amused. To talk about worrying, it should be Zhang Xiu'e. What are you doing here to enlarge your face?



Gou Yuniang looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, very peaceful and respectful, because both of them were craftsmen, but Gou Yuniang was engaged in jade carving, and the other was a'master goldsmith'.

"Master You, you can choose to own the shares, or you can choose the bonus annual salary, as long as you are willing to come to our'Yulong Jewelry', the position of the chief designer is yours!"

You Changcun smiled, and did not answer Gou Yuniang's words directly, but asked: "I don't know how much Ms. Go knows about gold?

Gou Yuniang was silent for a while, and then said: "Small knowledge!"

Don’t talk about gold, it’s silver, hard gold, colored gold, diamonds, etc. Gou Yumian doesn’t know anything about it. The only thing she can understand, that is jade, she still dare not say that she understands it all. After all, her main business is carving. '.

"Gold has strong market volatility. In other words, its price fluctuates with market fluctuations. To make gold and silver jewelry, it is inevitable to suppress gold and silver. I wonder if you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?" You Changcun Continue to ask with a smile.

Gou Yuniang frowned, then shook her head and smiled bitterly, "I really don’t understand this, but I think that if a company wants to develop benign and sustainable, it must have its own culture and heritage. It cannot be missing."

You Changcun’s eyes are bright, and now many jewelry companies are actually second-tier dealers. Culture and background are indeed a difficult thing, especially to ensure its long-term existence.

"Ms. Gou, I heard that you are single?"

Gou Yuniang smiled and said calmly: "Yes, I am single, but there are men!" The implication is that she is single, but she does not lack men.

You Changcun also didn't expect the other party to be so direct, so he laughed and turned the subject away: "It's true that I have a daughter, and I always want me to find another one."

He shook his head and said: "Don't talk about it, if I join'Yulong Jewelry' and want to launch a exclusive'Gold Jewelry' series, I may not be optimistic about the market, I wonder if Ms. Gou can accept it."

Like these'masters', regardless of whether they are master engravers or master goldsmiths, they all have their own personalities and different pursuits.

Gou Yuniang understands all these things.

"Fifty million, as long as Master You is willing to join the'Yulong Jewelry', I am willing to spend 50 million yuan to recommend Master You's design!" Gou Yuniang said sincerely.

"it is good!"

You Changcun signed into Yulong Jewelry and served as the'chief designer' of Yulong Jewelry, mainly leading the team to design gold jewelry and diamond rings.

Gou Yunniang breathed a sigh of relief, and she finally saw some gains these days when she left early and returned late.

The sales team, design team, promotion team, and the most important production and procurement links of "Yulong Jewelry" are all connected.

Among the three stores, except for the "Yulong Taoyuan Jade" specialty store in the magic city, which is already in trial operation, in the domestic super first-tier cities, "Yulong Jewelry" opened six stores at once.

Main gold and silver jewelry, diamond jewelry!

The magic city Taoyuan jade specialty store has also been compressed, and a part of the venue has been used to sell gold and silver jewelry and various jewelry.

"Dad, do you really want to launch this'legacy heritage' gold jewelry?" Yumanman looked at his father helplessly, because Yumanman was also a'jewelry designer' because she was influenced by her parents since childhood, but she It's that he is extremely disinterested in Dad's "Inheritance of Ancient Laws" series. What age is it now, and whoever uses such old-fashioned things does not show off at all.

You Changcun nodded and looked at the scraps of paper on hand. These design drawings have been pressed for most of his life in his hands. If you don’t take advantage of the opportunity of "Yulong Jewelry" to sell it, then you may die by yourself. It can only be placed at the bottom of the box.

Give it a try!

The owner of Yulong Jewelry is not afraid, what else is afraid of himself.

"Ancient Inheritance" gold jewelry series, a total of fifteen pieces, gold hairpins, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, each jewelry part, there are three designs.

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