Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 246 The Return of the Jade Mother


With tears in her eyes, Ren Yingying ran toward Gou Yuniang who got off the car, hugged her, and slammed her head into her arms, causing Tang Long who was standing by to roll her eyes.

This ghost girl pretends, definitely pretends. The problem is that Gou Yuniang will eat her suit!

"Master, you are back!" Ren Yingying looked up at Gou Yuniang, tears rolling off her eyes.She was really miserable during this period of time. Just being taken care of by Tang Long, she was miserable more than once. Every time she was miserable. She was not allowed to do this or that, and she hated Tang Long to death.

Gou Yuniang smiled and touched Ren Yingying's head: "Did you not be obedient during this time?"

With teardrops in his eyes, Ren Yingying turned around twice and said: "Observe, but obedient, how can you be disobedient, people are the most obedient!"

"I'm obedient, I almost didn't kill my popularity, fight, cause trouble, and never did anything obedient." Tang Long answered from the side.

Ren Yingying quit, staring at him, and retorted: "Smelly Tang Long, you don't want to talk here and ruin my reputation. I'll tell you, if I get anxious and find a chance, I will knock you sap!"

"Tsk tut!"

Tang Long curled his lips and said with a smile: "It's for you, do you have to go to heaven if there is a gust of wind?"


Ren Yingying rolled her eyes to Tang Long, turned her head to hold Gou Yuniang, and whispered, "Master, the smelly Tang Long is broken. When you are not at home, you always bully me and often spank others. Especially...that what, not like a good person!"

Gou Yuniang rubbed Ren Yingying's head and said with a smile: "Spanking can secrete Badopress and improve intelligence, so letting him hit a few more times is good for you."


Ren Yingying almost vomited blood without hearing, even Tang Long couldn't help being amused.

"You dare to sue me for evil!" Tang Long cast a threatening look at her, raised his head and smiled at Gou Yuniang: "Thank you!"

Gou Yuniang shook her head: "No hard work!"

Except for Ren Yingying, Tang Long and Ren Lingling were also on the sidelines. Gou Yuniang didn't disturb many people when she came back, and few people knew what Gou Yuniang was doing out.

In two months, from scratch, even with sufficient financial support, it is extremely difficult to create the brand "Yulong Jewelry".

Fortunately, the effort is proportional to the gain, which did not disappoint.

Although the brand of'Yulong Jewelry' cannot be compared with those top-tier brands, it is barely well-known. Of course, all of this is burnt.Any brand, except for its own products, cannot do without'burning money'.

Without burning money, you can't create a'brand'!

There is a restaurant in the county called "Longfeng Restaurant", which is considered to be an upper-medium consumption in Taoyuan County, but for tourists from outside, it is actually quite affordable. It has been open for many years and has many repeat customers.

Knowing that Gou Yuniang is back today, Ren Yingying has reserved a private room, and Ren Qiang and Zhoufang will come later. In addition, two veteran engravers from Baofeng Carving Factory and the general manager of Yulong Taoyuanyu are barely one. A "private" style banquet.

"During my absence, I heard that many things have happened in Taoyuan County?" Gou Yuniang asked Tang Long curiously after sitting down.

Tang Long smiled bitterly, and said, "Some things have happened, but the overall situation is not a big deal!"

"Cut, the sky is about to fall down, it's not a big deal!" Ren Yingying pouted and roared.

Although Gou Yuniang is in another place, there are actually stories about Taoyuan County, but they are not as detailed in the county.

Originally developed a vivid and colorful'Taoyuan Jade Trading Market', because of the conflict between the Market Management Committee and the jade merchants in the market. Simply put, the conflict between the director of the Management Committee Zhang Tao and Dapeng Yuye Gao Peng caused many jade merchants to leave the market. Let the original hot market conditions be reduced to a cold state.

In the original Taoyuan jade trading market, at its peak, the daily transaction volume could reach one billion, or even two to three billion.

But now, it's cold!

There are millions of transactions in the Taoyuan jade trading market, even if it is good, although the popularity is very high, but the bulk transactions have become deserted.

I don’t know what the leadership of Taoyuan County thinks, and they didn’t think of a solution. Instead, they turned the'Taoyuan Jade Market' like a small wholesaler and transformed tourist attractions, ignoring the fact that the large transactions behind it turned from hot to cold.

Of course, Tang Long would definitely not ask Wu Zhengyao about these things. In nominal terms, whether the'Taoyuan Jade Exchange Market' is cold or hot, it has half a dime to do with him.

During this time, Tang Long honestly returned to Yutou Village and began to run around for the Yutou Village Company.

First, through Jiang Xue's relationship, he rented a suitable place for a hotel, proceeded with the decoration, and inserted the flag of the'Yutou Village Cozy Hotel' into the city.The word'warm' was added by the secretary of Xiu'e. She said that the names of'Yutou Village Hotel' or'Yutou Village Chain Hotel' were a bit cold, so the word'warm' was added.

From now on, all hotels under the Yutou Village Company will be named "Yutou Village Warm Hotel". It doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not. The most important thing is that the secretary of Xiu'e is happy.

In addition to hotels, Shanxi’s "Longshanquan Mineral Water Co., Ltd." and its "Longshanquan" branded bottled water officially began to sell to the outside world, invested heavily in advertising and promotion in the market, and its reputation suddenly expanded to the whole country. The crazy way of spreading goods.

It needs to open up the "sales channel" link, and then distribute goods, transportation, suppliers, sellers, etc.

There are a lot of things, now under the mineral water of Longshanquan, there are as many as 370 people in the sales department.

The vehicles shipped every day are uninterrupted, and there are so many vehicles that they have to build a special road for the transportation of "Longshan Spring" to the county highway.

In addition to "Longshanquan", Tang Long also has a "distillery" in his hands, which is the "Daxin Distillery" sold by Zhou Dawang, now officially renamed "Dragon Wine Winery".But now the winery only produces, cellars, and rarely sells it.

In Tang Long's words, before the'new brand' is confirmed, the wine will not be sold, hide it and drink it by yourself. Now selling it is equivalent to selling at a low price.

There are actually a lot of things in the winery, after all, the winemaking technology is not in the hands of one's trust, and it is not too reassuring.

Coupled with the undercurrents surging in Taoyuan County, Tang Long feels that his life now is not as good as when he was performing the task before. At that time, just one word,'do', was over. Now it is so leisurely, there is nothing left. Worried.

For Tang Long, the matter of Taoyuanyu could not be ignored, on the contrary, it was not so important, and some things could not be rushed.

In addition to the Taoyuan jade trading market, several major jade merchants have chosen their own "specialized trading shops", but the effect is not very good. Now, in the total, can they start anew and create a "trading market".

Anyway, the possibility of returning to the'Taoyuan Jade Trading Market' is not very great, and starting a new start, supported by several major jade merchants, it will not be said that it will be worse than the Taoyuan Jade Trading Market.

The seed market on both sides of the Jinsha River is still hot, but the price has dropped a lot. There are still tens of thousands of jade diggers coming every day, greedy for the dark.

There are also many tourists from the surrounding areas who come here in particular, directly and indirectly stimulating the tourism industry in Taoyuan County.

Anyway, for ordinary people in Taoyuan County, the changes in Taoyuan County this year have not been small, and their income has also increased a lot.

Whether it is to dig jade on both sides of the Jinsha River or to find a job, it is much easier, not to mention, the amount of money earned has also increased.

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