Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 263 - Sales Channels

When Tang Lung came out, Ren Ying Ying had already set up the grill.

"Barbecue tonight?"

Looking at Hook Yu Niang curiously asked. Gouyu Niang was stunned and surprised, "Didn't Ying Ying say you wanted to barbecue tonight?"

Ren Ying Ying made a face at Tang Lung and said playfully, "Isn't it?"

Tang Lung rolled his eyes and ignored her. Deer, barbecue it is! Hesitantly, he said, "Is it okay to have two outsiders over at night?"

With a smile in her voice, the hooked yuga said, "Yes!" A slight pause, and then hurriedly said, "Right, I've already called Zhang Xiu'e, she'll come over tonight!"

Tang Long touched his nose, really don't know what he should say, this silly bitch, Zhang Xiu'er over, where do I sleep at night?

But he didn't dare to show anything on his face and smiled, "Quite!"

Then he took out his phone and called Wang Feiyue.

"Brother Wang, are you free tonight, let's make an open-air barbecue, bring your sister-in-law and kids over for a get-together if you're free."

Tang Long wanted to call Wang Feiyue out and chat, to no big deal, do you need to contact between friends.

"Okay, what place?" Wang Feiyue was not polite, nor was he inked.

Tang Long smiled and said, "Baofeng Carving Factory, bake your own place, you don't need to bring anything, just bring your sister-in-law's wife!"

"Why do I sound so unorthodox!" Wang Feiyue laughed and cursed, agreed on a time and place, and hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiu'er really didn't come by herself, she drove and then got down from the car Zhao Xiaoyue, Shan Luan, Qiu Yuxia and the little girl Er Mao.

"Hello big brother Tang Long Village Chief!" Er Mao ran over and hugged Tang Long. I don't know who learned it from who, after returning from the capital to treat his ears, every time he saw Tang Long, he would come over and hug him, I don't know if there was some other meaning in it, anyway, Er Mao this little girl is more cheerful than before.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you're in the right place.

The mountain engine came over and sat on the chair next to Tang Lung, and didn't actively talk.

Tang Long rolled his eyes and smiled bitterly, "Just tell me what's going on, do you still have to wait for me to ask?"

"How dare I tell you if you don't ask!" The mountain's army laughed and looked up at Tang Long, "The advertisement of Long Shan Spring has been fully launched, and now that all parts of the country want to supply it, there are two choices in front of us. First, use someone else's sales channel, and second, form our own!"

"What about the pros and cons?" Tang Long asked.

Mountain Avenue: "Using someone else's sales channel, no need for us to worry about anything, Long Mountain Spring can directly enter the first-tier market, major supermarket chains, and spread goods for the whole country. If you form your own sales channel, you need to be nationwide, recruiting agent partners, at least one in each province, it's more time consuming and laborious!"

Tang Long mulled it over, then said, "Use someone else's sales channel, directly shop the goods nationwide, and break Long Shanquan into the market first!"

The mountain was slightly stunned and frowned, "Why not form our own sales channel? To use someone else's sales channel?"

Tang Long said: "Using other people's sales channels is fast, and we don't have to worry about anything, we are only responsible for production and branding is enough, so that Long Shan Spring can meet with consumers in the shortest possible time, and occupy the market.

On the other hand, the establishment of their own sales channels, seems more in line with the long-term interests, can not solve the immediate problem, we may as well use others' sales channels, send the products into the major supermarkets and shopping malls, the country to shop, and so awareness, products are open market, and then talk about their own sales channels is not too late.

With others to make money together, not something to lose, eat alone, may not be long-term, Long Shanquan sales channels, in fact, as long as our products open the market, the future will be water!"

After hesitating, Shanxuan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Then let's use other people's sales channels first and make a national distribution."

"How is the market reaction?" Tang Long nodded and asked with a smile.

The Shan Shan shrugged his shoulders and said, "How exactly, I'm not sure, but there are probably hundreds of carts transporting Long Shan Spring to various parts of the country every day. From morning to night, the workers who load the goods have to work twenty-four hours." After a slight pause, he continued, "By the way, the county has agreed that Long Shanquan will specifically build a direct road to the county highway intersection."

Do you make money from Long Hill Springs?

This is all nonsense, the ex-factory price of mineral water in Long Shan Spring is one dollar and ten cents, the market selling price is two dollars, of which ninety cents, to suppliers, distributors, and transportation and other costs reserved for the profit.

This bottle of mineral water like this, Long Shan Quan's profit is about 80 cents, and now Long Shan Quan's full production line can fill about 15 million bottles of mineral water a day.

Do you think it's profitable?

People were selling water, literally selling water, not much slower than a money grab.

"I've also looked into other places, and found that there are also a few good places suitable for building factories!" Mountain Soldier said.

Tang Long was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "Thinking of expansion in such a hurry?"

The mountain hoses looked helpless: "What can I do, the downstream sellers call again 24 hours a day to rush the goods!"

"Watch out for a backlash from other mineral water manufacturers in the market!" Tang Long reminded her not to be too complacent.

The Mountain Soldier said indifferently, "Let them be, as long as they play along, what do I have to be afraid of!"

You're not afraid to put on shoes. She used to be a money-hungry master, but she's so ruthless, why do you mess with her?

I'm telling you, it doesn't work for anyone!

"Right, there are a lot of snow pears in the mountains, they can't even be shipped out in the fall, and even if they are shipped out, they can't be sold at a price, Taoyuan County has a lot of mountains and forests, so it's perfect for growing fruit trees, so I've been thinking about getting a juice production line back recently, what do you think?" The mountain lions thought of something and looked at Tang Long and said as if nothing had happened.

Tang Long shrugged his shoulders, he felt good, people have money, they can't do what they want to do.

"Don't be like this, if it wasn't because of you, I wouldn't do these laborious and unpleasant things!" The Mountain Soldier suddenly left his small mouth and muttered somewhat unhappily, "I'm not short of money, what's the point of earning so much money!"

For me?

Tang Long was stunned and looked at the mountain, while the other party said without any sign of weakness, "If it wasn't for the fact that you're from Taoyuan County, and Taoyuan County is so poor, and you want to make your hometown better, that's why I want to make juice, hoping to lead the mountain people to become rich."

Dry laughing twice, Tang Long touched his nose, it seemed like people were right to say that, but why did it sound so far-fetched, as if he was going to tie himself to the ship?

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