Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 276 Someone is holding down the price

"Who is shipping?" Zheng Feng's eyes were sharp and his face was a little ugly.

The assistant squeaked and said after a long time: "Mr. Zheng, we don't know who is shipping. Anyway, as long as the price is raised in the market, a lot of selling will come out."

There was still some movement in the first two days. Let me explain again that there is a sign of Taoyuan jade price increase, but the good times are not long. From the opening of the "Taoyuan Jade Trading Mall" to the wholly-owned acquisition of the "Taoyuan Jade Investment Company" by Qiangyuan Group, this The signs of price increases have been'squeezed' down.

In the Taoyuan jade market, it is like a pair of invisible hands covering it, forming invisible pressure and controlling the price.

Zheng Feng was ready yesterday, and wants to try it out today. At this price, let alone one year, it is ten years. Taoyuan jade will not reach the price he promised to Thu Hai.

They came not to preserve the value of their assets, but to invest in Taoyuan jade to soar, and achieve the purpose of quickly accumulating wealth.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be good for those funds to be invested in the financial market? Even if they are placed in banks and borrowed at high interest rates, they will earn far more than investing in jade.

Capitalists are never kind!

"How much is the selling offer?" Zheng Feng asked, pondering.

The assistant whispered: "As many orders as there are buying, there are as many selling orders as there are, and whether it is seed material or mountain material, it is exceptionally sufficient."

Zheng Feng frowned and said, "In the Taoyuan jade investment market, there are only a few people who can come up with such a handwriting."

After a pause, it seemed that he couldn't understand it, and he mumbled: "It can push the price of Taoyuan jade to increase, and it will be of great benefit to them. Why do they stop such a good thing?"

Zheng Feng couldn't understand, and his assistant also couldn't understand.

"Sister Xu, Zheng Feng's people just wanted to raise the price and were pressed back." Chen Xiaoming walked to Xu Shiyun and said.

Xu Shiyun sat on a recliner behind an ordinary stall in Taoyuan Jade Shopping Mall, holding a book in her hand, and after hearing Chen Xiaoming's words, she nodded calmly.

Without removing his eyes from the book, he looked very focused!

"Sister Xu, I don't understand..."

Xu Shiyun interrupted Chen Xiaoming before he finished speaking, and said angrily: "If you don't understand, I don't understand this lady, don't ask me any questions, go ask your boss! "

Ask my boss?

Chen Xiaoming was stunned, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Xu, you mean, the boss of Tang Long meant not to let the price of Taoyuan jade increase?"

"Otherwise, who do you think has such a big condition?" Xu Shiyun raised her hand, waved her hand, and signaled Chen Xiaoming to get out of her without disturbing her reading.

Chen Xiaoming clutched his head, turned and left!

After Xu Shiyun waited for him to leave, she put the book on her stomach and frowned. If the price of Taoyuan jade is not restricted, it can make a billion or billions of dollars that year. It's all money.

Of course, no one can say what will happen to Taoyuan jade after it soars.But one thing is certain, there will be a sharp fall, and this point will never change.

Especially when the fundamentals deviate too much to support!

At present, the price of Taoyuan jade is neither high nor low. It is within a reasonable range. Tang Long means that Taoyuan jade cannot be increased in price. It must not rise or fall sharply. It can rise a little bit every year, and it cannot soar. rise.

So for Xu Shiyun, the Taoyuan jade market is no longer interesting.

However, Tang Long didn't want Taoyuan jade to soar and plummet. For some people, it was simply a way of blocking people's money.

For example, Thu Hai, Wan Qiang, Zheng Feng and others, these people are all people who want to make huge profits from the Taoyuan jade market. If the profits are controlled, how can people give up?

Look at it, it's just the peace before the storm.

Many jade merchants who stayed in Taoyuan County and were interested in Taoyuan jade are also waiting and watching. Those who felt that Taoyuan jade would continue to skyrocket two days ago have already gone. I don't know who will be annihilated, and become that kind of half-dead state.

The fame of Taoyuan jade has gradually risen, but Taoyuan jade, especially the currency of Taoyuan jade, has not improved since the last price surge.

"Help me make an appointment with Gao Peng, I want to meet him!" Zheng Feng said to his subordinates with an ugly expression.He couldn't think of where the problem was, so he wanted to meet Gao Peng. After all, in name, he is the president of the Taoyuan Jade Exchange Association, and this Taoyuan Jade Shopping Center is also owned by others.

Dapeng Jade is not the most famous company in the Taoyuan jade industry chain, but it is definitely one of the'head' companies.

"see me?"

Gao Peng lowered his mouth and listened to the report from the company. He put his feet on the big desk and swayed: "What is the use of the people from the sea on Thursday to see me!"

The price of Taoyuan jade from Xindao himself has the final say. Of course, he also knows that since Tang Long has set the tone, your Taoyuan jade market is temporarily like this, no one can change, at least no one can change in a short time.No one can do it, including Thursday Hai and Wan Qiang together!

Unless they are willing to spend tens of billions of real gold and silver to buy out all the Taoyuan jade in their hands and become the biggest'owner' in the Taoyuan jade market, there is no good way.

"Want to see you?"

Gao Peng smiled and said, "See, why not, and the person who told Zheng Feng said that I have time at any time."

White peach coffee.

This coffee shop is quite mysterious. It has not been open for a long time, but there are already several branches in Taoyuan County. The first shop is outside the Taoyuan Jade Trading Market, and the second is opposite the Taoyuan Jade Mall.

Business is very hot. Generally, businessmen who come to Taoyuan County to talk about business are willing to choose "White Peach Coffee". The venue is well decorated and private, suitable for chatting and business talks.

"Gao, long time no see." Zheng Feng booked a seat at Baitao Coffee.

When Gao Peng came, he was already waiting.

"A busy person like Mr. Zheng who spends tens of millions of minutes every minute naturally can't always come out to accompany ordinary people like us to eat and drink nonsense." Gao Peng joked.

Zheng Feng also smiled and said: "Mr Gao can really laugh, you are the boss, we are a group of wage earners who work for others, how can we compare with you."

"Hey, hurry up and stop, there are still wage earners, wage earners like you earn more than small bosses like us!” Gao Peng said.

The two touted each other, it was considered a chat.

After sitting down, Zheng Feng gradually turned the topic to the main topic: "General Manager Gao, the price of Taoyuan jade has been somewhat stable during this period. I don't know what your opinion about this is?"


Gao Peng squinted his eyes, pondered, and shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "What can I say, I really want Taoyuan jade to rise to the sky at once, but is it possible?"

Zheng Feng did not answer Gao Peng's words, but stared at him and asked: "In other words, Mr. Gao has no opinion on the price increase of Taoyuan jade?"


Gao Peng didn't even think about it, so he replied directly, but couldn't help but add a sentence in his heart, but the boss of Tang Long had an opinion, and we had no opinion.

Zheng Feng didn’t talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly: “It’s true that we want to push the price of Taoyuan jade to increase. The standard is to return to the peak of the price of Taoyuan jade. Of course, for the time being, as to how high the price will rise in the future, then We can still discuss it!"

Gao Peng leaned on the chair, tilted his head and looked at Zheng Feng, and asked curiously: "It is not a simple matter to push the price of Taoyuan jade to rise. I don't know how much capital Zheng can use this time?"

"According to the news we control now, 80% of jade merchants in the market are optimistic about Taoyuan jade, believing that the market for Taoyuan jade materials will skyrocket within a short period of time. Therefore, it may not be too much to promote the price increase of Taoyuan jade. A large amount of funds, more than one billion is enough, and the time will be very short!" Zheng Feng said.

Gao Peng nodded. He admitted that as long as the price of Taoyuan jade rises to form a trend, a consensus is that that Taoyuan jade soars more than ten times a day, or even dozens of times, it is a very simple matter, as long as the jade merchants in hand do not sell it.

The problem is, after the price increase, who will support this plate!

In other words, who should be the picker, after all, it will skyrocket within a day, and not everyone will be able to hold it, and there will not be too few people who ship.

This can easily lead to skyrocketing and plummeting, but after falling back, Zheng Feng and the others can't make any money!

"What about after going up?" Gao Peng put a smile on his face and asked while looking at the other party.

"We have to keep the pallet together. The price must be maintained for at least three months to attract more investors. Then there will be another three to six months to ship, no more than one year. If we do well, we are worth It will skyrocket hundreds of times!" Zheng Feng said his thoughts, while not forgetting to draw a pie for Gao Peng.

As for when the time comes, whoever earns more, I am afraid that it is necessary to fight for the legs and feet, and run faster!

Gao Peng sighed inwardly. No wonder Mr. Tang didn't let Taoyuan jade soar so easily. According to the surname Zheng Weizi, how many people will come in in the future, and how many people will be pitted.When the price rises and then falls, there will be a large number of locked-up disks, and Taoyuan jade will be stinky.

"Who else did Mr. Zheng talk to about this matter?" Gao Peng tilted his head and asked curiously.

Zheng Feng shook his head: "Gao is always the first. As long as you nod, I think the rest should be easy!"

I take the lead?

Gao Peng touched his nose, and couldn't help cursing in his heart. It was just that this deflated calf didn't follow his good intentions, because he wanted to find Lao Tzu as a scapegoat.

He doesn't carry this pot!

"Well, I'll go back and think about it, then I will reply to Mr. Zheng, okay?" Gao Peng didn't nod his head or say no.If you refuse in person, isn't that a slap in the face!

Zheng Feng couldn't help but frowned, as if he couldn't understand it. It's obviously a profitable thing for everyone. Why did Gao Peng hesitate and didn't readily agree to it?

"it is good!"

For this reason, Gao Peng said he wanted to go back and think about it, so what can Zheng Feng say?In all likelihood, Gao Peng and the group of people are pressing the price of Taoyuan jade to prevent it from rising, but Zheng Feng doesn't understand why they want to do this.

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