Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 278 The Person Who Can't Turn Over

On Zhang Xiu'e's side, Tang Long had never worried before. He wanted to do something. Our Xiu'e secretary was very supportive.Besides, it is still a very good thing!

Asking'Little Moon Girl' to pick up someone else's book and make a movie, it's really better than writing the script and filming it ourselves.

What's more, in the development strategy of Yutou Village,'tourism' is a very important part, and we will not give up in a short time.And setting up a film company by myself and investing in movies will play a positive role in the tourism industry of Yutou Village, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Boss, get two more ice creams!"

After Tang Long ate up the ice cream in his hand, he bought two more, and after paying the money, he took it and walked back.

Ren Yingying watched Tang Long come back, Lao Gao with a small mouth pouting.

"What are you doing!" Tang Long passed the ice cream in his hand to her and Zhang Xueer: "My mouth feels like a stubborn donkey."

Ren Yingying took it, and bulged her cheeks and said unhappily: "What are you talking about, how long have you been there just for such a long distance?"

"Something, make a call!" Tang Long smiled and didn't take her upset seriously.


Holding the ice cream, Ren Yingying turned his head to the side, playing a small temper.

She ignored Tang Long, so Tang Long definitely didn't want to pay attention to her. He looked at Zhang Xueer and asked with a smile, "When will your sister-in-law come over?"

"Probably soon!" Zhang Xueer whispered. She didn't know exactly how long she would come here. There was no way. Who told her aunt was unreliable.

Tang Long didn't urge him, a few young children next to him came over and invited him to skateboard together, but he pushed him off and played this, which was too naive.

"Tang Long wants to find someone to write a script and make a movie, do you think it is reliable?"

In Yutou Village, Zhang Xiu'e looked at Shan Yao and hesitated to ask.Shan Yao is actually very busy now. There is a lot of people on the Longshan Spring mineral water. Every day, trucks from all over the country have never stopped. They are so hot day and night.

According to Tang Long’s proposal, Longshanquan Company successfully landed in major supermarkets across the country with the help of other people’s channels. Coupled with the adequacy of "Longshanquan" advertising, it gradually formed a situation in which the national supply exceeded demand.

Excluding the cost, the net profit is now 10 million a day, and the monthly profit is as high as more than 300 million.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Longshanquan Company is now making progress.In addition to the mineral water of "Longshan Spring", screening for the production site of "Taoyuan Juice" has been started, plant construction, equipment, recruitment, etc. are all things.

"Making a movie?" Shan Yao was taken aback, blinked and asked curiously: "Who made it? Tang Long did it himself?"

Zhang Xiu'e smiled bitterly and shook his head: "He doesn't know how. He should find a professional team to set up a film company!"

"Film company?" Shan Yao tilted his head for a moment and said with a smile: "It seems a bit interesting, how about we establish a joint venture for a film company? I pay half of the money and Yutou Village pays half of the money, and I only need 100% of the shares. Forty is enough. Anyway, the two companies "Longshanquan" and "Taoyuan Juice" also need publicity channels."

The little rich woman just said, not bad money, arrogant, dare to play anything.

Zhang Xiu'e felt that what Shan Yao said made sense, and the two hit it off and prepared to form a'film company' in partnership.

What to shoot?

According to Tang Long's meaning, based on the sights of Yutou Village, he pulled out the'big old black' as an ip to make a monster movie.

The question is, if the black scaled worm is displayed on the screen, will unexpected things happen? It is necessary to know a creature like the'big old black'. Ordinary people don't know how big a storm will be if the news goes out. No one of them can say how influential they are.

Shan Yao didn't have any problems with the script. In the future, Yutou Village would definitely sacrifice the assassin'Black Scale Jiao'.

It is also very good to convey the news of the existence of the'big old black' through the method of film.

Beauty and Monster, no matter when, they are very attractive!

The key depends on how the script is written.


"What the hell does Tang Long mean?" Chu Hai frowned, with a gloomy expression on his face.He himself is not in Taoyuan County. A big boss like him can naturally not stay in one place.

Through video communication, Zheng Feng learned about the situation in Taoyuan County. When he knew that someone was holding down the price and preventing the price of Taoyuan jade from rising, the first thing that came to mind was Tang Long.

In Taoyuan County, besides Tang Long, who else has such an ability!

Zheng Feng said helplessly: "I don't know what you think about it, but according to the current situation, in a short period of time, unless we spend a large amount of money to acquire all the Taoyuan jade in the hands of the other party, it will be difficult to get Taoyuan jade. Price increase."

Buy all the Taoyuan jade from the other party?

On Thursday, Hai almost didn't call Zheng Feng, he was amused. Really take money not as money?Who knows how many Taoyuanyu is in the hands of Tang Long.

"This matter, wait a moment, I will think of a way!"

After finishing speaking, Hai pinched off the video communication on Thursday.

Leaning on the luxurious sofa, frowning and thinking, Taoyuanyu, Tang Long, price?They seem to be things that are not getting past.

It happened that Hai Xiang bought half of the rough Taoyuan jade in Tang Long's hand last Thursday, but the price offered by the other party did not make him wish.

But now, Tang Long actually controlled the price of this Taoyuan jade not to rise, and sold it with all his strength. What kind of medicine was in the other party's gourd?

After hesitating, Hai dialed the number of a mysterious man on Thursday.

"I want Tang Long to agree to the price increase of Taoyuan jade!"

There is no nonsense, and the appeal is directly stated.On Thursday, Hai took money to the Taoyuan jade market. Whether it was buying a mine or investing in rough Taoyuan jade, it was all about leveraging capital and making even greater profits.

Now Tang Long kept the price of Taoyuan jade from increasing according to the price, which was tantamount to pinching his throat.

The mysterious man was not in a hurry to speak. There was silence for a long time before the mechanical voice came through: "Business conduct, find a way by yourself. We can only help you once for Tang Long's threat!"

"Can't you help me again?" Thu Hai frowned and said, "I can give you 40% of your total profit!"

The mysterious man fell silent again.

If it hadn't been for the organization of the "Global Black Label" to threaten Tang Long, the Taoyuan Jade Mine in Shuanghe Town would never be sold to Thu Hai.

"The organization has analyzed that these things need to be solved by yourself, and we have no way to come forward and threaten Tang Long again!"

About three minutes later, the mysterious person's voice came again, and then hung up the phone.


On Thursday, Hai couldn't help but gnashed his teeth and cursed. Now he asked himself to find a way, why did he go early? When I asked myself to go to Taoyuan County, Kete's mother said otherwise.

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