Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 296: The Cliff Plunge

"What do you think about the future economy of Taoyuan County?" Wu Zhengyao asked.

After the discussion on Taoyuan Yu came to an end, Tang Long thought he could leave, but Wu Zhengyao changed his voice and turned the topic to the economy of Taoyuan County.

Tang Long smiled bitterly and said: "Wu, I can't be sure about this. Why don't you find a 'professional' and ask?" A small village head himself, what good advice can be put forward.

Besides, not to seek his own politics, Taoyuan County's economic construction issues, really far away from him.

"As far as I know, the 'Long Shan Spring' mineral water company is located near the village of Fish Head, right?" Wu Zhengyao looked at Tang Long and asked.

Tang Long nodded honestly and said: "Yes, it's in Fish Head Village, but 'Dragon Mountain Spring' is not the property of our Fish Head Village."

Fish Head Village accounts for only a portion of the shares of the 'Dragon Spring' company, and no more than twenty-five percent, and the little rich woman Shanxuan is the real boss, chairman, and major shareholder.

"If Taoyuan County can produce a few more companies like 'Long Shan Quan', the economy won't worry." Wu Zhengyao smiled. Wu Zhengyao said with a smile.

A few more enterprises like 'Long Shan Quan'?

Tang Long didn't know what Wu Zhengyao was up to, and felt vaguely that something was wrong. It seems like these words are all a prelude to the feeling of something.

Before he could make an excuse to get out of it, Wu Zhengyao smiled at him first and said, "By the way, I heard that you bought the 'Daxin Distillery'?"

"...... "Tang Long sort of understood that Wu Zhengyao was waiting for him somewhere.


Wu Zhengyao smiled and asked, "What are your plans after acquiring 'Daxin Distillery'? You know, in the past, Dasein Brewery used to account for a large share of the local liquor industry."

Tang Long smiled bitterly and said, "There is no plan yet!"

Wu Zhengyao shook his head and said: "No plan can not, now Taoyuan County is lacking a few decent industry, I think the 'winery' to do well, should not be worse than mineral water to sell, you say?"

What can I say? I didn't buy the Daxin Distillery to develop the economy, but simply because I thought it was a good distillery, and if I bought it and made a batch of wine, I would feel at ease drinking it later.

Now, from Wu Zhengyao's words, he wants to force him to run the brewery, not only to run it, but also to make Longjiu into an enterprise comparable to Long Shanquan.

"Wu County, that what, you must not hold too high expectations, I know nothing about business management," said Tang Long with a dry smile. I don't know anything about business management," Tang Long said with a dry smile.

Wu Zhengyao raised his hand to interrupt him, laughing: "Don't be so modest, I know your little Tang's ability."

A slight pause, and then said: "I'll let the county give you a guarantee, from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to your winery loan, my requirements are not high, within a year, the sales of the winery over 100 million on the line."

Tang Long was amused and said helplessly, "Wu County, isn't that a high demand?"

"I don't think it's high, do you?" Wu Zhengyao asked with narrowed eyes and a smile. It has the meaning that if you don't agree, you won't be able to leave today.

What else can Tang Long say, if you don't think it's high, then it's not high. The brewery doesn't need any loans at all, it's not like he doesn't have any money!

When he came out of Wu Zhengyao's office, Tang Long scratched his head, "From now on, come here as little as possible. I can't afford to mess with him, I can't afford to hide from him.

"Brother Wang, is your sister-in-law at home?" When Tang Long was leaving, he asked Wang Feiyue.

Wang Feiyue glared at him, laughed and scolded him, saying, "You're not refined, kid."


Tang Long laughed, "Where are you going, there are two more fish in the car, in case you are inconvenienced and want to put them directly to your home."

"Your sister-in-law is at work, why don't I ask her to go up and get them when she gets off work tonight!" Wang Feiyue said with a smile that he wasn't polite, and that he didn't need to be too polite to get along with Tang Long up to this point.

"Okay, then I'll put the carving factory first." Tang Long nodded.


"It's up, it's up again!"

At the beginning of the morning, the Taoyuan Jade Mall was buzzing with activity and popularity, apparently even more so than yesterday, and as soon as the market opened, the price of the raw material was rising.

"Are you ready?" Xu Shiyun asked calmly.

Chen Xiaoming nodded, "It's ready, and there are no problems with the warehouse."

"Let's release the goods!"

With Xu Shiyun's order, there was a large number of sellers on the Peach Origin Jade Trading Market, spot trading, mall guarantee, and no problem with the supply.

"Who is selling?" Many jade merchants were stunned.

While many are buying, the number of people selling is slim to none, because the vast majority of them feel that the raw material is bound to soar.


Still selling!


In a short period of time, not even letting everyone slow down, the price of 'Peach Origin Jade' began to drop straight down, and within just thirty minutes, the price had already wiped out yesterday's increase.

At this price, many jade dealers couldn't help but take action, and even Zheng Feng and Wan Qiang's men joined in the purchase.

They knew better than anyone else that the price of Peach Origin jade must be stabilized, and if it is not, then the situation that was so hard to create in front of them will all be lost.

"The Qiang Yuan Group bought 80 million yuan of raw stone material this morning, and Zheng Feng's people bought about 300 million yuan." Chen Xiaoming walked to Xu Shiyun's side, excited.

It's so exciting, scattered and scattered, a whole 500 million yuan of material was sold from him this morning!

At noon, there was a one-hour break in the mall.

Xu Shiyun, with a calm face, said calmly, "Continue in the afternoon, as long as they dare to buy, we dare to sell, no need to test the market, the current price will prevail."

Full warehouse supply!

In the afternoon, more than an hour after the market opened, Wan Qiang face blue, personally led people to the Peach Origin Jade Mall, today's hands have smashed into the three hundred million.

Zheng Feng side more, at least seven hundred million of the original stone material, plus other jade merchants stupid, can not help but make a move, inside and outside, someone within a day, sold at least fifteen hundred million of the original jade seeds.

In the market, it is easy to imagine who has such a large amount of money.

"Where is Gao Peng?" With a gloomy face, Wan Qiang kicked open the door of the general manager's office of Taoyuan Jade Mall.

But only the staff of the Roc Jade, Gao Peng at this time and Wang Lu to Japan, accompanied by 燿寒冬 in shopping it.

Can't find Gao Peng, no one can stop the shipping people, as for Tang Long, can't get in touch now!

"Mr. Zheng, should we continue?" The voice under the hand with a few trembles.

Zheng Feng's eyes were filled with blood, and he tugged his tie, at this time, if he didn't tray, then according to the other party's momentum, within a short period of time, he had to smash a hole in the Taoyuan jade raw material market.

The problem is that they have not much money in their hands, and the confidence of those jade merchants in the market has been shaken, such a large volume of shipments, to be no problem.

With this in mind, there are not just one or two jade merchants who buy and resell jade!

Once the spear is formed, it is like a torrent, unstoppable and unstoppable.

The company is also a member of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), a subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Nearly three billion dollars of buying over the course of the day did not hold the market back, and the price floor was penetrated just before the market closed.

Taking ordinary Taoyuan jade raw stone as an example, the mountain material costs four hundred and sixty yuan per kilogram, which is suddenly knocked down to two hundred yuan.

There's still plenty of raw stone for sale if you dare to buy it!

Scalp numbing!

It's a cut too deep.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, the price of Taoyuan jade has plummeted, we can't hold it back, we need your financial support as soon as possible!" Zheng Feng, with red eyes, called Zhou Sihai for help.

Wan Qiang is also gloomy, raising funds everywhere, everyone knows that if we continue to fall like this, we will all be finished.

"Plummet? How could Peach Origin Jade plummet when it was fine?" Zhou Sihai's face was gloomy and uncertain.

Zheng Feng's red eyes: "Someone is playing a trick, at least three billion dollars of original Taoyuan jade has been sold in the market today."

"How much money is needed to stabilize the price of Peach Source Jade?" Zhou Sihai asked with a straight face.

Zheng Feng shook his head: "I, too, don't know!"

Because no one knows how much raw material the other party has, and how much the other party wants to charge for the raw stone, as long as the other party refuses to stop, no amount of money will be enough, unless the other party takes over all the material in his hands.

There are two choices before us now: one, continue to take over and resist. Second, do not prop it up and let the other side smashed, smashed to what price is what price. Anyway, they are all in this plate, smash the plate, no one can make money.

"Sister, are they still, are they still for sale?" Chen Xiaoming's voice trembled as he asked, "The takeaway is now a clean sell order, basically no more buy orders.

Xu Shiyun said calmly, "Sell, price the mountain material at 80 yuan per kilogram, and the seed material at 150 yuan per kilogram."

Chen Xiaoming sucked in a breath of cold air, this is too cruel!

But for people who have large amounts of raw jade and mines on hand, even if each kilogram of raw jade costs 80 yuan, the amount of jade mined that day can still be sold for millions.

Close the market!

A howl of woe in Taoyuan jade mall, the original Taoyuan jade seeds almost 700 yuan per kilogram, mountain material 5008 per kilogram, to the close of the market, the price of seeds plummeted to a hundred and fifty, the price of mountain material is even worse, hard left only a fraction.

Wan Qiang's face is ashes, Peachtree Jade plummeted, and the feedback to the stock market reaction can be imagined. Tomorrow Qiang Yuan Group will fall very badly!

It should be noted that 'Peach Source Jade' is now a straw in the hands of the Qiang Yuan Group, and in order to fully acquire Peach Source Jade Investment Company, the Qiang Yuan Group has put all of its assets into it.

Wan Qiang can't afford to lose!

But this time, he lost the game.

"Tang Lung!" With madness in his eyes, Wan Qiang gritted his teeth and said, "Find someone, even if you have to dig three feet into the ground."

The market for raw jade stone in Taoyuan has plummeted and shocked many people. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many!

"What a great deal!" Wen Nuanchun sighed.

Jiang Xiuzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't that right, the volume of this day's transaction, more than five billion, I just can't understand, Peach Origin Jade plummeted, what is the benefit to that kid Tang Long?"

Wen Nuanchun said flatly, "He wants the death of the Qiang Yuan Group."

Qiang Yuan Group has just fully acquired Peach Source Jade Investment Company, high risk, high pledge, and now Peach Source Jade plummeted, Qiang Yuan Group is equal to a bust.

Tang Long knew that Wan Qiang would definitely come to find himself tonight, so he did not hide, and sat himself in the White Peach Café, quietly waiting for the other party to come.

Some things, it's time to settle things!

It's suddenly snowing outside and the cold wind is a bit harsh ......

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