Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 300: Worth tens of billions

The price of peach jade, and do not need to pay too much attention to Tang Long, it can even be said that he did not intervene much, only responsible for the final result.

It's the end of the year, whether in the village or privately, there are many things to do, for example, to go to the provincial capital and pay a visit to Zhang Xiu'e's parents.

"Why do I have to come back!" Zhang Xiu'e still has a few moments of unhappiness on her face, and she is not willing to go back to the provincial city for fear of trouble.

In addition to the family forced to marry, there are friends and classmates, to be honest, she is not too want to see, before the mix is not very good, do not want to see, now mix too good, also do not want to see.

Zhang Xiu'e feel a little autistic, of course, this is with the previous family to promote marriage, to find a job through relations have reasons.

The previous road is the family to arrange for her, and now, is Zhang Xiu'e own walk out. When she hid from everyone and ran to the poor ravine of Yutou Village, no one thought that the poor ravine would turn into a golden nest!

This move is enough for Zhang Xiu'e to be proud of in her life.

Tang Long said with a bitter smile: "My drop of Xiu'e branch secretary, you do not come back, do you want me to come back by myself? Besides, there is no such thing as a son-in-law who sends gifts to the door, I am too thick-skinned, and you are not afraid of people laughing at me when word gets out."

Zhang Xiu'e was so angry with this guy that she blew his eyes out and said, "Like who knows you!"

"Don't care if we know each other or not, we are also people who want to save face!" Tang Long and her playful smile.

Zhang Xiu'e back this is not happy, Tang Long son-in-law, although the initial recognition of Zhang Xiu'e's parents, but people did not say that he must be.

"You're cheeky!" The corner of Zhang Xiu'e's mouth curled upward, turning her head out of the car window.

The pickup truck was driving on the highway, from Taoyuan County to the provincial capital, about 500 kilometers, it would take about four hours to get there.

Originally Tang Long wanted to find a good car, Zhang Xiu'e did not let, she did not feel the need to go home and not to go back to show off, what good car, buns have meat not on the fold, you drive a good car back, people will not think you are more rich.

Besides, the details of Yutou village, their own family have a number, but also show to who to see, make with their own clothes back home like.

People Zhang Xiu'e instructions to let the village pickup truck back, that Tang Long certainly did not dare to say anything, just pity his foot, manual gear pickup truck, even the fixed speed cruise driving are not, the throttle is almost stepping on the mailbox to go, good in Tang Long previously practiced.

"Why don't you make a phone call first, and notify the family?" Tang Long looked at the front to get off the highway, towards Zhang Xiu'e looked, smiled and asked.

Zhang Xiu'e hesitated, shook her head and said, "What to say, go straight back, it's not like I don't have a home key."

Back to their own home, not to go somewhere else, even if you call your father and mother, today is not a week, the two went to the unit is certainly not at home.

Tang Long shrugged his shoulders, to child, really quietly touch into the village to shoot the gun don't, you are home, poor little brother I am the new son-in-law on the door, the big girl on the sedan chair first time, OK.

Down the highway, in accordance with Zhang Xiu'e instructions, towards home drive over!

"Sure this is the place?"

Tang Long looked at the entrance of the community, two stand straight soldier brother, stared at the eyes and asked. The provincial government compound? Zhang Xiu'e's home is in here?


Zhang Xiu'e mouth corner up with a touch smile, put down the car window and the door post greeted: "Go to Zhang Dahu's house!"

The gatekeeper came over inside, briefly checked the car, then smiled towards Zhang Xiu'e and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen Miss Zhang."

The eyes curiously glanced at Tang Long, probably guessing what relationship Tang Long, who was with Zhang Xiu'e, had with her.

Zhang Xiu'e smiled and said, "Well, went out for a while!"

"Let's go!"

Tang Long drove the car in toward the neighborhood: "Which building?"

"House number fifty-eight!"

"Your father, no, our father is at this level?" Tang Long still couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Xiu'e red face, slanted his eyes: "What our father, my father, no, my father and you still have nothing to do." A slight pause, and then said softly: "My father level is not enough, Zhang Dahu is my grandfather, my father is the eldest son, our family has been living here since childhood."

Tang Long scratched his head and asked curiously, "What rank is our grandfather?"


Zhang Xiu'e hesitated and whispered a word.

Tang Long suddenly laughed and muttered, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it, our Xiu'e branch secretary is still the descendant of a general, a proper three-generation leader!"

Zhang Xiu'e said with a red face, "Quickly, you do not need to brag about me, I have never inquired about your status before."

"Yes, yes, Xiu'e branch secretary lesson is!" Tang Long hemmed and hawed with a smile.

Parked the car to the entrance of the 'fifty-eight' courtyard, is a small two-story building, the appearance does not look very new, but the environment of the community is not to say, after all, is the number one courtyard of the provincial government, here is not rich can live in, people who can live in this, are a symbol of status.

"My grandfather prefers to live in the sanatorium, where there is a group of his old friends, usually playing chess, bragging, than at home alone bored interesting. My father works in an institution, and my mother is in the Education Bureau, and they only come back after work."

Zhang Xiu'e finished, jumped down from the car!

Password lock, she directly entered the password, and the door opened.

"Come in!"

Tang Long smiled and asked, "Where are the things?"

Zhang Xiu'e thought about it, helplessly said with a bitter smile: "I said not to bring so many, you do not listen, I do not know where to put, wait for my mother to come back, listen to her!"

Said towards the house!

A dozen fish, and a lot of local specialties of Taoyuan County, as well as the wine brewed by the family winery, scattered pull a car, money is not a small matter, when the son-in-law's first visit, can not be too shabby.

Tang Long followed in, the home is well decorated, but definitely not luxurious, is the decoration of ordinary everyday people.

"Want Want Want!"

A German blackback leapt down from upstairs.

Tang Long's eyes lit up, a good big dog, beautiful, 100% is retired down, ordinary dogs do not have this aura.


Tang Long rolled up his tongue, whistled softly, originally bared teeth of the big dog, surprisingly instant quiet, not only that, but also wagged his tail, running towards him, head intimate in Tang Long thighs rubbing.

Zhang Xiu'e was dumbfounded and asked in amazement: "How did you do that? You know normally Lightning never gets close to strangers."

"Secret!" Tang Long smiled and squatted down, rubbed Lightning's head and whispered something in its ear.

Zhang Xiu'e looked dumbfounded.


Upstairs, a girl in pajamas, came down: "Sister, when did you come back? Who is he?"

The girl felt surprised when she saw Zhang Xiu'e and Tang Long.

"Friends!" Zhang Xiu'e's face flushed, she didn't expect there would be someone at home, looked at her and asked, "When did you come back?"

"Two days ago!" Zhang Jiaojiao looked Tang Long up and down and said with surprise, "It's not your boyfriend, is it?"

Zhang Xiu'e face slightly red, did not admit, but also did not deny, introduced: "My sister, Zhang Jiaojiao, young uncle's family, grew up in the family, study abroad, should just come back."

Tang Long patted Lightning's head, stood up and smiled: "Hello, Tang Long, your brother-in-law!"

A 'your brother-in-law' made Zhang Xiu'e blush, white his eyes, whispered, "Less here to give me a big face, eight words are not even a beginning."

Looking up to his cousin, he said, "Narcissist, ignore him!"

Zhang Jiaojiao, however, ignored Zhang Xiu'e, came down from the stairs, circled Tang Long twice and sized him up, saying, "Quite stylish oh, handsome, what does your family do?"

Tang Long blinked and said with a smile, "My family ah ...... mining!"

This really did not say blindly, who called the fish head village really has a mine, Taoyuan jade mine is also called mine right not, for Tang Long, the fish head village is home.

"Landlord ah!" Zhang Jiaojiao shouted, as if more curious about Tang Long.

Zhang Xiu'e cried and laughed: "Don't listen to his blind brag, he is a ...... fish breeder!"

"Fish breeder?" Zhang Jiaojiao froze.

Tang Long grinned, shrugged and said, "The family also has an aquaculture plant, what fish ah shrimp, Wang Biao what also raised some."

Zhang Xiu'e rolled her eyes and muttered, "You're blowing it!" What is the character of her cousin, the two grew up together, she knows better than anyone. Turned around and walked towards her room, not bothering to pay attention to this guy!

Zhang Jiaojiao let Tang Long sit down in the living room, took the initiative to pour him tea, and asked curiously, "Your family really has a mine?"

"Well, just a few!" Tang Long smiled and nodded his head.

Zhang Jiao's eyes flashed with curiosity and lowered her voice and whispered, "Isn't that rich?"

Tang Long smiled and drank a mouthful of water, after driving for half a day, going out early in the morning and arriving at noon, not a drop of water, indeed a few thirsty.

"It is not too rich, assets of tens of billions!" Tang Long smiled and said casually.


Zhang Jiaojiao choked, no wonder her sister said this guy is bragging, open mouth and shut up tens of billions of dollars, is he not afraid of blowing up, can not pocket?

"Really, then how come I've never heard of you before!" Zhang Jiaojiao suddenly some lack of interest, this man to not bragging, she still feel curious.

Like their cousin like a person, low hand eye high, what can find a good man, their own people and stupid, will not interact, the family to her introduction, she is too this and that, but good, but brought back such a goods, look at it, the family has fun to see.

The eyes flickered, I do not know what is thinking, no longer interested in the later, said hello to Tang Long, himself and ran back upstairs.

Tang Long laughed, did not take it seriously, bragging? Tang boss never bragging, just real bull, never from their own speaking out, because you say, others may not believe, only by people are blowing your bull, then you are really bull.


Tang Long rubbed Lightning's head, to this big dog, he is heartily fond of.

Zhang Xiu'e came out and saw that only Tang Long and Lightning were in the living room, Zhang Jiaojiao didn't know where to run to and whined, "Tang Long, come here for me."

Tang Long touched his nose, stood up with an honest smile, and walked over towards Zhang Xiu'e.

Zhang Xiu'e took him into the room she used to have at home, with so much of a boudoir atmosphere, and the walls were still plastered with what were probably some photos of Zhang Xiu'e's student days, as well as her favorite stars.

"What are you talking to Zhang Jiaojiao blindly, you have nothing to do to find yourself trouble, right?" Zhang Xiu'e charming white him, a low voice reprimanded.

Tang Long had an innocent expression on his face and said, "How can it be considered nonsense, my family doesn't have a mine? Or no aquaculture farm?"

Zhang Xiu'e felt angry and funny, said: "Okay, your family has a mine, a farm, okay, you have, I know, my parents have also seen, but you need to tell Zhang Jiaojiao her?"

Tang Long smiled and said, "I did not want to say, she asked herself, can not say?"

"......" Zhang Xiu'e nodded with a bitter smile, "I can say, don't you think you are too flashy to say that? We will stay at home for a few days, I just want peace and quiet, do not want to find trouble."

"Stirring? I don't think so! You're afraid of trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble, why, you're not allowed to let others know, I just want others to know that you Zhang Xiu'e is not stupid, and the man you found is no worse than anyone else. I am a bully, I am a bully wherever I stand, I don't need to pretend at all!" Tang Long said in a straightforward manner.


Zhang Xiu'e let Tang Long gasped: "Okay, you're a cow, you're the king of heaven, I can't control you, you can do whatever you want, but don't blame me for not telling, Zhang Jiao's mouth, in less than half an hour, the whole family knows that you Tang Long 'big cow' came."

Zhang Xiu'e knew that Tang Long meant that he did not want to be underestimated by his relatives at home. She also admitted that, not to mention other things, just Tang Long's current identity as the helmsman of 'Fish Head Village' is enough for him to be a bull.

Tang Long muttered with an indifferent face: "If you know, you know, our son came back, and did not want to hide it from anyone!"

Zhang Xiu'e did not pay attention to him, turned around and walked towards the outside, carrying Tang Long, a smile on his face, the man wanted to give his own head, she can not be happy?

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