Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 415 Advertising and Eggs

Provincial city, Tianhe animal husbandry!

On the LCD screen of the large conference, you are playing the advertisements of the 'Dragon Black Head Chicken'. The shoot is very beautiful, with a total of 18 minutes, but the advertisement on TV is only a few seconds. Now they look at the online documentary advertisement.

After the advertisement is played, the willow seedlings pressed the pause.

Turning through the chair and looked at the people in the conference room: "What do you think after you have read it? Come and express comments!"

Dan Long animal husbandry, most people in the conference room know that because of this year, Dragon East, Dragon East, from Tianhe Pastry, I walked 500,000 'Black Evan Chicken' chicken.

Just no one thought that the dragon animal husbandry will 'play "to play", there is actually to register the brand without saying the brand, but also advertise in the media.

A vice president of Tianhe animal husbandry, frown: "Can you make money like Dragon Pasta?"

A 'Black Evan Mountain Chicken', even if selling two hundred dollars, it is based on the propaganda of Dragon Masto, you need to sell how much it is only, can you make an advertising cost back?

Don't make money, what is the dragon animal husbandry?

"What is the province, what else is there in the country, know the 'Black Evan Mountain Chicken'?" Liu Yuli asked.

Everyone looked at each other.

Liu Miao sighed, looked at the last ' ' and the Logo of Dragon, and the eyes flashed.

"Dragon's black corner chicken, although I will not make the dragon animal husbandry to make money, but through the 'Dragon Black Heart Chicken', the country knows that there is a 'Dragon Masto Company in Taoyuan County, there is the top level The ingredients, black corner chicken, and Dragon East, which is the best in the country, is the best in the country. "

"White, still make money!" Someone suddenly laughed.

Liu Xiaoye looked up at each other: "Yes, this year is nothing to make money, but after the brand starts, next year, after years? Dragon animal husbandry is a farmer's tailor tuned model, which can improve the output in a short time, as long as this year Ok, the number of chickens will be doubled, or even ten times increase. At that time, whether it is major supermarkets, or major dealers, will go to the door to buy. "

Brands are a strength and an intangible asset.

The scale of Tianhe animal husbandry is more than a hundred times, but there are several ordinary people know that Tianhe animal husbandry exists?

Can Dragon's animal husbandry, he suddenly, let the people of the country remember the dragon animal husbandry, remember the ' '!

But now I'm late, the dragon has already grabbed the opportunity, and now I will imitate it.


"Brother, have you watch TV last night?" I asked.

Zhou Zhong stunned and shook his head: "No, is the TV staged?"

From the dragon animal husbandry company, it is 100,000, raising tens of thousands of black hills', staring on the hill all day, I am afraid that there is something for the whole child, I know, these are my own wife, chicken Ok, then there is a eyebrow, not good, don't say it can't be lifted in front of Tang Long, and I have no face in front of Zhoujiacun.

"Dragon's animal husbandry advertised on TV!" I said that I said. She also raised thousands of black hill chickens, although the scale is not as big as Zhou Cang, it is really raised, and the end of the year is not a small money.


Zhou Zhong frowned, said that said: "Is Tang Long did not incubate? Go to TV to advertise?"

Two laughing and saying: "It is not advertising to the farming base. It is the advertisement made by our 'Blackweigh Mountain Chicken'. Online, I have seen it, I'm okay."

"Give advertising?" Zhou Zhong stunned, helplessly said: "It's really money to burn, I don't know what my name is!"

2nd loud white, delicate: "You know, people are called marketing, do not advertise, who knows us? Do you know how many villages in the surrounding villages, sprinkle how many chicken ? More than 300,000, plus the farming base, contracting the mountain, more than 100,000, add together, the quantity exceeds 500,000.

Based on a pound of black chicken seven dollars, one chicken is going to hundreds of pieces, 500,000 is 5 million. "

Zhou Zhong stands on your eyes: "How much money?"

Er Xita: "Well, this is still from the purchase price of our hands, now I advertise on the Internet TV, I don't know how much money to spend, it is very expensive, I don't know when I arrived at Tang Long. How to return this. "

"There is money in the fish, not bad." Zhou Cang smiled.

Two eyes, I am not happy to say: "Zhou Cang brother, you can say this, people's fishing villages are rich, and the money of people. Tang Longge is so good to help, the back is still saying such a wind, not called Has a cold? "

Zhou Zhong did two sounds, grabbed his head, whispered: "I am not talking about it."

Two hides face: "That is not good, people are good for us, we can't talk about it. Especially you, everyone can only raise a thousand black chickens, you can raise 10,000, borrowed What do you mean by Tang Dragon, do you still don't understand? "

"Yes, my brother is wrong." Zhou Cang hurried.

He is not a conscience, it is true that the fish is really rich, this is true, not only to say it.

The two faces have eased, and I said: "I know that I am good, people have a righteousness, let's talk about the kind of righteousness, have you been the most righteousness?"


Zhou Zhong took a bit and sneered and said: "Tang Long, kid, gave me the general law, I also know that it is difficult to listen to it, in fact, I want to push me one, put me, let us Good days, these I know, I Zhou Cang is also a matter. "

"Hey, then you are still my good warehouse!" The two faces a red, laughing and saying.

Zhou Cang touched the nose: "You said that Tang Long gave the 'black corner chicken' on the Internet? Can you see it on your mobile phone?"

"Can you, I will give you!"

I took out the mobile phone, turned out the advertisement of the Dragon Black Hey, two people sat on the hillside.

The villagers breed the black hill chicken, all in the hillside forest land, the time per day, the meat is tight, there is chewy, not the kind of breeding of the farm for more than one or two months.

In addition to chickens, some black corner chickens have begun to hold woven, lower eggs, and the number of eggs harvested daily.

"There is a villager asked us, the egg will not receive it!"

Yan Yan found Tang Long, Tang Long is chopping bamboo in the back mountain, ready to give his son to make a shake bed. Yang Wugu and his son Tang Qilin have been staying in the fish head, and there is no departure in the full moon wine, the fish head village is fresh and the environment is good.

"This little thing, can't you take your own ideas?" Tang Long looked at her and some helplessly asked.

Yan Yu stared at the Tang Long, who was famished, blinking: "What frustration is excited?"

Tang Long turned over the eyes, and it was more than the eyes of this bamboo.

What is the arrival, it is some irritability. On the last night, I didn't know what to smoke. I ran over and told Tang Long. The two could not receive the certificate first, but I had a child. She felt that Xiao Qilin was too cute, I also want to have a play.

Tang Long is crying and speechless, and the older generation said that he said that he was old, and when his child became a modern young person 'pet'.

The beard did not scrape, because I didn't want to scrape, I am afraid that it is too handsome to pay attention. Do not express the vicissitudes of life, how do you know that you are now awkward now, it is very helpless, it is very embarrassing.

It's not good to say it, you can only make them feel!

"Eggs, let's get it, don't you receive it?" Yan Yu was transferred to the topic to egg.

Fifty rounds of black hills, at least twenty thousand are hen, if they start to hold the egg, even if they are two eggs, there are also hundreds of thousands of eggs on that day.

What is the price, how to sell it, is a problem to solve.


The work in Tang Long did not stop, while drying, while said: "Preliminary processing, packaging, launching the trademark of 'Dragon Hengfang Chicken', Contact Us, Fresh Market Supplier."

: "What is the price? How much is it from the villagers, how much is it? It's not to ask you, can you tell me once again?"

White eyes, this guy, I don't like him more and more.

Tang Long wants to say: "According to the acquisition, an egg three-fur money or five cents, after processing, the ship is five to two, and the market retail price is 2.99."

: "Is it cheap from the purchase price from the villagers?"


Tang Long looked up and looked at Yan's helpless: "Farming villagers, pay for two hundred chickens, calculate half of hens, one hen is about two eggs, then two hundred eggs, one Egg three cents, two hundred are sixty dollars, 30 days a month, income of one thousand eight.

Do you know how much is the per capita annual income of Taoyuan County? Now how many people in the county, the daily salary is one thousand eight. "

: "Can you calculate it? Is it not cost?"

"The cost of the chicken is covered on the chicken, and the egg, it is an additional income." Tang Long calmly said: "Dragon's animal husbandry hits advertising, doing channels, engage in processing, you need money, no money Step by step? "

If it is not a dragon animal husbandry investment, the brand is promoted to the brand, how many people know? Can a egg sell two dollars?

Like hundreds of farming, thousands of villagers, relying on eggs, can earn hundreds of hundreds every day, they will catch up with them.

"If everyone is too low, don't you want to sell it?" Yu thought I would like to ask.

Tang Long doesn't matter, "Then don't sell it, we don't want to buy it, just start promoting, sales will not be so good."

If the villager sells, the price will not acquire expensive than the dragon animal husbandry, there is no signboard of 'Dragon Black Hee Chicken', the price will not sell.

Brand this thing, sometimes you don't believe in its influence, it really can't.

"Selling price is so expensive, those supermarkets, fresh market suppliers, willing to try?" Yan is a little hesitant. Anyway, in her opinion, Tang Long's pricing is a bit expensive.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Don't ask me, they are willing to try, don't you know? Remember, find professional design 'Dragon Black Cape Eggs' packaging, which is mainly at home." Slightly paused, continued: "If there is no suitable candidate, go to the dragon wine industry, find Yu Jiao Yang Tong to take the scripture, in this respect, there is a person!"

The outer packaging design of 'Tang Xiaolong' white wine is very colorful. This brand can be successful, largely, depending on its packaging.

"Good!" Yan Yu also understood what the Tang Long did, his eyes were lit, and smiled nodded.

The processing workshop is ready, just simple cleaning, packaging, and add a few sets of equipment, it is OK. Now, the only fear is that the price can be accepted by the market.

"New product? Dragon black corner egg?"


"Use the 'Dragon Black Heart Chicken' trademark?"

"A system, a trademark, and advertising will soon follow."

"What about the price?"

"It is recommended that the market retail price is 2.99, our supply price is 1.99 yuan!"

"Is this expensive?"

"Yes, the dragon black corner chicken has been affailed from farming to publicity, from nutritating to taste, so the price will not be too cheap."

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