Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 426, Chapter, the breeding strategy

"Inform you, I have to increase the dragon animal husbandry!"

Yan Yan found Tang Long, and the plate was straightforward.

"Increasing capital?" Tang Long touched his nose and worried and asked: "How much?"

"Two billions, I have to get the absolute control of the dragon animal husbandry!" Yan Yan stared at Tang Long and said.

Two billion?

Tang Longzi looked at her, suddenly smiled: "Yu, you also know that fish head village can not be bad, you suddenly make us feel the feelings of people, it is very uncomfortable Do you think we have no money in the fishing village? "

"I don't care, don't you give me an authority, or you have to play, I can't have it!" Said that he did not express his expression.


Tang Long fripped his eyebrows, and the look was a little more serious: "Do you say it, how to play, suddenly to withdraw?"

"Play is good?" Yan Yu used his eyes: "Fart, the old lady has come from the village of your fish, and got this dragon animal husbandry. All day is angry, good fart."

I didn't talk to Tang Long's opportunity to continue: "Anyway, I don't care, or if I have the control of Lin Long animal husbandry, I don't give me 60 million, I will go back to the provincial city!"

Tang Long touched the nose: "It's stimulated? If I want to find a boyfriend, I will talk about my emotions."

"You are less!" Yushen didn't have a good way: "Your belly flower, who doesn't know what you want, don't have to be dragged, dragging it, now Dragon's animal husbandry has no money, not only no Money, there is still about 20 million foreign accounts outside.

Dragon Pastry must be 10 million every month, you said, what should I do, let me hold, still let me withdraw? "

"Where did you get two billions?" Tang Long curiously asked.

: "This doesn't have you to manage, anyway, I have money in my hand."

After two rounds of investment, Dragon Emperor has a total value of two billions, including 50 million, and Yute Village company invests 50 million, Tang Long himself invests by 100 million.

Originally established dragon animal husbandry, the purpose is to lead the people around the surroundings to rely on the aquaculture industry, get rich, and now, it seems that this company is already yet. Of course, this is not much related to Yan Ji, but it is her, but also a lot of grievances, these Tang Long and Zhang Embroids know.

"This matter, have you discussed with Zhang embroidered?" Tang Long hesitated and asked.

: "No, this is nothing to do with Zhang embroidery, you are the big shareholder of Dragon, and the village head of Yute Village, I will talk to you."

"If I don't agree?" Tang Long tried to ask.

"Six hundred million, I am glow!" Yu said that it is very decorated, and you have to lift it, the lady is not dry.

Tang Long grabbed his head, let Yan ran, he is a bit reluctant, telling the truth, this time is the same, the gun is good, don't live, do you want to go, for a while, I really don't see someone who can find such a kind of ".

"What is happiness!" Tang Long's brain turned and thought about it, "Can't let you go, Dragon's animal husbandry can not let you hold ..."

"I took a hundred million, you took four billions, and the second round of investment five billions, our tripartite has the same share!"

I didn't wait for Tang Long to finish the words, I immediately took the words immediately, and I said it was.

Tang Longcoured: "Well, it is waiting for me here, you invest a hundred million, I have an investment of four billions, and all parties hold the shares, and I will not be equal to your profile. Do you don't? Is this not good? "

, did not say good words: "What is bad, the company suffers from suffering is me, I am worried about me, if you can't accept it, then Miss is nothing, all Give you, return to me, I am leaving! "

Tang Long wants to think, smile and say: "You tell me first, this five billion funds, what to do?"

Yan Yu looked at Tang Long, helpless: "Five billions, a lot? Breeding base, every day, every month, it takes more than 10 million, more than 100 million. Now the company's earnings are not at all, so At least five thousand to 100 million funds are left on the book, which is used for daily operations. When you don't have the end, artificial expenses can't solve, right? "

"Yun!" Tang Long nodded.

Yan Shu face continued: "The remaining money, the farming base continues to invest in October this year to October next year, about three billion, another hundred million, propaganda assistance funds. Budgetary, these five billions Can support for a year, if you can't return blood again until next year, it is necessary to finance. "

"OK!" Tang Long nod: "According to you said, you a hundred million, fish head village a hundred million, I will take it three billions, I have a total of five billions, and I will invest in the Dragon East, I will hold it." The number of stocks is unchanged. You and fishing have twenty-five percent, I will control 50% of the shares. The part you have less, it is considered to you. Grouped rewards, this is always! "

The difference is not very big, nothing more than the ...... During this time, it was a lot of grievances, and the reward reward should be not.

"Hey, saying that I have a big cheap, you think that this lady is rare, these small money?" Yan turned over the eyes, took advantage, and the heart is still not hurt.

It's really this time, the gas is too much, which seriously affects her spirit!

"Yes, small money is not enough to make up for your spiritual trauma, but it is a chat." Tang Long smiled and dared dared to stimulate people. I am afraid that people can't do it, and they will be more caught!

"Please have a military division?" Tang Long smiled and asked.

If there is a high person behind, he doesn't work, and the IQ can't get it. If you can do it, you will not tolerate the present.

"Want to know?" Yan was laughing.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Faster you want!"

,, raise hands to Tang Long stand up two middle fingers: "I slowly think about it." Turned to the outside.

Today's purpose has been reached!

Although this time, the 'black feet' of Dragon's animal husband will be more scarce, but after three months, it will keep up with one or two million black feet every day, it will keep up. She is not anxious, and she will not increase the purchase of eggs in the hands of cooperative people.

If you don't sell, it is not necessary to force, the profits in the egg, even the profits of the black and feet itself, Yan Ji has a thoughts, and wants to make your own mountain forest farm. How beautiful you make money, why bother to others!

Tang Long looked at the back of the departure, smiled and sighed, this step of the chess and rushed very practical, wait until the end of the year, those cooperative farmers, it is not so important, next year, they become There is no.

Unless the market share of Dragon's animal husbandry, it is extremely gigant, the mountain forest farm has, millions of black chickens still can't keep market supply.

Is there such a possibility, Tang Long didn't know, but those cooperative farms of moths, they wanted to get such an ex-cooperative condition from Dragon Dragon Masterings next year. It is impossible to estimate it.

However, since everyone has a new way of making money, there is no need for Dragon's animal husbandry to support, as long as you make money, no matter where you earn, it is always a good thing.

Tang Long did not know that Jie did not give up the 'cooperative farming' plan, but start streamlined, targeted support.

For example, grateful to Dragon's animal husbandry, I would rather sell less, and still sell eggs to thirty farmers in the dragon animal husbandry.

"Contracting mountain forest? Erqiang, where have you been in contracted mountains?"

Zhoujiacun, the old village looked at Zhou Min and asked very surprised.

"From the dragon animal husbandry, this is 180,000, and the mountain behind the village I have been packaged, and I will pay for 39."

Zhou Min smiled and put a deposit and put it in front of the old village.

"Dragon's pastoral?" Zhou's old man suddenly smiled, nodded: "Your hoe, line, than Zhou Cang, Xiao Wang eight eggs."

Zhou Min calm said: "I have broken up with Zhou Cang's brother. In the future, I am me, he is him, no relationship!"

Originally the week is the 'key supporting rolers' in Tang Long, He Wei himself does not live.

"How much is the dragon animal husbandry to give you?" The old village chief asked.

"3 million universal loans, 200,000 black foot chicken chicken seedlings, fifteen duck seedlings, 10,000 goose seedlings, full set of technical support, depth, long-term supply contract, Dragon Pheatering certification star farmers "After that, Zhou Min is slightly, turned around to go outside the village committee.

In the afternoon, the two horses, the news of the farm, spread throughout Zhoujia Village.

"Two, you are doing?" Zhou Cang found the door.

Zhou Min looked at each other and said calmly: "Don't want to do it, I have enough days, so I want to make money."

"Do we not make money this year?"

Zhou Min nodded and shook his head and said: "It is made, but in front of money, everyone will make each other clear each other. We are inappropriate, the three views are different, the value is different, I will have a very awkward together, I used to know Zhou Zhong brother, heavy homogenous, can now see the Zhou Cang brother, only the money left. In the future, we will do your own, and you are also divided. "

Zhou Cang's face is hard, and angry. He knows what Zhou Min is talking about, but Zhou Cang doesn't feel wrong. It is the mother of , I want to sell who sells it, one egg, Some people are priced than two cents, why not sell?

One day, two thousand dollars don't make it, isn't it stupid!

Zhou Min contracting in the mountain, relying on the deep support of Dragon's animal husbandry, founded his breeding factory, recruiting more than 20 workers from the village around, and the technician is the Dragon Mastimer. In summary, it is necessary to have a technology, and there is funded, and the cultivation of the dragon animal husbandry is deeply cultured. Whether it is raising or selling, it is completely worry-free.

Like Zhou Min, the depth supports farmers, each village has, from the head to the waist, as long as there is courage, willing to sign a more detailed contract with the Dragon Dragon Empress, you can get support and get funds.

Of course, these support is not anyone can get it. Only 30% of the 30% will still sell eggs to the farmers of Dragon's animal husbandry.

This is a feedback, and it is another kind of affirmation!

Others If you want to work with Dragon's pastoral, you can still, but there is no support of the chicken seedlings, and the borrowing must have collateral. From the original one, you can apply for a thousand chickens, which is reduced to 300.

If you use Yan's words, you can't give you the opportunity to change your life. Due Long's animal husbandry should also control costs and risks. Therefore, now each person will apply for 300 chicken seedlings.

When Tang Long knew the news, people had already implemented the planned plans, and they did not discuss with him.

The farmers supported by the waist of the dragon animal husbandry have obtained tens of thousands of black foot chicken seedlings, as well as 2000,000 interest-related borrowings. Moreover, Dragon's animal husbandry gave all 'deep support farmers' commercial insurance to avoid uncontrolled risks.

Afterwards, the farmers who have cooperated with the dragon animal husbandry will get better and better, and those farmers who have prepared to join, nor do they have no hope, because Ji Hao has introduced a 'upgrade' policy to the farmers ... ...

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