Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 433, I have to believe in disciplines.

"You, go to the wilderness together with the Qingxi!"

At night, Zhang Embroidery and other Tang Long came back from the county, and smiled.

Tang Long grabbed his head and laughed: "What is it, not well, you see a young boy's own girl home, no boyfriend, give me a boyfriend, more ., Then, she The ability is also good, you can do your own yourself, let's take a good luck. "

"Nothing, even if you have something to happen with Qing Yu, we can accept it. I have already discussed Yao Han Winter." Zhang Embroidered paused, continued: "We are also for you, find more Do it, you don't know what you do. I will have a chaos with Yunyi, don't you have any mess! "


Tang Long listened to it, embroidered books were iron my heart to find someone to live. I am running in the county every day, she can't see myself, I am flustered.

Refuse to use, can only do it, let alone 'Qinglong Agriculture Company' or Tang Long leads. Yes, it is Qinglong Agricultural Company. It was originally called Dragon's agriculture. Company ', still one person in the name of the two people.

"OK, you said what I did, what did I do!" Tang Long squatted.

Zhang embroidered a laugh and laughing, watching her: "True!"

Tang Long was not pleasant.


"You are sure, to listen to music tomatoes?" Tang Long looked at the little medicine.


Tang Long frowed: "Don't say that these tomatoes seeds are all you improved?"

Peony medicine blinked and said: "Yes, it is what I have improved. It's just as a person, I want to make a material, I have to hobbily hobbies, the tomatoes are the same, you have to make it feel happy! "

I believe you!

Tang Long turned over the eyes and lazy to take care of her. Peacock smiled on the side, her pure belongs were too idle, and they were pulled out by Pantry medicine.

"To believe in science!"

When I listened to the peony medicine, Tang Long couldn't stand it. Don't let my brother find the opportunity, otherwise I will teach you what is called society.

"Tomatoes really can understand music?" Qingyu stood next to him, she did not completely denied the words of peony medicine.

: "Yes, plants will have their own emotions. Really, through the study of Tang Long brain magnetic fields, plants may also communicate with others, whether they are level, or magnetic field."

"Do you want to put a music every day?" Qingyu nodded.

Peony medicine said: "It is best to be in the evening, when you are quiet ..."

Taoyuan County, Taoyuan Yu Trading Market.

"The price will not continue to fall, buy it!"

"Why don't you fall after a price fall?"

The young man swells his head, smiled and said, "If you discovered it by the guy, let's come in and don't give us a chance."

"Here is his main battlefield, why is it necessary to come in? Go directly to the Taoyuan Yu Mining?"

"Well, it is too boring!"

In the afternoon, the acquisition order in Taoyuan jade raw material market suddenly increased.

"Xu Sisher, Taoyuan Jade Rock Price has risen by 20%!"

"Put some goods go out to press it!" Xu Shi Yun did not take serious things, because the sea has been withdrawn on Thursday, there is only a large Tang Dynasty.

"More than 100 million materials were taken away, the price rose 10%!"

Chen Xiaoming ran over, some sweating on his head.

Xu Shiyun wrinkled the eyebrows, and realized that there were also a guard home to enter the court.

I want to say: "In this case, let the price rise!"

In the evening, the closure disk is half an hour.

Taoyuan jade raw material prices suddenly soared, the increase of more than one percent, and when the final closing, the price increased nearly 100%.

"What is the situation?" Gao Peng called the poem in the first time.

Xu Shi Yun frowned: "I don't know if I specifically, but there is a new home to enter the market. This time is a big fish!"

"How old is it?" Gao Peng stunned, asked surprised.

Xu Shi Yun wanted to say: "It should be very fat, and at least a few billion people have been eaten in the afternoon!"

"Tomorrow price is rising, or is it?" Gao Peng asked.

Xu Shi Yun wanted to say: "Let's try, try the other's big carving enough!"

"Oh, I like it!" Gao Peng said with a smile and hangs the phone.

Xu Shi Yun took a mobile phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally didn't play Tang Long, because she is now judged that people coming in are jade merchants, still in a vain, there are other attempts.

City, university city.

Jiang Xue came out of the library, looked at the two people in front of the dress, a man and a woman, not very big, hesitated, come and ask: "What do you want to do?"

She doesn't know where the other party finds her own number and also found the school.

"We want to invest in the 'campus travel agency' company in Miss Jiang!" The woman smiled.

Jiang Xue was slightly stunned, and the plate shook his head: "Campus Travel Agency does not sell!"

"One billion, as long as the shares of 49%, we will not participate in the company, the company operates to be held by Miss Jiang!" Men's open mouth.

Jiang Xue, then frowned, hundreds of millions to acquire their own school travel agencies? Beware The main point of travel is the fish head village.

"Who sent you?" Jiang Xue looked at them.

The woman smiled and said: "Miss Jiang, you don't have to worry, we really don't have any malicious, this investment we mainly value long-term interests, and all terms, you can speak clearly in the investment contract!"

no offence?

Is there a malicious, Jiang Xue didn't know, but she looked like this two, it would like to take the money.

"Five billions, I sell it to you!" Jiang Xue suddenly laughed, and said that the lion was saying.


Women helpless: "Sorry, Miss Jiang, we can only acquire 49% of the 'campus travel agency', and we are really sincere."

"Three billions, as long as you take three billions, I have a company, 100% are sold to you." Jiang Xue smiled.

An empty-shell company, what is good, and even don't even say three billions, it is a hundred million she is extremely tempted. You must know that the company sells this company, and a few worst the worst of their dormitory is also a millionaire!

"Sorry, we can't do the master!" Woman shook his head.

Jiang Xue smiled and said: "You can't do the Lord, go back to discuss, of course, the price is still talking."

He said with two people, turned to the school dormitory direction.

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