Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 466, violent joint watch

Hanging a mobile phone, Tang Long is sprint, maybe you have to change the goal.

I used to be alone, but now is not, there is a loved ones around, there is a friend, and my own family, and there is already a son.

I thought about Tang Qilin, Tang Long's heart was warm, and I went out of eighth.

Tell the chart of killing, flatteen

How good is it.

"Nuclear waste battery technology? This is really a good ." Tang Long suddenly smiled, self-speaking. Even if this is already this technology, when can I completely popularize the promotion, or an unknown?

However, the technology is really very heart!

"Is there interest to engage in a joint?" Tang Long thought, call the phone, smile and asked.

"Joint name? Clothes, or shoes?"

Although "Black Scorpion" is not released, it is already fast, it is now a lot of news in the market, and has gradually caught some eyeballs.

The fixed is January 1!

Super Director Lan people personally fought, gathered when red, network red, and there were special IPs specialized in fishing villages, and the propaganda efforts would not be too bad.

In addition to Tang Long hit this phone, Yulong Jewelry has already contacted her and determined a single jewelry series.

The 'black scales' is the hunger beast of the fishing village, and before, Yun Niang has designed a very vivid image to the black scales, and there is a black scales sculptive product, but the quantity is not a lot.


Tang Long smiled and shook his head and said: "Design a joint watch!"

"Connecting watch?" ,,

"In preliminary, there is such a plan, I will find the world's most famous designer, design this 'watch', with 'black scales' as the theme, the knife, pure hand-made, the world to create 12, when First send a auction, auction. "Tang Long said with a smile.

Sprinkle and ask: "Is it a little late now?"

To know that now the 'black scorpion' is released only one time.

"Not too!" Tang Long said with a smile.

Sprint frown: "What about it?"

She didn't understand what Tang Long wanted to do. What did you want to rely on a joint watch, speculate on black scales, or want to rely on the 'black scales' famous speculation for joint watches?

"There is a company in Nasdaq, which has the 'Nuclear Waste Battery Technology', manufactured by the battery, which can continue to discharge, enough, an electronic watch is perfect, eternal, handed down At that time, it will cooperate with the media to promote global nature, and also prepare for the "black scales" worldwide! "Tang Long calm.

Nuclear waste power battery technology?

Eternal work?

I'm thinking about the mouth, I'm trying to say: "The boss, can we make a joke. You are sure, isn't it?"

"Reassured, the technology has come out, but the cost may be a little higher when the start is started." Tang Long smiled.

"Can you get it before the" Black Scorpion "is available? Time will not be too tight!" Some excited question.

Tang Long took into account, smiled and said: "I tried to communicate, I get it before" Black Scorpion ", in theory, there should be no problem!"

"Good!" : "The fish head village movie company is fully fitted with!"

hang up the phone.

Tang Long is also a huge idea. Now there are so many joints on the market, and it is also a toy, and the 'nuclear waste power battery' This is a very embarrassing technology, can you completely brush a wave of popularity?

Take a mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Boss!" The crisp sound of the Tang Long call is once again in the ear.

Tang Longdao: "Prepare to let Nasdaq listed on the shell, manufacturing 12 'nuclear waste power batteries', jointly released 'black scales' movies, launch 12 joint electronic watches, looking for a world-renowned Designers, materials, try to get the luxury. It is a short time to get things, it is best to get the real thing within half a month, promote, show off, brush the eyeball. "

"OK, technology does not have problems, the estimated cost will be a bit high, the price of each joint electronic watch will not be less than a million dollars," said the phone.


Tang Long smiled and nodded: "Take as soon as possible! Well, the designer camp must have most domestic teachers, the sculptor hooked Yun Niang is a key publicity object, no one, the star lineup, Zhao Xiaoyue is the primary publicity object, then must There is an element of the fish in the village. "

"Okay, I will take the plan as soon as possible, the boss is a little!"


Tang Long hangs.

No one thought that Tang Long suddenly thought, it would cause much sensation.

A mysterious company, directly found the world's most famous watch designers, artists, and stars, and began to collect existing popular elements, various existing, retro style, and began to prepare colors, materials and so on. .


When I got a mysterious telephone, I was slightly stunned, helpless: "I am sorry, I have not designed and carved the idea of ​​jade recently, please also ask ..."

When the other party interrupted her, respect: "You are our company in the artist camp, the first propaganda object, and there is no one, your joint, will be world-famous. Mr. Tang Dynasty said, you will definitely promise!"

Hook Yurui stunned, Tang Long contact?

"Sorry, I will make a phone call!"

"Okay, let's contact you later!" The other party hangs up the phone.

I didn't use Hoo Yue Niang to call Tang Long, Tang Long car entered the Bao Feng sculpture factory, and people have arrived.

"There is a company called 'super power', I want to invite my design to engrave a jade watch, saying that you contact, have this thing?" Hoo Yumui curiously asked.

Tang Long smiled nodded: "To, I contact, design, have a great advantage to improve your popularity and global influence."

Slightly paused, and smiled and said, "Is it very amazing with 'Water Sky Blue' Taoyuan Jade, engraving an electronic watch image, should it be amazing?"

Taoyuan jade watch?

Hook Yumui smiled and said: "Carving is not difficult, just, will someone like?"


Tang Long smiled and was extremely affirmation.

I want to say: "I remember that Yulong Taoyuan jade has a 'glass species' level water blue material? The piece of material has a duck egg size, thick thickness is complete enough, use that piece of material."

"This ..." Hook Yumphia was a little, afraid to waste the material. To know that the 'glass species' water is only one, when will the next block be born or an unknown number.

Tang Long probably guess what is thinking in the heart of Hook Yun Niang, smiling and said: "Reassure, waste. The movement used by the electronic watch will use the world's precious metal alloy, the battery is the latest development of 'super power' 'Nuclear waste eternal power battery, this battery run time can be up to 50,000 years. "

"Five thousand years?" Hui Yuxiang's little mouth is very surprised, and his eyes looked at Tang Long: "Will it be a lie company?"

A battery is eternal running 50,000 years, how is it possible, anyway, no matter what others, the first idea in the mind in the mind is to meet the liar company.

Tang Long smiled and said: "This 'super power' is a foreign boss technology company, and now the total market value is about 1.5 billion yuan, and their hands do master the 'nuclear waste power battery conversion technology', but temporarily speaking It is a bit high, and each of the "Eternal Nuclear Waste Battery" cost is about one million dollars. "

Looking at the hook yogar is still frowning, my heart is smirking, the little girl is sighful, it is not so stupid, it is so stupid.

Well, perhaps with the age of hooking Yupi, the little girl is a bit of a little, but it can't be called people, the old lady is not. A woman like hook Yumu is a creature of the 'reverse growth', and it seems that the more you live.

Tang Long smiled and stressed: "This 'over-powered group' is a listed company I controlled!"

The doubts in the heart of Yuxi, instantly watched, smiling and nod: "I said, line, I will go to the insurance bank to take the 'glass species' Need water sky blue."

"Well, let's get, do the beautiful, I have received it!" Tang Long smiled and lifted his left hand, and there was no watch over the wrist.

The hook Yumui suddenly understood the meaning of Tang Long, gentle as a nod, hesitated, took the initiative to pull Tang Long, red face: "No one is in the family, you haven't been here for a long time."

What does it mean?

When this is taken, there is not much, unless it is extremely desired.


In addition to the 'Need Water Sky Blue', Taoyuan Jade Watch, which is designed to hook Yun Niang, and a sterling silver electronic watch designed by the Yulong Jewelry Designer Team.

Pure gold, sterling silver, pure copper, representing three times, of which the bronze watch integrates a large number of Spring and Autumn Warring States, and Qin Dynasty bronze elements.

The pure gold watch is a global famous designer, integrated into a large number of egyptian pyramids.

The sterling silver watch made by the Yulong Jewelry Designer team is the domestic silverman hand process inheritance element.

In addition to pure gold, sterling silver, pure copper, and the best water-day blue peach source, there is also a blue-and-white porcelain element watch.

In addition to five kinds, there is a joint watch, designer, spokesperson, who is Zhao, represents youth elements.

The rest, all are metal alloy products.

Ultra-powered group and fish Tuancun Film and TV Company jointly launched, 'black scale series limited edition Eternal Electronics Watch', total 12, which invites 130s of the global designer, seven design teams, five An independent designer, there is no exception is a famous big lady in the design circle, and the signed female artist designer, only one, Huaxia Carving Art Master hooked Ms. Yun Niang.

Non-artists, star designers only have one, 'Xiaoyue girl'.

Just starting everyone, I don't think about it. I feel that there is nothing big, until the ultra-powered group, a paper announcement, said the company officially mastered the 'Eternal Nuclear Waste Battery Technology', shocked the Science and Technology Circle.

Thereby producing a role in point!

Once the news came out, not only shocked the technology circle, but also shocked Wall Street. Originally obsidum, just renamed 'over-powered group', the stock price has soared.

From the graph, you will die for 90 degrees, and I have been in the sky.

The 'over-powered group' did not rename the announcement technology, the stock price has only one piece, but only five minutes, the price has soared five0 US dollars, the market value has reached 60 billion.

Then there is a drop, the price falls to thirty dollars, and doing it!

After the opening of the afternoon, the 'over-powered group' share price has soared again, from thirty dollars, it has been raised to one hundred and twenty dollar prices closed.

Within one day, the market value has increased thousand of times, from about 1.5 billion yuan, rising up to $ 1,500 billion, and the soaring increase is extremely scary.

The next day, the MiM regulating commission announced the investigation of the 'Supervision Group' technology authenticity.

Just this time, the ultra-powered group reported the 'black scales series to the limited edition of the eternal watch', and 12 pieces used the 'eternal watch' of the 'nuclear waste power battery. Global auction will be conducted in batches.

The first piece 'eternal watch', three days will be taken!

The starting price is $ 30 million.

At the same time, the 12th Limited Edition "Black Scorpion" eternal watch is also widely spread!

Is there a collection value?


Three days later, the first auction's 'blue heart' was sold with Eight $ 5 million, and was bought by a mysterious buyer.

After seven days, the second piece of auctioned 'metal model, was bought by the third largest technology company, with $ 2009 million.

On the thirteenth day, the third piece of the same auction's 'metal' black scale is limited to the foreigner of the forever, and is taken away by the world's famous rich, 800 million US dollars.

At the same time, the Super Power Group announced that in addition to the top three black scales, the company will also sell three black scales to the limited edition eternal series watch, two of them 'metal', a 'material model ', The remaining six will be used as the company's fixed assets and put them in its exhibition hall.

And adjusted the starting price, two 'metal models' start shooting price per 100 billion dollars.

'Material', the starting price is more than 10 billion.

And 'material model', official small moon girl design's 'dream rainbow'.

The whole world is shocked by several electronic watches, an electronic watch sells ten billions? US dollar?

'Xiaoyue girl' Xiaoyue, also entered the global vision, became a veritable 'goddess princess' level, and the influence is not necessarily harvest than those shadow.

At the same time, "black scales" also shocked the world. It is in the entertainment circle, which causes global sensation, officially released.

The whole speculation time, just one and a half months, can affect the technology circle, to the financial industry, and then go to the entertainment circle, collect the world, a series of chain, and many people are shocked.

The next sentence, the grass, can you play with this?

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