Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 472, two billion acquisitions

"In addition, the investment bureau wants to try two people in the fishing village to listen to the family, and the fishing village company is willing to accept foreign investment. Of course, the two do not misunderstand, the investment bureau value is the 'monster of fishing Village The economy ', and the potential of the two leaders, and I am just a generation of words! "Bai Wei smiled.

Tang Long and Zhangxiu are opposed to each other, the investment bureau wants to enter the owner of the company?

"If the price is right, we are not opposed to the introduction of capital." Zhang Embroidered saw that Tang Long did not speak, hesitated, smiling and said.

Bai Wei smiled and introduced a look at the appearance of the three dozen. It didn't be outstanding. I can even say some ordinary men, said: "This is the investment bureau, Zhang Yi manager, supervisor this investment fish head village The company's matters, if you don't understand anything, or you can ask him directly. "

I just thought that this person was the assistant around the white, I did not expect to be the big man of the investment bureau.

After the mutual guest, Zhang Yi said: "The investment bureau is actually very optimistic about the future development direction of fishing village companies. If the Branch and Tang Village are willing to accept our capital, we are also willing to drive the fishing village company and its The future listing of the subsidiary. "

Perhaps someone will ask, what is the way of this 'investment bureau'?

So, the top three network giants in China, only to others as the younger brother, in the world's five hundred companies, one tenth is one tenth of people holding the company.

Precaution is the Beiyang Investment Bureau company, worth more than 10 trillion, tentacles all over the industry, from the food and clothing, go to the chip photovoltaic, then to the Internet high-tech, people's livelihood, retail clothing, financial securities, etc., anyway you can think The place, after being scrutinized, will find the figure behind the investment bureau.

Do you think that the city's market value is not a few billion? Before the investment situation of people, the fart is not.

The first major financial investment group in China, the name is actually!

"We are all small characters in the mountains. If you don't give us a big cake, we will not know how much the investment bureau is worthy of the investment bureau." Tang Long smiled. After passing, this is not good, it is too straightforward, but he can, and in the commercial businessman, there is not an embarrassment place.

Zhang Yi laughed and said: "The Valuation of the Investment Bureau gives the fish Toucun company is 3 billion!"

"3 billion?"

Tang Long fripped his eyebrows, and the boat said: "Is the valuation given by the Investment Bureau?"


Zhang Yirao: "According to our knowledge, the funds now invested now, but only more than a dozen billions, the entire fishing village company, there are several modules, the most important, probably the 'monster economy', this It is also our most optimistic place. In fact, the valuation is only a one-sided, after the capital of our investment bureau, the benefits should be more harm. "

Tang Long fripped his head and shook his head and said: "The valuation is too low, the size of the fishing Village is not very big, but the layout is far away, so that the investment bureau understands too much.

First, Yute Village Company, there is 35% of Longshan Springs, Longshan Springs, the old generals are here, do not believe you can ask her. Longshan Spring Company's Longshan Spring Miners now has a domestic market share, which has already been 12%, close to 20% of the share.

Light is the company of Longshan Spring. If you are listed, the market value should not be less than 5 billion.

Second, the fishing village company has a fishing village mining, I personally, for the valuation of the mineral mining in the fish, one billion, US dollar!

Third, there is a historical industry chain of Yute Village Company, from the film company, to the broker, and then go to the field of cultural artwork. And our fish head village film company surprised the "black scales" immediately to be released. For the field of cultural industry chain of Humou Village, our valuation is one billion.

Fourth, fish in the hand investment in many high-tech fields, such as new energy vehicles, etc., this valuation will not be less than one billion.

Fifth, Yute Village also invests a lot of investment in the field of agriculture, such as Dragon East, including the shares of fishing village, including Qinglong Agriculture, this least is one billion?


Looking at the bitter laugh on Zhang Yi's face, even the white dramatic, I couldn't help but laugh.

Tang Long did not laugh, continue to say, "the most important, the core of the fishing village, fishing village tourism, including the fish head village, fish head village farm area, fish head village scenic spot, fish head Chain industry, fish head catering industry, this is the core thing of the fishing village, don't say other, a guardian beast 'black scorpion', isn't it worth 100 billion?

This is calculated, how much is your fish head village? It is not polite to say that at least two hundred billion, less this price ... "

"it is good!"

Zhang Yi suddenly opened, smiled and interrupted Tang Long's words: "According to Tang Village long, the 200 billion valuation calculated, our investment bureau is willing to take two billions, acquire 10% of the fishing village I don't know if the two can be willing? "


A sentence did not give Tang Long.

Heart, great ideas.

It turned out that the investment bureau said three billion valuations, he is a shot of the hurt.

Two billion? One percent of Hirou Village Company?

Tang Long hesitated, turned his head toward Zhang Embroidered, and said helplessly said: "Embroidered support, you are the leader of our fish, the investment bureau, you can't say it."

Zhang embroidered: "..."

Hiros Village company estimates two billion?

This kind of thing is true, this kind of thing, let yourself get your mind, how is the old lady gives you, or not, you are giving me an eye, or a little action, turn the head to go. Zhang embroidered, I want to say some, I am afraid to scare the investment bureau, two billion!

Realistic silver, this is not a small money. After the investment bureau, after the 10 billion, the fishing village did another thing, and the air was full.

Tang Long and Zhang Embroids have a 35% shares in Humou Village, which is two billion, and the two are at least seven billion.

The remaining one hundred or three billion, enough to be rich and fishing village fund, village committee fund, fish head village talent special management fund. Even if a villager is tens of thousands, more than 500 people's fish head, but only 50 million people can be separated.

Zhang Embroidered deeply took a deep breath, calmly said: "After the investment bureau acquires the fish head, do not enjoy any voting, voting rights, only sharing the rights of the fishing, if accepted, I can agree on behalf of the fish head, if I don't agree The valuation price is high, and the fishing village company will not agree! "

Zhang Yi wants to say anything, but look at Tang Long's face does not matter, the voice is turned, nodded: "Good, the investment bureau is willing to give up the voting rights, just enjoy the red power."

"Hey, big idea!"

Tang Long is on the side, mutter. The business of the investment bureau does not suffer!

If you introduce capital of the investment bureau, all the assets of the fish, the company, and the subsidiaries are exposed, so that the best water in the three pit in the mineral hand in the minerals of the fish head.

However, two hundred billion this valuation, for the fishing village, it is estimated to go to the top before not listed, and there is a big tree in the investment bureau, and it is more convenient to do something in the future fish head.

Ten percent shares are not much, sell it!

"Happy cooperation!"

Zhang Embroidered and Tang Long, the mountains and others returned to the fish head, and called the major head of the village called back.

In the small conference room, Yang Erdao, the uncle, Liu Yi, Wang Zhanfu, Li Ergun, winning, Zhang Guang, Li Dayong, and Qiu Yuxia and other villagers were present.

Everyone looked at the two, did not understand Zhang Embroidered and Tang Long suddenly shouted to do it.

The villagers in the fish Tad village controlled 20% of the branch of the fishing house.

The rest, Tang Long and Zhangxiu total have 30%, 15% per person. The mountains used the shares of 35% of Longshan Springs, and there was a shares in the fish Tad Village, so she also had 15%.

It is one percent of 45% of the division, and there are thirty-five percent. Dividend is directly entering the Village Fund of Yidou Village, the fish head village talent fund, the fishing village committee fund.

Zhang embroidery said that he said: "That is a matter of doing things, today I am working with Tang Long Village, selling 10% of the fish head village company."

Everyone was a little bit, but the vast majority did not show anything. Only Wang Youfu wrinkled: "That support book, such a big thing, why didn't you negotiate with us?"

Slightly pause, continue to say: "Of course, I don't agree, I think it, the fishing village company is the lifebid of the whole village. Sell to others, one day, people have rushed out, but ? "

"Two billion!"

Zhang embroidered slowly.

Wang Youfu voice stopped, and the eye beads almost didn't stand it.

"Two, two billion?"

I drop a girl!

Two hundred billions said that they all rushed out, and they sold the fish head village. Anyway, from Wang Youfu, it is not halfpoint.

What's more, just embroidered a letter book, is it? Two hundred million?


Wang Youfu raised his hand to make a small face on his face, and he said: "Hey, this stinky mouth, Embroidered book, don't say that the company's shares will be sold, that is, sell our old kings. There is no more opinions in all. "

"You can pull it out, you will be a bad cabbage in your old Wang family, you want to sell it, the question is who wants to put it on your face." Yang Erli lined up.

Wang Youfu is not angry, smile, the eyes are flashing, two hundred billions, hundreds of millions, this is much more money, selling the fishing village shares, is it a penny?

The old king family, the brothers, the family is a big small and small, relatives and friends add a small 560, how much is this.

Zhang Embroidered raised his hand, indicating everyone quiet, continue: "Today, I am long and happy to meet, mainly for discussing things."

When I said the money, everyone shouted breathed.

Looking at Tang Dragon God is here, a look, Zhang embroidered, the heart is not playing, secretly ignoring him, said: "The next money, there is Tang Long Village long and everyone Say."

Tang Long is thinking about the things of Wolong Industrial and Life and Evolution Group. Bai Wei personally came over to take the town, the behind-the-scenes, this battle, it is not scared, then it is purely. The question is, is the LE Group relying on the market transformation of Qinglong Agriculture? Is this seemingly lattice?

The registered capital of life and evolutionary group people is hundreds of billions!

Forty-nine shares in Wolong Industry, replacement of life and evolutionary group 15%, value to not suffer, losing the loss of Tang Long himself.

Do you think that Pamatoon and Bai Wei are simple characters? The investment bureau will send you money?

Go, the big fox with a small fox, come to the next set of the 'chicken', people's drunkenness is not in the wine, it is in Tang Long himself.

The excuse of the Tanglong wants to be resigned.

Say a thousand, I still don't take myself as a small mice, so I haven't suffered from the shares of Wolong Industrial and Life and Evolution Group, and it is Tang Long himself!

Zhang embroidered, pulling Tang Long from Pens!

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