Taoyuan Soldier King

The 474th chapter of the personal wealth value

"Since everyone has no opinion, things are so fixed." Tang Long nodded.

One billion cash under the three major funds in the village is good allocation, and now the difficulty is to directly related to the villagers of Yutou Village!

"I propose, I'm far from the person!" Wang Youfu is the most active for this, step by step, most of which is his drums behind him.

"I disagree!"

"I don't agree!"

"Do you disagree with it?"

"Your old Li family seven people, our family is three, with the agreement!"

"There are few people in our family, we don't agree with people to allocate!"

As for how, the villagers have played directly. Some people hope that some people will not be willing. After all, the number of people per house is not the same, and the number of people is different.

For example, like the uncle of the car, the five guarantees in the village, no children, there is a person, some people, a more than a dozen people, the difference is more than ten times.

"So, put this billion fund, divided into two copies, one hundred hundred million, one forty billion, sixty billions of points, forty billions of people, you are watching Do not?"

Tang Long didn't wait for everyone to noisy, and smiled and continued: "If everyone thinks, it will be calm. This money will save, wait for the New Year, let's say it!"

calm down? When the New Year is open?

Now everyone is dead by this till billion, and now you tell you that the New Year is saying again? Can this villagers prefer!

"OK, I will do six billion yuan according to the households, then according to the head of the person, I will have a head!" Wang Youfu.

Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "There is Fushan, you said no, I said it is not counted, this matter is still in the group vote!"

"That is cast!" Wang Zhan Fu grabbed his head and laughed.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Before voting, there are several things to discuss. After all, it is related to the money, interest. I, embroidered books, including some people who have great contributions to the village, and later join us Talents in fish, these people are not counting people who are fishing villages, can not be independent. "

Everyone stunned, you see me, I will see you, I don't talk.

"Embroidered book, mountain, green, and Yan, um, Xiaogan just came in soon, no to give her household, count the ordinary villagers, the households fall in our home. Li Ergun, winning, Zhang Guang, Qiu Yuxia and others, I propose to give new households, after all, there are fishing village companies today, they have the most. "

Tang Long calmly said: "This matter, you are willing to vote, or the rights I started the village head, directly agree?"

It is mainly to look at Wang Youfu and others.

Wang Youfu hesitated and asked: "That said that our old Wang Jia brothers are married and have children, and they should be ..."

Tang Long knows that he wants to give him two brothers to have a household, a lot of money, directly break the road: "Don't give it, not only don't give it now, it will not be given. Because the old villager passed away, these people Didn't come back. "Slightly paused, said that there is no expression:" Not only they will not give a separate account, but there are people who have not come back at any other day, the village remembers it, and these people will not have a separate account. .

Who has comments, I can come directly to me, I ... let him get out of the fish head! "

Tang Long's words let the surroundings!

At the beginning, Wang Youfu knows what is going on, even if Tang Long puts those people, they will drive out the fish head village, and 90% of the villagers will agree.

Two, said: "Okay, the village head of this matter said, I agree with the village head!"

"We also agree!"

Villagers have taken.

Tang Long lazy said: "You don't agree, then this money will not be divided, give you people who are exhausted outside, making you sin, what else."

It seems that it is joking, but it is extremely serious!

Plus a new household, the fish head village totaled one hundred and forty-eight, with a total of 60 million, and each household probably gets four hundred and a million yuan.

The number of villagers in Yute Village is 539, including Tang Lao's son, it is forgiving. It is 40 billion, and each person can be divided into 7 million.

When I heard the specific number, the villagers of the fishing village boiled.

No one is more than 7 million, plus a household 40 million, this is calculated, a few people with less people can also have more than 10 million, more, like a tender uncle, the asset is directly increased by 4800 More than 10,000, plus the end of the year, one year income is 50 million.

Many people are happy!

Fulfur and is collective.

Tang Long looked in his eyes, frowning, suddenly said: "In addition to penny, from today, I bid a rule to the fishing villagers. Anyone who is contaminated with the village, to the village, poison, gambling Dare to be contaminated, don't blame me, Tang Long is welcome! "

The villagers of the fish in the richest night, do not know if they can resist external temptation.

Tang Long talks like it is a bite to apply a nail, since the number of money and allocation plan is set, then it will not change it easily!

"Is there mine, is there anyone?"

Going home, Liu Meiqi hit the neck of the winning victory, excitedly called, because I just in the auditorium, Tang Long specially got a few people's name, and these people have not married, but as long as I promise the certificate, marry the fish The head village can be included in the list of fish head villages. Of course, it is only limited to fall in love, suddenly coming out of a girlfriend, and I will not divorce within three years, otherwise the fish head village will have the right to put Dividends recovert back.

After Tang Long and Zhang Embroids, it is also mentioned, and it is also in line with the standard of fish head village!

To be honest, don't say that it is a big man in the fish, even if the Liu turn stick is fast into the old man who is fast into the coffin, it is estimated that the Many Threshold will break the media.

Looking at her: "What is you, there is no relationship with you."

Liu Meiqi stared at the big eyes, and he was angry: "Let mear my mother, you don't play me, do you want to change? I tell you that the door is not, the old lady starts today, It is a person in the village of the fish, and the death is the ghost of the fishing village. I want to smash me to separate the new joy. Don't die, except for me, even if I die, I will not let you go. "

The winning of her gains, she raised her hand, and raised her hand, and smiled and said: "I asked you a few days ago, you don't pay for it, my parents disagree, wait Wait until do you say? Now, my mother is coming? "

Liu Meiqi's eye bead turns, sharp saying: "Agree, dogs are not agreed, this life, the old lady is not married."

The winning wins turned over, didn't say anything, "more than 7 million, for this money, it is going to live, as for?"

"More than 7 million? Also, do you know how much is it? Going home with me, putting money on your husband, he can also blow you with you again? "Liu Meiqi was excited.

Jingsheng mother is actually passed away, but this time, because the successful work is the big, Tang Long and Zhang Embroids, deliberately gave two household places, so he can be divided into two.

Nothing fair unfair, people who pay, more, is the biggest fair. This is Tang Long and Zhang Embroidery can decide, and others are not good.

There are hundreds percent of Yute Village in the two people. They want to democracy, then they can democracy, don't want to democracy, others don't say, I really can say this.

Of course, after introducing the 'investment bureau' capital, you can't make this, everything needs to take a regular procedure.

But the results are the same!

"So you said, will you marry me?"

"Happy, willing ... I am happy, you, you haven't paid marriage with me." Liu Meiqi red face, some twisted.

at the same time,

Li Ergou also found Han Xuelian.

"That, Korean scriptram, what do you think? If you think it is okay, or you have to make a contact, you can get the certificate with me, you can take more than 7 million, then you, don't misunderstand, I am not a picture, I am, I don't think I can't see the lunch of the boy. "

Han Xuelian listened to Li Erju, and I was so funny.

White eyes low channel: "More than 7 million, count a fart, this lady is a family ordered, my parents are senior intellectuals, home demolition seven houses, two rings have two old houses, a set of four-in-one hospital, Do you think I will care about it? "


Li Erju almost didn't let Tongmou, the eyes did not look out.

It turns out that the big screenwriter is the lady of the capital of Beijing!

Han Xuelian is red, whip: "Give you a chance to say, you, really don't want to map me?"


Li Erchou is alive in an instant, screaming the scorpion: "Figure, Figure, , dream, thinking that you can marry you in this life."

Han Xuelian red face, I was hung: "You don't know if you don't know if you want to eat swan meat."


Li Erchou hugged her, grinned and said: "Listen to it again, I don't haven't eaten. This is not a white flower swan fell to me. This is the mouth!"

Han Xuelian red face, did not struggle, gently wandered: "You have been good for me in this life, I have heard it? After getting married, I don't want to hook three, I don't want to go to a bad place, no longer I will go with other women, I have to listen to me in the back home. I said what is, there is ... I still don't want a child, so I don't force my child within three years. "

"Well, I will promise you!"

Li Ergun's face laughed and took the flowers, while hugging Han Xuelian, turned two laps in the original: "You are the day of the family, you said, you listen to you this big white goose! "

Han Xuelian knocked down on his head, and the red face contained shame: "You are the goblin, not simple, hey, turn around me, think I can't hear it!"

"Hey, how is it!" Li Ergang grinned: "Let's get the certificate tomorrow?"

"Well, but you must go back to Beijing to go to take the account ... You must see my parents first!" Han Xuelian red face.

"Cheng, then go back tomorrow!"

Li Erju's home is also two households, and his parents are being healthy, so a family can also share more than 100,000 money.

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