Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 480 Three Girls

"I drip young, the little grandmother, how are you doing?" Xiao Yang ran over, staring at the eyes, looking at the two people.

Bai Mei really has no guest set, pulled a lot, the big probability is the thoughts of breaking the tissue broken, anyway, it has been eaten, eat half of it is eating, a meal is enough, it is also eating, it is not lost.

"Small radish, can you eat, taste it?" Tang Long smiled.

Xiao Yang turned over and said: "Do you have two?"

Bai Mei shrugged, a face helpless: "There is no way, I am not careful to go to the thief boat, don't go. Don't come up, eat this meal, I have an estimate that we have to roll the sky tomorrow!"

"..." Xiao Yang is still good, I am so laugh: "I know that I have to roll the roll, you still dare to eat? Why don't you die!"

Then she hesitated, and sat around Tang Long, sighed, took one.

"How do you still eat?"

"His life with gentle, want to gather together." Xiao Yang helplessly said, but the performance is still very good.

Spring Snow also ran at this time, smiling and said: "It is also one!"

Tang Long looked at them, couldn't help but happy, all of the young girls, a cheerleading team to dress, this, if you encounter the blood of the blood, you will not hold it.


Spring Snow Nod: "Well, delicious, taste is sweet, look like fruit." Soon found that it is not strong, the sound is not Xiao Yang, nor white plum, it seems to be ...

Touching the past, look at them in the face of the green, the positive face is plain!

Chun Xue blinks, red face, the small water radish in his hand, hide it, then the small head is low, and it is like a small quail that makes mistakes.

"These radish don't waste, go back to the cafeteria, call people copy, should be very delicious." Tang Long smiled.

I have a few small water radishes, how can I have a rule? The rule is to stand, the minister of Tang Dynasty is the people who are restrained.

This east and west, Chun Xue, Baimei they don't understand, can you understand?

Anyway, she didn't have a fire with Tang Dynasty!

I ate it, I can still eat it.

Yourself walked over and pulled two, and came back to Xiao Yang. "Is it finished in your hand?"

"Still, a bit!" Xiao Yang barely smiled.

I have a small heart that I mentioned the eyes of the throat. It is really a happy mouth, and I am involved in my heart.

"That is not going to do it!" Qingyu did not get angry.

Xiao Yang and Chunxi, Bai Mei three hurry up.

After the Qingxi took them away, she sat to Tang Long: "How is it?"

"Good!" Tang Long laughed back to two words.

No sound, Qingyu peeled the small carrot, and tasted it in person. "After this lard is listed, the retail price is 80 yuan a pound."

Tang Long almost biting the tongue, smiled: "Eighty dollars a pound? One pound of ribs have a lot of money? Two larores sell eight0, do you want to grab money?"

Qing Yan calmly said: "This high-tech greenhouse, the whole cost is more than one million, these carrots from the seedling, to grow up, all have strict management. It is not exaggerated, they are not simple vegetables, if Playing special effects, don't say it is '80 yuan' a pound, it is eight hundred dollars, and some people will buy. "

Improve genes, enhance human immunity, promote brain cells, which can make people more smart, and even some other effects.

Of course, you can show it!

If you don't even eat ten pounds of eight pounds, you can have a role.

But these effects, who said?

Anyway, I have to be replaced with Tang Long. He will only be a nose, think is a confidentious thing.

"Qinglong agriculture has just started the cost, very high, very high, so we have cultivated melon fruits, especially in the first cultivation, the price is not possible to go, even if it is the future, the price of these vegetables It will not be low. "Qingyu explained.

Tang Longdao: "Why is it going to be available?"

The whole high-tech greenhouse, but there are six hundred square meters, all vegetables, melon fruits are placed together, and it is not seen. The output is very low, there is no need to push to the market!

Qingyu said: "It is necessary to push the market in the morning and evening. My thoughts are that after the waiting fish head is released, after the official opening, open a 'franchise store in the village, put the fruits, vegetables in the greenhouse, specifically Sell. "

Tang Long touched the nose, smiled and said: "There are hundreds of dollars a pound of vegetables, this matter is going to pass, it is not in the publicity of the fish, but in the mouth of the fish head!"

"The price of the city, there is no strong buy, so there is nothing to discred, there is no discredit, and the price of vegetables is not so high, but the cost is constrained, the price is low, the quantity is fundamentally. "Qing Yan explained.

Tang Long laughed and said: "That simply, etc., the supply market is not good!"

"not good!"

Qingyu shook his head and said, "I feel that open a 'franchise store', selling the sky, vegetables are also very good!"

Is this tone confirmed to discuss with yourself?

Tang Long Yulu: "Then you have come to ask me!"

Qingyu looked at him, ventilated: "Ask you not to tighten. The embroidered book has agreed, I just want to ask you!"

"..." Tang Long turned her eyes.

The Qing Dynasty stolen the Xiaoyang, Bai Mei, Spring Xue, and Spring Snow, and the Spring Snow. "These three girls are not bad?"

"It's good!" Tang Long laughed twice, and he opened the crime: "I am letting them eat!"

"I know!"

Qingyu returned back, and said: "They don't have this courage!"

Open the topic: "Today, I received an external news. Some people have a global price, and the big price is acquired a beast bone meat. I don't know what I want to do."

In the past, the Qing Yu is' black, and the excitement is swayed in another world.

So she has her own unique intelligence network.

"Bright beast flesh?" Tang Long fripped his eyebrows, the so-called spirit beast flesh, is similar to the 'black scales' creatures, but the beast can not be so good.

"Well, the price!" Qingyu nodded.

Tang Long whispered: "How much?"

"Every kilogram is millions of dollars, bone marrow increase, Nandan billion billion billion, the organization is unusually mysterious, I don't know who is initiated!"

Qingyu turned his head and looked at Tang Long: "I am afraid to be special for us!"


If you have a meat, that's much, how much money is based on the size of the black scale!

Tang Long smiled, if you don't have anything: "Don't be abroad in China, no matter who is, you can't be so mad."

"If you have money, you can make ghosts, or you will be more careful!" Qingyu finished, stand up to the other side of the temperature.

Tang Long frowned, how many people in China are willing to travel in order? However, Qingyu said that there is no mistake, some things have to be prevented.

"Good insurance!"

Bai Mei patted his chest, long and long tone. Chicken has never allowed them to cover the eggs, and they even have nothing, this is an interactive.

"How did you just talk to Qing?" Xiao Yang blinked, curiously asked.

Tang Long smiled: "I said, I want to taste it."

"What?" Xiao Yang continued.

Tang Long shrugged and stared: "Then? Then there will be."

"No penalty?" Xiao Yang stared at his eyes.

Tang Long turned into the eye to say: "Penalty!"

"How much is penalty, let's help you join together, but you can say it first, you can't help it, this is a camera, you can't escape." Xiao Yang sighed, very speaking Refromite said.

"Yes, as long as we don't let us get over, how much money is lost, let's go out!" Bai Mei nod to say.

Chun Xue is red, and it is shameless: "My family is rich, you can get a little bit, hehe, but just so excited."

"Rich business?"

Tang Long seized the focus in the words, watching her asking her: "What is your home?"

"My family?" Spring Xue's eyes were very different, as if there was a small hook, the appearance was pure, the inner wind, such a girl is very important. "My family is doing furniture!"

"That line, you have two thousand, you have two people!" Tang Long smiled. He does not comply with the rules, but the rule is, it is a young man, the total is not!

Xiao Yang spit his tongue, whispered: "A few small water radishes, will it be a lot of money?"

"Fine 10,000!" Tang Long smiled. The specific amount is herself, and people have not said, but they have to know the inch, people don't say, they also have to deal with them.

"You have four thousand, I have six thousand!"

Spring Xue thought, Wen Jing said with a laugh: "This 10,000, I am out, even if I invite everyone!" The eyes mainly looked at Tang Long.

I can't see the experience of Tang Long, this little Nizi is interested in himself and fishing himself.

"I don't think it is, it is good, after all, we all eat, your family has money, but we can't take you cheaper, I will have three thousand, you have three thousand, Tang Long out Thousands, I am willing to ask Tang Long, so you can have four thousand, just getting 10,000! "Xiao Yang said a new solution.

"Good!" Spring Snow Head, I didn't say it.

It can be seen, although the three girls are very good, in fact, there is still their own ideas, and the character, Xiao Yang is bigger, but do not love to take advantage of the cheap, white plum, more small gossip, behind Love tells this, talk about that, but people are more loyalty.

This spring is very quiet. It is really wild. It is just the wild, hidden in the bones, being wrapped in the appearance of the appearance, the appearance of youth is pure, and it is a prostitute image, and it is true ...!

Tang Long smiled and said: "Cheng, then follow the programs you said, pay back you to hand over, admit mistakes. I, account for your cheap, look back, please eat!"

"Okay!" Chun Xue squinted, and his eyes watered.

More than a dozen small water radishes, fine 10,000!

Qingyu looked at Xiao Yang to make a representative, the money sent, smiled and said: "The fine is only an attitude issue, read the first time you make mistakes, the attitude is more sincere, the oral is a penalty, and the money will go back. "

Nothing is a step, Tang Long has stealing people in the greenhouse, and you can fine, sway!

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yang is quite embarrassed.

After returning, I said with Baimei and Spring Xue, everyone is also happy, and I can't open the face. Finally, I bought a box of high-grade red wine from the Internet, ready to send it to you, and everyone is very careful. It is also an apology to making mistakes, expressing!

At the same time, it also feels that in fact, the people of Qinglong Agriculture is still quite a human.

Thousands of people are concerned about them, like a family wealthy spring, maybe misconduct, you can talk about Xiaoyang and Baimei, it is also a small expenditure.

"I have to go to West Lake City tomorrow, what do you need to bring?"

When I was eating at noon, Tang Long smiled.

West Lake City business trip?

Xiao Yang was slightly stunned, and I worched it: "" Go out on behalf of the company? "

Tang Long smiled and said: "Not our company, is ... Well, I am another part-time company!"

"You are still part-time in another company?" Bai Mei widened his eyes, full of curiosity.

If you don't say something, you can't accept it from the beginning, you can't accept it, you must use a lie to hide the lie on the above!

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