Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 514 does not do small mice

"Tang Long!"

The peony is sitting in front of Tang Long, and I said: "I have a very important job here, I need you to cooperate, I don't have a joke with you, it is really very important!"

"I owe you money?" Tang Long looked up and asked.

::: "" "" ,, ,

"So!" Tang Long stopped the peak from continuing: "Since I don't owe you money, then I don't have to cooperate with you, right, I am not voluntarily, so I can clearly tell you, I am not happy "

The gas of the gas drums drums his helmet, staring at the eyes of the eyes: "You can't work, you are not happy, you can noter?"

"Do you want you to bite me?" Tang Long turned over the eyes.


Tang Long low-end: "Don't delay me to eat, I don't cooperate, just don't cooperate, say it is not used to break the sky." He said that he is not your mouse, how to cooperate.

"I have a complete set of" new energy car "technology." The little medicine helpless, only to sacrifice the killer.

When the two were talking here, Xiao Yang, Bai Mei, Chun Xue was called by Sun Qian, so the conversation between the two people, they can't hear it.

"Shape, power system, software I need!" Tang Long quickly looked up, bargaining.

"I don't have time to do things!" .

Tang Long didn't matter shrugged and said: "It doesn't matter, you have no time, then I will find someone to come. Anyway, it is not very urgent!"

"Odor Tang Dragon!"

The peony medicine was squatting, whispering said: "You will be, hey, after seeing what you have to come to me, see if I will help you."

"Don't worry, I don't leave it!" Tang Long smiled.

I deliberate her!

The little medicine fell with a small arm, and it was really awkward.

Green, I can't help but sigh: "You have nothing to tease."

Tang Long raised his head and looked at her, and she was crying: "When did I tease her, and people have to study me as a small mice, I will work with the fart."

"Is it a white old face, can you give it?" Qingyu asked calmly.

Tang Long smiled and said, "Don't take anyone who takes it to press me, the white face is face, then I will live a small white mouse? There is no good thing. I am not willing to cooperate with anyone experiment, there is no obligation! "

Qingyu did not expect Tang Long to be so embarrassed, couldn't help but frown.

"Some things, you can take a mistake, but some things don't work, today I have a good time, tomorrow, after tomorrow? There is no end, since I don't want, why should I agree, simply from the root Living, there is no need to trouble in the future. "Tang Long calm.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, compromise.

"Okay, maybe you are right!" Qingyu suddenly smiled, suddenly realized that there is not only a small farmer in the fish, but also a tiger.

The tiger in the bones, never lived!

In the laboratory of the peony medicine, I found Bai Wei, I said: "Dr. White, Tang Long does not want to come to help to do experiments."

Bai Wei wrinkled the eyebrow, and the soft question: "How do you tell her!"

Peat medicine blinked: "I said that there is an experiment below, I hope he can cooperate with us."

"Does he say, why don't you agree?" Bai Wei asked again.

: "He said that he didn't owe me money, did not cooperate with my obligation!"

Bai Wei couldn't help but smirk, self-speaking: "It seems that we want to ask people to help provide some detailed data, it is not easy."

"That's, hey, I just think that he inserted the onion in the pig's nose, garlic." The little medicine wrinkled with a small nose.

Bai Wei shook his head: "This is really not weird. Forget it, I personally talk to him!"

After lunch, in order to unnecessary trouble, Tang Long hit a greet with Xiao Yang, and prepared to leave, but it was a step later.


Bai Wei personally brought people to find it, but I don't know why, the peony has not followed.

Tang Longmong said: "White is good!"

"Just a small medicine has been there, I want to come again, you should be clear, now the experiment is in the most important stage, urgently need some data available for reference, I hope you can help, you can cooperate with us." I laughed and said that there was no drag of water and directly explained it.

Tang Long grinned: "White is old, this is not a major event, but my person has a quirk, that is, unwilling thing, not doing, what can you understand?"

I haven't said that Bai Wei speaks, and a bald man in the end of the glasses, suddenly traged: "Tang Long, what is going on, there is no organization in the eyes, there is no discipline, white old I personally come over, please, the nephew face is full, I still want to take it? I warn that you are best to work with us! "

Let the smile on Tang Don face, stop!

Although Bai Wei frowned, it did not open the reprimand middle-aged people.

This leadership tone, Tang Long really can't listen, these years have never been treated by this kind of treatment, before, there will be no later.

Waiting, Tang Long determined that Bai Wei did not speak, only looked: "If I don't cooperate with you, how can I do? Let's not say that you are, let's talk about it, I am a small peasant in ordinary mountains. It is also the body of freedom? In your company, I am at least a major shareholder.

When did the boss, still listen to the lifetime of the employees, is it?

In the step-by-step, I have said that I have said it is clear, I have a quirk, it is my unwilling thing, then I don't do it.

Now I am reluctant to cooperate with you, then I will not cooperate. In the case, it seems that I can't say anything else. "

"Tang Long, don't forget your identity!" The bald middle-aged people looked up and pointed to Tang Long. At first glance, it is used to be a big leader before, this momentum, strong.

Tang Long smiled and said calm: "Then please tell me, what identical?"

"You ..." The bald middle-aged people were can't say in the eyes of Tang Dynasty.

"Don't you, my!" Tang Long turned his head and looked at Bai Wei, respectd: "White is old, my words are already clear, I don't have any obligations to cooperate with 'Life and Evolution' Group to do any experiment, right? "

Bai Wei's smile frowned: "Yes, you don't have any obligations!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Since there is no obligation, then it will be controlled in my own hands. I am willing to cooperate with you, I don't want to cooperate, I can completely don't cooperate, right, I am clear, I This person specially dislikes someone to study me to study me, so I don't want to cooperate with anyone to do any experiment. This is my attitude. It is my reply. Now I am answering, I will answer like this, there is no mandatory Before the gave me, this is the ultimate answer! "

Bai Wei did not expect that Tang Long's response would be so big, but if you think about it, she can understand Tang Long's meaning, there is no longitude of the world, willing to be a laboratory, small mice, for People study.

"Xiao Tang, I know what you think in your heart, just now research topics have entered an extremely important stage." Bai Wei still wants to fight again.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Can you find someone else? As far as I know, there is no ten people with 'head', or those who use spiritual efforts, I have eight, I am looking for it, is it? ! "

After listening to Bai Wei, I can't smile, which is so easy, like that kind of person is the baby of special sectors, even if it can be, the tailor is not a time to approval.

"Can you be busy with aunt?" Bai Wei hesitated and said.

Tang Long looked at the other party, so half a ring, he smiled and said: "Why is it old, why have you been in order to take your own feelings for the company, it seems not worth it?"

How can Bai Wei can't understand Tang Long's meaning, helplessly laughed: "What is the magical moment, experimentation to the most critical moment!"

Tang Long thought about asking: "How long does it take? What do you do? If the time is too long, the difficulty is too high, it is really sorry, I haven't so much time here."

The words are very euphemistic. If Bai Wei wants to take his own affection, the Tang Long is really nothing more.

But 'Please', you don't have any difficulties to give them a small morary study. If so, Tang Long simply does not agree, and some things are not a thing to solve.

Bai Wei smiled and said: "It's enough for half a day. You don't have to do anything. I only need us to collect several brain waves and magnetic fields. If you cooperate enough, you can do it for two or three hours!"

Tang Long nod, calmly said: "That line, look at your face in your face, this time I promised, up to three hours, no matter how the results, I will leave. And, I don't want to have it next time. Who is going to trouble for this kind of thing, because I don't want to be a small mouse! "

"it is good!"

Bai Wei sighed, see that after this time, it is not good for the next time.

"That's going!" Tang Long recredited. He is not for anyone, just simply don't want to do 'small mice', this is not!

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