Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 521 Blood

"Why is the ordinary snake to breed the 'Blood Spirit'?" Cadina stared at Tang Long and asked curious.

Tang Long smiled and shook his head. This kind of professional problem, even her professional talent explained, how to explain it? The concentration of the aura increase? Not scientific!

Perhaps it is white, or the probability problem.

Some unknown things, or substances, after the snakes have changed, and then this' small blood spirit is produced in the 'Tivi Snake' egg. After hatching.

But how low probability, no one can say it clear.

Perhaps one of the hundreds of billions of snakes will also be born with a 'blood spirit'. Well, maybe it is tens of billions, or even more than 100 billion snakes will also be born.

"The blood spirit is very strong, so I suggest you give it to it to change a more robust 'home'." Tang Long reminded.

Cadina thought about it and shook his head and said, "I refuse."


Tang Dragon Palace frowned, some can't see her asked: "Why do you refuse? I have to know that the toxins of the blood spirit are fatal. If you put it out, you can't make a massacre. ! "

One, no medicine, and blood spirit seems to be the beast of 'speed type', facing such a creature, don't say a laboratory, that is, more ordinary people, there is no threat to it.

"It won't hurt others casually, I will warn it!" Cadina said: "I said that you may not believe, but this is really true, it has taken me as a mother!"


Tang Long couldn't help but touch the nose, but Cadina said this possibility, nothing. Many animals, after opening your eyes, the first organism seen will default to your mother.

But the snake package is not included, Tang Long does not know because snakes are cold blood, and humans are obviously not.

Like 'big old black', the gum of the last thousand years, Tang Long wants to communicate with it, and reach a certain agreement is extremely easy, because it is so long, I have born my wisdom.

In front of you, this 'Little Blood', it is obviously not so easy. Although it is also a spirit beast, it is too short, and many things are not understood. More or biological instinctivity is driving it, such as foraging, such as aggressive, and more.

Of course, if there is a good 'traininger', maybe it can grow faster!

All in all, Tang Long did not recommend it to raise it in the laboratory, a bad thing, run it out, you can destroy this laboratory!

"I believe you!"

Tang Long nodded, sincerely looked at Cadina, helpless: "But its danger is too high! If you don't protect, it is very easy to appear unexpectedly. You don't want your colleagues, you are hired by this little guy. Dry, right? If it kills people, then it must die. "

Cadi Na frowned and said that he had said: "It doesn't have any attacker's move, but I will listen to your suggestion, give it a more robust, comfortable new home."

"Wise choice!"

Tang Long smiled, believed in Cadena, because this is not too difficult for her, and it is not harmful to this 'Little Blood Spirit'.

"Can I communicate with it?" Tang Long comes for Cadina's opinion.

Cadina knows that there are many magical things on Tang Long, such as the royal snake, exchanges with animals, she has earned it before.

"Yun!" Cadina blinked, smiled and said: "By the way, ask me, have you treat me as a mother!"

"it is good!"

Tang Long smiled.

The eyes turned to the vessel, stared at the 'Little Blood Spirit' inside, and after a few minutes, in the eyes of Cadina, the hand stretched into the vessel.

'Little Blood Ling' seems to also exclude Tang Long, slowly wrapped around his fingers.

Tang Long carefully took the 'Little Blood Spirit' from the vessel: "Not bad, better than the imagination, true, it really thinks you is its mother, but it has reacted now, you are not And not it is the same, but it is still willing to take you as a friend, but it is very disgusted that you crowdize the venus in your body every day. This can't grow it quickly. If you do it, it is ready to attack you. "

Dr. Cadina stayed, blinking and asked: "It, really tell you?"

Tang Long laughed: "Describe although a little difference, it is probably what this means."

"..." Cadina thought about it: "Then you can tell it, I am its mother, let it attack me?"

Tang Don said: "It can be it can, but the little guy may not believe that it has gradually has its own meaning, will observe, will learn, and there are similar things around you, you can deliver your news, so it is best not to deceive it. "

Slightly paused, Tang Longdao: "In fact, it is best to give a small guy 'to find a' teacher ', teach it how to survive, what can do not do!"

"Teacher?" Dr. Cadina frowned, but soon reflected: "What do you mean to send it to the big old black?"

The same as the spirit beast, and the same as the snake, obviously the big old black teach the strength and ability of the "small blood spirit".

"Yun!" Tang Long nodded.

It's just an idea, after all, 'Bing beast' this thing, I don't want to be killed, and teach it how to adapt to society, first attack human beings are prohibited.

The watershed, killing the beasts of human beings, are all scourge, and it is difficult to save.

Why is the big old black??

Just because it understands the order of humanity, know what is the 'bottom line'.

"It wants to live, and it is alive in the human society, you must learn, whether it is going to learn with 'black scales', or you teach, you have no relationship, but if it attacks human behavior, no one can save I got it. "Tang Long stared at the blood of the blood and said.

Cadina thought about it, before I asked: "How long does it take to learn the big black?"

Tang Don said: "I can't be sure, but the kindness of the beast is very strong, and it is very suitable for more than one or two months. It knows what can do, what can't be dried, the Snake Valley is next to the fish The mountains are not far away. When they come to the little guys, they should not be too difficult for the two places. "

As long as 'small blood spirit' does not attack humanity, it is harmless, and when you learn anything!

"Is it going to take it away today?" Cadi Na is very unhappy.

Tang Long smiled: "Don't worry, how long it will not be used, it will come back. And, there is a big old-black teaching, it will change the smart, that time, you can really treat it as a friend."


Finally, Dr. Cadina seems to think about it, and there is a mouth. Willing to let Tang Long take the 'Little Blood Spirit', go to the big old black teaching learning knowledge!

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