Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 525, come out, black scales!

"Tang Dragon Brother!" Zhao Xiaoyue saw Tang Long, judged, tired of tired of Tang Long.

Tang Long didn't think much, I was used to this 'small tail'. Looking up, touch her small head, smiled and said: "Today's performance is good, mature is much!"

In the face of Tang Long's praise, Zhao Xiaoyue laughed and was very proud.

"Tang Dragon brother is good!" Ren Ya went to the countryside, and the little mouth was sweet as Zhao Xiaoyu, called Tang Longge.

"You are good!"

Tang Long nodded toward Ren Yazhen, Yang Ti, Huang Hui and others nodded.

"Time is almost!"

"Well, let's go!"

There are three generations of fish head villages, and there are no large-scale ancestors. Because the people in the fish, there are people, the ancestors are not a ancestor, how to sacrifice?

So, this 'ancestor' is more like a activity.

And still give the tourists to show the activities, um, it is also worshiping ancestors. No ancestors, then worship the old village Changshun, and the old man will work for a lifetime for the fishing Village. Now the village will live a good day. Don't you pay homage?

Worship the ancestors, paying homage to the old village, Zhang Deshun, a series of processes, probably two hours, the last most important program, is worshiping the fish village's ' '.

"Everyone makes it!"

"Don't squeeze, you stand too much before you stand, you need to stand outside the white line, otherwise what problems will happen, and we are not responsible for the hurts of the village, we are not responsible!"

The Lonisheng took the villagers in the order.

"There is a 'black scorpion? Brother, we are old and far, open the seven or eight hours of the car, running over thousands of kilometers, don't you play us?"

Tourists can't help but say.

The winning gains and smiled and said, "Listen to me, retreat to the back, don't you, don't stand close, look back, you want to scare your urine pants!"

Scare pants?

When the tourists came to win this, they almost didn't stand their eyes with him. This kind of insulting is gone!

"How do you talk?" Tourists stared at their eyes.

The winning slot shrugged, smiled and walked in front, there was no meaning to argue with him, and he did not retreat. He is so good to be a liver lung, and a "black score" is really coming, then it will not be scared. Diapers, just look at his own strength.

"Let's let, let you take the place where you put the sacrifices, you can't go out, and you will take the village gods. I am swallowing you as a sacrifice, we are not responsible!"

The villager said loudly, then a dozens of cows, dozens of sheep, plus a few big fat pigs, hundreds of chicken duck, and there were many blood, enough for black scales, enough for it!

"Are you going to go?" Tang Long station is from Zhang Embroidery and asked.

There are hundreds of villagers around, plus thousands of tourists, the mountains are watching their crowd, and even hundreds of flying drones in the sky, nor do they know who is in manipulation.

Zhang embroidered himned him, the plate said: "Or you go!"

I need someone to go to flicker a few words, then summon the 'black scales', the ritual is trying to do, otherwise what is reading!


Tang Long did not push it, this matter, it is better than Zhang embroidery, it is more appropriate.

In the crowd, Bai Wei and Yuxi were standing in parallel, and he was behind Qingyi, Sun Qian, and Xiao Yang, Bai Mei, Spring Xue and others. Everyone received news, come over and lively.

"Really 'black scales'?" Bai Mei couldn't help.

Xiao Yang shook his head, smiled and said, "Is it true, no one is not allowed." Anyway, she didn't believe it, she felt that the ten eight nine is the fishing village.

The Spring Snow is eye-catching at the distance. When she started her, she thought she had a mistake: "You see, the person standing by the front of the daughter, I don't want Tanglong that?"

"It seems to be him!" When the spring snow finger, Xiao Yang looked over.

Dr. Bai Wei said softly: "Tang Long is so worried in the fishing village, after approval, is it approval?"

Laughing and said: "" Black Scorpion "movie is already released, and there is no way to stop, should it be against?"

No opposition, but did not explicitly support, so the curved bend in this is still very considered.

"Have you seen the hunger village of the fishing village?" Bai Wei nodded, smiled and asked.

The peony medicine blinked, and the eyes were flashing: "I have seen it, that is, the movie!"

There is some incredible question in the eyes of Shao Zhonghe: "There is also a hunger beast in the fishing village?"


"Then why not arrest it back to study, now there is a lack of the spiritual beast body in major domestic laboratories." Shao Zhonghe hammer said, as if the country has received much loss.

The little medicine couldn't help but turn over the eyes, she was very disgusting this behavior of Shao Zhonghe.

"The spirit of the people in the village, no one, who is, what to catch people!"

Shao Zhonghe suddenly squinted, smiled and said: "Like this kind of spirit beast living in human society, can you still need a reason? What is the big size of the black scales? But it is a scourge, who is responsible for the accident? "

The peony medicine turned over the eyes, said that he didn't say goodness: "Then you can catch it, don't just say it!"

"Small medicine, you said that my age is soon, I am so talking about me, is it right?" Shao Zhonghe said with unhappy.

,: "You also account for a big bit, some people are alive in a hundred years, the people are not in the high year, the unhappy people ... Also, please keep your mind The identity, I am the chairman of 'Life and Evolution' Group, is your boss, and head boss, if you are not happy, be careful, I speculate you. "

Shaozhong River is bitter and said: "Dr. Bai, heard that there is no hearing, this gimmick really regards himself as a chairman, but also want to speculate me!"

: "How, do you think I let you roll a rollup, is it difficult?"


Bai Wei smiled and interrupted the conversation between the two: "Don't quarrel, Lao Shao, you also say a few words."

"Don't see you general!"

"Hey, I still don't like to take care of you!" The peony medicine listened to the Shao Zhonghe whispering and returned directly.

The eyes are glitting, and the heart began to play their own small abacus. In fact, the current life and evolutionary group is also divided into the division, um, or say that this kind of thing is avoided, after all, there is someone place Resentment, there is a river.

The major shareholders behind the 'Life and Evolution' Group are the investment bureau is not fake, but now people do the owner, it is a small medicine. Although she is not big, the level is there, with Bai Wei Dr., Her level is not low, the Shao Zhonghe is really not more than. In addition, life and evolutionary groups are also launched by Peony, and she is created.

Now the company's things, on the one hand, the peony medicine is in the management. On the other hand, Dr. Bai Wei is managing. The rights boundary line between the two is not obvious. There is no conflict in the time, but no one guarantees, the future Never create conflicts!

"Fast, to make a ritual!"

The people around the people shouted, attracted everyone's eyes!

Xiao Yang and Baimei, Spring Snow, their small sounds: "Tang Long is going to do it? Will not let the fishing village give a sacrifice, to offer a sacrifice?"

"Don't say!" Sun Qian can't hear it, can't help but reprimand the sentence.

Xiao Yang snorted, said: "Whoever said, how can you ran to the top? In 10, the head 'black scales really come out, don't swallow him?"

"He is the village head of Yantou Village!" Said the Qingyu Ping said.


Xiaoyang, Bai Mei, Spring Xue and others are all incentive: "Tang Long is the village head of Yute Village?"

"How can it be, is he not a general worker in our company?"

"Yong, what is going on?" A few people turned their eyes.

Qingyu looked at the front and shook his head and said, "Just do things!"


She is too lazy to explain to a few gimmicks. But now I tell them the identity of Tang Long, and the provinces have passed through the Tang Long, avoiding some unnecessary trouble.

"Hello everyone, I am the current village head of Tang Long, Yute Village, General Manager of Yutou Village Company, what, after a month, I finally made a decision against the ancestors, that is, to put the Village beast 'The news reported by the black scales, and then the village has established a film company, filming the "black scale"

About the story of ' ' black scales, in fact, from a cold winter in a cold winter, that day ... "

The story is that Han Xuelian is compiled by people. Tang Long looked back over and later, and later, this is equal to the background picture of 'black scales', people.

Since it is Hu edible, the authenticity specified is not.

Tang Long's speech probably lasts for more than 20 minutes, and the sun is falling, and the horse is black, he stopped.

"Come, let us hold the last event of today, give the" 'black scale "!"

After that, turn around to let the villagers rushed to the cow and sheep, chicken duck.

"Can't go on!"

Tang Long said!

That's right, all cattle and sheep pigs and chicken ducks and other livestock have to rush from the cliff. You can't let the big old black to eat, too bloody, not suitable.

"Go out ... Black scales!"

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