Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 549, Unicorn Conference

"Lanan car is aligned?"

"Said that it is a car company that Qilin's car company to buy!"

"Who knows that this 'Kirin' car company is fine?"

At 9 o'clock, all major securities companies are busy. Before this, because of the reasons for the acquisition, Lanan Motors have suspended the transaction 30 working days.

There is a lot of funds to buy before stopping!

Today, it is not very optimistic about the 'Lifan Motors' company on this referral for this referral.

"No one is clear, it is a company company company company, I haven't achieved performance before, I don't know which capital is buddy."

"Do you want to gamble?"

"Hey, you have to gamble you first, after our temple!"


At 9:15, the bidding official started, and the name of the 'Kirin Car', a word sealing board, but the sealing amount was not large.

Only the zone is twenty million hands!

"I estimate that the unicorn can't be blocked!"

"This is also said, I can't stand it, I am more than speechless," I will open the fast. "

In many concerns, the time came to 9:30.


Within a dozen seconds, Qilin cars have a rapid reduction in the lapse fund. Many of the retailholders have not reacted, and they have opened the daily limit, and the stock price is killed all the way. All the way soared back to eight points, but there is no seal, soon, there is a fall, this time, I will fall back to the negative point, then continue to kill all the way, I know that when I fall in five or six points, I have the tray appearance. !

"I rely!"

Some people can't help but shoot the brain, repent that she has already opened up, did not sell!

The first day of the first day after the Nikin car 'is renamed the first day, the stock price fell by six percent. The next day fell by 4%, the third day fell by two percent ... until the third day At the end of 20 minutes, a huge wearing Yang arrow appeared, sweeping all the chips on the market, rising nine points in just three minutes, then quickly fell, and the final line increased three times. The last three days of loss were taken.

What is the unicorn car?

Many people have a flourish, this big yang line is a bait, or a award?

Everyone is in the heart!

Most speaking people have chosen to fall into the security, temporarily sell stocks. There are also some radical people to start a large amount of buying.

Thursday, Kirin Motors did not have the same, mad or skyrocketing, but more smoothly.

At the time of closing, the small rose one point.

Friday, fell two points.

After restoring the transaction, the stock price of Qilin car was almost flat, and there was no rising, and there was no sharply plummeted.

on Saturday!

"The boss, the engine factory said, the production line has been commissioned, which can formally mass production of 'Kirin Power Series' Engine." Jiang Xiuzhi knocked on the door of the Tang Long office, come in and report.


Tang Long looked up, stretched a lazy waist, smiled and asked: "Do you have your relatives and friends to buy our Qilin's stock?"

Jiang Xiuzhi is so hilarious, saying that I bought 200,000, my father bought it ... Six million. "

"So much?" Tang Long squatted.

Jiang Xiuzhi helpless shrugs: "My dad is more optimistic about our company's stock, specializing in calling me, asking a lot of things."

"Haha, the old man can really have a look!" Tang Long smiled and praised.

"If there is no problem in the engine, then you will get a batch, let's start to make a car!" Tang Longping said.

Jiang Xiuzhi, a strong eyes: "Direct, to the car?"

Tang Long looks like she laughs: "Yes, in addition to the engine, our other problems have been solved. If you don't wait for your own engine, maybe 'Kirin' early is offline."

"Why don't I know?" Jiang Xiuzhi said.

Tang Long smiled: "You don't know, but not care, this time the factory rectifies, fixes, then start production, what do you think? What is our old products?"

"Real energy production?" Jiang Xiu sesa has a pharylon.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Before the New Year, there is no problem. Well, it's time to convene a conference. You can do it, time will be on February 1st!"

On Sunday, there was news reported that the self-owned engine factory under Qilin Automobile officially began to produce independently developed 'Kirin Series Purgent Engines, which will be used in the model.

The news has not yet been able to digest. After about two hours, Kirin Motors officially held a press conference on February 1.

Kirin Motors will release the first model, 'Kirin Tang', and the future, the unicorn is the main model.

Sell ​​price: ** million!

Less than a week away from the press conference!

On Monday, when people reacted, I wanted to buy Qilin Auto stock, I haven't come.

Two million huge amounts, put the stock price on the daily limit, dead, want to open at least 100 billion chips.

On Monday, the daily limit on Tuesday, and then until Friday, the 'Qilin Car' stock price soared by 50%.

Saturday press conference!

Tang Long first debuted with 'Kirin Car' CEO!

"Everyone friends, welcome you to the Qilin Motor Conference, Well, I believe that you will feel proud because of today, because of the unicorn, the next five years, ten years, even for 20 years, 50 years will be proud, Capital and qualifications with others, because the Qilin Motor's first conference, you visit the scene, witness the miracle! "

After the Tang Long came to the stage, smiling without versatile, directly blowing the unicorn car!

How about the unicorn? Cow!

I don't admit it, anyway, Tang Long admit it!


Some people listen to Tang Long's words, I can't help but listen to it. It is said that the news media reporter coming today is not much. There are only two thousand people in the venue, including more than one thousand and five hundred people, or Qilin car. At home.

Most of the media is Jiang Xiuzhi and Dongying contact, Well, I have invited some car big V and Net red to sit.

"Come, first introduce the technology in our Qilin car! The first model of Qilin Automobile 'Qilin Tang', using our own 'Kirin Power Series' engine, planning, self-developing, our own engine .

Battery, we use the 'lithium battery' of the Holy Church Energy Group, and the Holy Church Energy Group is also the world's unique battery pack of Qilin Motors.

Speaking of a question outside, I don't know if you have a matter of understanding the 'Holy Church Energy' Group. This company is still more good. Now the lithium battery has a total of twenty-three percent of the world, and the overall valuation is around $ 3 billion. , The fastest growing energy company in China.

Well, I am the largest shareholder of the Holy Church Energy Group, and now hold a 36% shares in his hand! "


The audience is stunned!

Wo, make sure this is the 'Kirin Motor' Conference Scene? Not a big stage?


Tang Long put his finger in his mouth, indicating everyone's ban, smiling and said: "Don't be so surprised, in fact, this is nothing surprised, do you really think that the car is playing?

Nonono, you know why I started the first model of Qilin car, is it 'Kirin Tang'?

Because my son, he called 'Tang Qilin', and the Qilin Tang is his name. In other words, I think the Kirin Motor as my own son, and is a parent.

Haha, don't be surprised, we will no longer speak nonsense, and the words are guided.

The battery is our own, the engine is also our own, what other things?

I can clearly tell you, and we are also our unicorn!

Kirin Motor's intelligent control system, from 'Kirin Intelligence', maybe everyone is not too clear about the company, but it is definitely the whole country, even the world, the best 'smart car' system, our partners, including Domestic 90% of the car company in the intelligent system.

Kirin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary independent of Qilin Motor. I am the only boss, its valuation, I think it, I think it is best to be two billion, dollar money!

The 'circuit system "used by Kirin Motors is from ... The entire architecture of the whole' unicorn car 'is like this. "

Introducing parts on Qilin Auto, Tang Long is almost over for more than an hour, but everyone is not boring.

The media reporters under the stage are crazy, according to the Tang boss's own statement, his price is at least 100 billion, US $? I rely on, when is the domestic bouncing ... Don't face people!

Everyone is crazy under the following, check the information, dig the Dangdou's bottom!

But soon, a piece of information is in front of everyone, most people are silent!


This is a big name, a big name, is no wonder that it is so familiar!

The 'black scales that have not been referred to have, with at least 9 billion dollars in the world, relying on this movie, and the fishing village film company has become the giant in the domestic film and television circle.

The three words of 'fish head village', but also in the hot monogram!

A small mountain village, put the hat of the provincial poor county, now I want to go to the fishing village to play your queue!

There is 15% of the original shares of 15% of the fishing people in the Tang Long Hand!

Who dares to say that Tang boss is not the top rich in China?

But I didn't seem to have heard it before, like it's a sudden, too mysterious, too fantasy, too young.

"Come on, see the miracle!"

On the big screen, the picture of 'Kirin Car' appears.

Kirin Motor Group's first model 'Kirin Tang' is a car and is very cool.

"Our car, safe, good performance, strong battery strength, the most important thing is that the price is cheap."

Tang Long smiled and said: "It, in Siberian cold, fearless, zero thirty degrees, put all night, you can start instantly."

It supports various people's interaction, face recognition, fingerprint recognition, sound recognition, as long as you enter your own information, you will not have a car.

It also supports future automatic standing, satellite positioning first aid ...

Endurance, 1500 kilometers, the fastest charging time is 12 minutes, see clearly zero climate, its battery life is 1500 kilometers.

In terms of battery, we have no problems in the battery in seven years and seven years, and only change. And, even if there is no problem, each car also replaces the battery service,

Within seven years, as long as you feel that the battery is not ok, no problem, let's come back to Tang Long cars for a new group.

The whole vehicle is warranty for three years, or 100,000 kilometers, unconditional after-sales, as long as you think there is a problem, you can come to our 4S shop to test.

Of course, our inspection is charged, 25 dollars every time, direct car electronics, there is a bad place to fix the user, the warranty period, completely free.

National unified sale price, 399,900, temporarily only on domestic sale!

Also ... now you can book, the first batch of reservation, delivery time this month is February 14th.

In order to give back to the consumer, from now on, until February 14th, all reservation, price discount of 150,000.

You have not heard the wrong, the price is 150,000, and the discount is 250,000 to pick up the car. As of February 14!

In addition, the official website is scheduled to support the installment, 0 to pay, and the full purchase of car ... One month, unconditionally free of return.

Whether you don't like your mother, or your girlfriend or wife doesn't like it, within a month, the tuberculosis, unconditional, no reason, as long as there is no major damage, this big damage is a crash, serious traffic accident, etc. Do not include slight bumps, scratches, etc., I guarantee that you can return!

Well, it's almost these, yes, all friends who come today will receive a souvenir prepared by our Qilin Cars! "

"Mr. Tang, can we ask you a few questions?" There was a reporter stood up and said loudly.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Come, the staff will take several microphones to the Taiwan, I can accept questions!"

"After February 14th, the Qilin car will restore the original price?"

Tang Longdao: "Will!"

"The Qilin car really said that Mr. Tang is so good?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Open it back, you can experience it, free, then send us a car back to us. As for it, what I said is so good, I don't believe you, right? "

"Free open?" The reporter blinked.

Tang Long smiled and said: "You can open free, but others need to pay the full amount, no matter who it is, there is any unsatisfactory not satisfaction within 30 days,"

"If it is a person in installment?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "This requires to pay the fee, it is a financial question, I am not too understanding, but the car can be refunded, the handling fee is, I don't know, you need you to ask for financial mechanism."

"Tang boss, why are you so confident in Kirin Motors?" There was a reporter couldn't help but ask.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Because it is my son! I have to look at it grow up, how can I have confidence in it. If I have no confidence in it, will you have confidence in it? Moreover Is it right? "

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