Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 558 you ... cattle!

After meeting, Tang Long and Hook Youth have been smiling.

From the airport, hook Yun Niang driving, returning to Taoyuan County, the road is soft and saying: "It is not too early to come back so late."

Tang Long leaned on the seat of the passenger, smiled: "When I don't want to come back early? I can't open it early, if I don't come back, I am not coming back today, I have left me."

The unicorn car waited for a lot of things, and he also moved to the minds of the New Year, but later gave up.

When can you fight, but sometimes, people are not waiting for you there.

In the first year, I still have to go home.

Going back to accompany your family, go to the old village head to give the old village for a grave, talk, burn paper money, and put two string firecrackers. It is essential.

"There are now many people are praising your car!" Hoo Yumui smiled.

Tang Long is not modest, smiles: "It's really good, let's send you a experience experience!"

The car of Yuxi is still the previous silver, white Audi A4L, and has not raised it to change the car.

"Good!" Hook Yurui did not oppose it.

In the case: "Do you know how much is the sales of 'Yulong Jewelry' this year?"

"How much?" Tang Long smiled, Yulong Jewelry He didn't pay attention, although he is a major shareholder, it can be created by people hooked Yidians.

Hook Youth laughed and said: "More than 130 million!"

Tang Long squatted slightly, curious: "Is sales so much?"

"Fortunately, Yulong Jewelry has opened more than 50 branches nationwide this year. The total quantity has been close to two hundred."

Slightly paused, continue: "And, a few series is very good, plus the end of the year, and cooperate with the fishing village cultural company to launch the 'black scales' joint name, the sales line soared, this year Probably a look of seven or eight million profits. "

Yulong Jewelry Group is also growing up!

"very nice!"

Talking about the meeting, Tang Long rely on the co-pilot seat, even fell asleep, when you open your eyes, the car has undergone high speed, to Taoyuan County.

Didn't come back in a few months, Taoyuan County simply changed, especially around the county, seeing the newly located on the construction site everywhere.

If you use four words, it is ... Vibrate!

"Do you use it back to change your clothes?" Tang Long asked.

Hook Yurui slightly, soon, I would like to understand what he meant, smiled and shook his head: "Can not change it!"

"Let's go!"

Tang Long also laughed.

Hook Yun Niang in the county city, there is no loved ones, Ren Ying Ying Ling, their probaches are also in the fishing village, because Ren Qiang and Zhou Fang, because of the cause of tourists, need to stay in the fishing fruit store Strong, even if you can't come back in New Year, there are still many tourists in the fish head.

When I arrived in the fish, I found that the parking lot is full!

"Let the car directly!"

Tang Long saw no place to listen, smiled and said.

Hook Yurui slightly, whispered: "No good? We are law enforcement!"

Under normal circumstances, the vehicle is prohibited from being opened into the fishing village, including the villagers can't, only the cars such as the village committee and the village hospital can be opened.

Originally, I would like to have a convenience, let the hook Yun Niang go in and stop to the entrance of the village committee, but since the hook Yun Niang is so self-discipline, his rulers are really not good.

I found a good car, the two came down from the car, walk in the village!

If you don't want to walk, you can wait for the 'fever' in the village, about ten minutes, the quantity is more.

However, the distance is not far, there is no two steps, Tang Long and Hook Youth Niang don't want to stand there!

"Village head, come back!"

"Well, I'm duty today?"


Tang Long followed the people in the village smiled and greeted, and the fishing village will be held every day, and some people will prevent the rules.

Everyone has money, but you can't always be free, don't do it!

"Village head, come back to you!"

The village stopped in the village to stop to Tang Long and hooked Yidians, and the villagers who opened the battery car grin and greeted.

Seven or eight people sitting on the ferry car should be just arrived soon.

Tang Long also thinks that it doesn't understand that the New Year's thirty does not stay at home to eat the family to eat the new year, have necessary to run the fish head village?

The Spring Festival, Zhang Embroidered has passed with Tang Longgou, and there is no meaning of the 'black scales' coming out, there is no activity, and the hill is sealed, and the tourists can't go. However, a lot of chocolate is prepared for the 'black scales', which is the fans from these months to mail it.

"You are the village head? Really young, we have seen your news on your mobile phone!"

"Do Kirin Automobile will engage in promotional activities over the year?"

Tourists on the truck are extremely friendly and say hello to Tang Long.

Kirin car's promotion, there is no existence after the year, it is not a lot of money, 'Kirin Tang' is the flagship model of Qilin Motor, after restoring the original price, unless it is very special, will not be in a short time In price cut.

However, after the end, the Qilin Motor will launch a small pure electric new energy vehicle, the main youth, the needs of young people, and the price is very competitive.

In addition, the unicorn bus, the unicorn house, Qilin SUV, etc., it will not be too late to meet the time of the user.

Xiaoukou, Ren Yingying saw Tang Long and hooked Yun Niang from a shuttle car, happy wow.

Enough to pounce into Tang Long Huai, I can't press it!

"You are hie, hurry, let you hug you, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you, hehe!"

The face is full of face, and I don't care about Tanglong's blocking, and I have to live with him.

Looking at the Zhangxiu, Yao Han, Yangmu, Zhao Xiaoyue, Yamu, Yan, Qiu Yuxia, Qingxi, Peacock, etc., Tang Long face is black.

Pressing her head, saying that there is no goodness: "You think about me, clearly want to pit me, start opening, I don't want you!"

"Oh, I am not!"

Ren Yingying finally succeeded in, two hands were holding the Tang Long neck without a hand, Zhang Xueer did not know where to come out, jumped to Tang Long back: "Tang Dragon brother, people miss you!" "

Tang Long turned over the eyes!

The whisper is : "Creating a rumor!"


People who have a yard laugh.

Han Xuelian secretly looked at Zhang embroidered, Yao Han Dong, and her face of her people, found that there was no uncomfortable place on her face, everyone is very natural.

If there are two and more unmarried girls to Li Ergun, she feels that her face is specified, I can't do it with him.

"Yus Niang Sister, I have been tired for a long time, come over!" Zhang Embroidered smiled.

"Come, taste watermelon, super super sweet!"

Not only have watermelon, as well as all kinds of melon fruits!

Can't taste the outside, the first batch of fruits and vegetables must give yourself to your people.

"What is melon? In addition to sweet, the watermelon is true." After the Yuxi sat down, he ate his melon and asked curiously.

: "Qinglonggua!"

"Qinglonggua? Why don't you call Tanglong melon?" Hoo Yu Niang looked up in Tang Long looked at the eyes and said whispered.

, laughing and said: "Yes, but if you want you to propose it to call 'Tang Dragona', I am afraid that I will be beaten, this is really become 'Tang Dragona', then we If you have anything, you can eat a Tang Long's megeta! "

"Oh, I don't dare!" Hook Yun Niang smiled and shook his head. She didn't go to the peak medicine. The Qinglong Tang dragon melon, what is the name is different, isn't it all a waters?

After five minutes, Tang Long helpless: "It's almost the same? Hurry up and let me really fire!"

"Hug you are still not happy, others want to hug in our youth, we don't give it!" After Ren Yingying, the hippie laughed and said.

Tang Long did not say: "You are thick face, you look at your sister, then look at you, people are more ladies, you, can't learn!"

The voice just fell, Ren Ling came over, and got it around Tang Long, and there was a mouthful of his cheeks.

"Tang Longge, I miss you too!"

It is said that the red face ran into the small building.

Ren Yingying is eye-catching, laughing, laughing: "Just this? Do you let me learn? ... I really can't learn!"


Tang Long turned over the eyes, called them to be pleasing, whispered: "Sincerely, one is owed to clean up!"

Get rid of Ren Yingying, Zhang Xueer's entanglement, towards Zhang Embroidery, Yang Wuzhen, come over.

"Son, come, let Dad hug!"

Tang Long saw his son and wanted to hug from Zhang embroidered to his arms and close, which was a little guy, wow, wow.

"Our little unicorn doesn't seem to like you!" Zhang embroidered smiles with Tang Long.

Tang Long speechless, laughing two: "I haven't seen it for a long time, I recognize it!"

Turned to Yahan Winter asked: "When is it coming back?"

Yao Han Winter smiled: "The New Year's Day, the afternoon!"

"What about your mother?" Tang Long greeted her martial arts.

Yang Wuli smiled and said: "I have come back to her son for a long time."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tang Long smiled.

Yang Wuli smiled and said: "What is the use with you, you are so busy, then say that we are not going to do something else, what to say to you?"

It seems very reasonable!

Hey, this group of women, no one is promising.

Turning again, I looked at the peony medicine, I was young, frowning: "Great New Year, why didn't you go home?"

"Want to manage!" .

"I am happy!" Yu Yu.

The two did not give Tang Long's good face. People did not go home for the New Year, and there is a relationship with you, not much this one.

"You ... cattle!"

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