Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 560 Brain

"How is your car?"

Yan Yan said Tang Long and smiled and asked.

Tang Longdao: "Okay, why, you are interested in thinking that you don't want to raise chickens, sell a car?"


"Yes, of course! You can't do anything, not only can I welcome!" Tang Long said with a smile.

: "This is what you said, I don't force you, the old man in the past two days gave me a call, and said that I want to open a 'Kirin Motor 4S Store' in the provincial city."

"Yes, you can do anything, what can't!" Tang Long smiled and did not wait.

The unicorn car actually has its own sales channel, but it is the time to stay in 'Lifan', there is already a little old set of decay, and now the unicorn is the reason for the profit, which will give the vendor's high profit return.

But in the future, Kirin Motors will definitely build their own sales, accurately say that the service network is available, so that everyone can feel the service of Qilin cars anytime, anywhere.

About the car, Tang Long still the sentence, not playing, he is very serious!

"During this time, the stock of unicorn has risen very fierce, do you invite people in the back?" Yang Wuzhao found the opportunity to speak, smile and asked.

Tang Long shook his head, smiled and said, "No, it is a market behavior, as for the back of the boom, I also said it."

At this time, if Yao Han Dong said: "Some time ago, our investment company has been established in China. After analyzing the unicorn, the market value of Qilin cars is seriously underestimated from the multi-point multi-angle. The market price should be more reasonable at 400 billion. Now the Qilin car is worth more than 400 billion, so I have eaten some unicorn's stock! "


Everyone turned around to Yao cold winter, the original crocodile is here.

City value of 400 billion?

Yang Wuli smiled and asked: "How many unicorn is ready to buy?"

"Two billion or so!" Yao Han Dong said simple.

"Two billion? That's a lot!" Yang Wujing nodded.

"US Dollar!"


Yang Wugu directly drinks the water in his mouth, spray it out. "Two billion US dollars? How much is the market value of Kirin Motors, the circulation market value is not worth 2 billion dollars?"

Yahan and the winter smiled and said, "So, we don't have to be anxious, slowly collect, now the Huirin car's circulation market is worth 2 billion US dollars, wait until twice, then it is not worth it!"

"It turned out to be the stock price of the Kirin Motor!"


Yao Han Winter smiled and shook his head and said: "We are in value investment, within a short time, we will not sell the purchase of stocks at will!"

value investment?

Many people in the scene can't help but face each other, I, let you have a ghost!

"The future of Qilin cars is really a prospect, but the market value can not be 400 billion, this I can say bad, you don't have to look at me, nor I let her acquire Qilin car stocks." Tang Long smiled, but Have to praise, the eyes of the investment team behind Yao Han Dong and Yao Handong are really good.

Now that the market value of Qilin cars is indeed very extreme, Lanan car market value of more than two hundred billion, but after the unicorn car and Lanan car merged, the market value is only 5 billion?

If the Qilin Car is listed separately, I am afraid that the market value is not worth this?

Just Tang Long did not want the Qilin Car Stock Price to skyrocket, afraid of it, if it was speculated for a long time, it was easy to let people ignore its true value.

Kirin Cars is not a PPT company, it has its own products and has their own future planning and goals.

"Speaking of Qilin Motors, I think of another thing!" Tang Long looked at Yangmu, asking: "There is a new technology company in the magic, is the 'brain field", I heard that this is a group of young People created by people, the main research direction is the 'brain interconnection', including but not limited to all smart devices, the future, as long as they bring their 'brain domain' connector, you can directly rely on consciousness and existing intelligence The equipment is interactive, and this company is called 'Members Future Technology Company', is there any impression? "

Shewu is slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "There is no impression, have not heard of it!"

"Waiting for you to go back, first understand this 'Membon Future' Technology Company, my purpose is not to buy a company, I want to put this company's founders and R & D people's income, I think this is One of the future trends. "Tang Long said very seriously.

Yang Wu is niche: "Well, I will contact it in the past after I go back!"

"The Funion's future may not reach the technology they envisage, but the direction should not be wrong!" Tang Long nodd.

: "International, in fact, there is already a company can do what you said, and have implemented 'brain interface', which can make people pass brain interface, learning language, Or let people and intelligent equipment interact! "

Tang Long looked at her: "What do you think about this front-end technology?"

The peony medicine wrinkled slightly, he hesitated for a while, "In fact, after the quantum computer has breakthrough progress, the brain domain interface has become possible, quantum computing amount, is a general super computer 100 million times.

With quantum computers, the artificial intelligence era may soon come, no, it may have arrived, but ordinary people have not realized.

Under the premise of quantum computers, the new artificial intelligence algorithm can make artificial intelligence growth.

It used to artificially want to simulate the wisdom of people, it is very complicated, but under the support of the super quantum computer, the artificial intelligence computing speed has increased trillion, so many artificial intelligence calculations, even thinking, perhaps already It is not necessary to be poor.

In the future, in addition to brain technology, it is destined to be the era of artificial intelligence, and people may change in the face of artificial intelligence. "

Everyone is falling into silence, this problem, in fact, it is very scary.

Artificial intelligence does not necessarily endanger the world, harm the humanity, but even if artificial intelligence does not threaten mankind, the manager behind manually intelligent?

The calculation speed of the quantum computer is no longer thinking. The previous supercomputer is just a speed, but the current super quantum computer, but it is not just fast, its speed can have achieved wisdom, computing history, casual Human technology, civilization, thinking, extreme compression absorption.

Smart human beings, in front of artificial intelligence ... The future may also change the mentis.

Brain domain technology and artificial intelligence, in fact, the relevance is also very close!

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