Taoyuan Soldier King

The 595th chapter of the blood of the rumor

Speaking of Xiaojia, you can't mention it, after Tang Long retired, take place in his position and become a new God of War.

Xiao Jia is in the ancient Wu Shi family, the stay has long, and the earliest can be traced back to thousands of years.

Torked to Xiaojiajian, Ancient Temple, and some top forces at home and abroad, in fact, there is no great relationship with ordinary people, completely in a 'world' pattern.

It is now ranking top three brains in China, Xiao Wan Wang, a spell, and temple ice.

Specific strength, between Bozhong, the row of Xiao Wan is the strongest.

When I received a message, Xiao Wang frightened his eyebrows. He is about to go to North America to perform a task.

"Qinling? Rescue Tang Long?"

Xiao Wang Wang looked at the people who conveyed the news, asked: "Tang Long needs someone else to rescue?"


This makes someone else answer.

"Can you go?" Xiao Wan Wang asked.

The other side: "Yes, you are a war king, there is a cattle fork, what is nothing!"

After all, I turned over the white eyes and turned, anyway, ordered him to bring it, as for the other party's execution, then he had a semi-cuisine relationship.

Xiao Wan Wang laughed, looked at the anti-back, whispered: "You are a turtle son, if you don't look at your Laozi, the early morning mother smoked you."

The man who is far away, joking, : "Just like you, you have to hang it in the morning!"

Can find the people of Xiao Wan, directly accepted the order, indicating that the two do not have the same relationship, and the identity is not much different.

The person who conveys the order is Ru Le City.

In addition to Xiao Wan Wang, the spell and temple ice also received the same order!

Entering Qinling, support, rescue Tang Long.

But the news Tang Long himself is not known.

Zhennan Tianzhi sent the three top brains in China to Qinling, and used "rescue 'words, the top-level war is so good? Don't happen their hearts, will people go?

The reason why all the power that can be used is crushing because of the news he controls, it is likely that there is already a person or thing that can threaten the life of Tang Long live.

Tang Long once is an unbeaten legend. Although he is not now, no matter from private feelings, it is from the essential purpose, and Zhennan does not want him to have problems.

Sometimes, beyond the world of ordinary people, rising to a higher dimension, the height of Zhennan Tianyi, the strength, no interference, or even some inability.

"Qinling, are you going?"

Temple ice is called Bai Long, and the private relationship between the two is better, and the temple ice also knows the relationship between Bailong and Tang Long.

"The matter of Qinling, isn't it governed by the department above?" Bailong received the phone call from the temple, asked.

"The order of the big child, let the top three in the country enter the Qinling, to support Tang Long, what is the specific situation, I am not too clear!" Temple is hesitant, said.

"Support Tang Long?" Bai Long's bead couldn't help but smashed it.

The temple is smiling, and the indifference: "Accurately, the commands that convey are 'rescue'."


Bai Long almost was not amused. The idea of ​​his mind is very like Xiao Wan Wang, and people like Tang Long need to rescue?

"Can I go?"

Bailong thought about it.

The temple is nothing to say: "The big man stops the tasks on our hand, and the problem of Qinling is very serious."

"Well, I have packed it, let's in the Qinling External Affection!"

Bai Long said hanging up the phone.

The news quickly passed to the upper person and the ears of the family, but no one commented.

Although Zhennan Tianchen is just a general, he is not the same.

"So many people have gone to Qinling, what happened in Qinling?"

In a family, the old people asked very surprised.

"I heard that 'ancient temple', there is 'golden blood' in the world!"

"Golden blood?"

The old man's eyes turned sharply, people were as blade, and they said: "But the legend, can make people return to the old children, repair the 'gold blood of the aging body?"? "

"Yes, it is the legendary gold blood!"

The old man took a deep breath, after a long time, raised his hand and waved: "Go!"


One time, the domestic wind is surging.

Many foreign forces have also heard rumors, but in the cause of the boundary, not everyone can come over.

However, some top brakes are still coming.

I took the train.

Someone found Tang Long, handed him a regular mobile phone.

Tang Long took over, the other party turned his head.


Next moment, the phone rang.

"Who?" Tang Long took the phone.

Zhen Nan Tian's voice, from the mobile phone in Tang Long ear: "Long-term short saying, Feng Hou wants to enter Qinling, because there is a mess in Qinling. Now there are four top forces, foreign abroad, all entered the inside of Qinling in advance .

You can choose to leave, you can also go in, I have already issued a command, let Xiao Wan Wang, a spell, and temple ice to Qinling to support you.

The Qinling is very complicated, there is a rumor, there is 'golden blood in the ancient temple'. For golden blood, many domestic power participated in.

Some things, even if I can't stop it, I feel very absurd, but I can't tell you.

Two roads, enter the Qinling, add the battle of 'Golden Blood', and win, the false chance is very high.

The second road, fold, completely retreat, and the past is no longer halfway. Including the forces of your abroad, everything, you can noise with you, you can only be an ordinary person. "

Tang Long turned over the eyes, and asked: "Daddy, I am turning back now, you are sure that I can live in ordinary people after you? No one will come over to bother me?"

Zhennan Tian: "..."

I will say this, I will say you, the blood will, really want to turn it back? The top three of the top three in China, I have a hard-working command, send the past, you have to pick it up, then play a fart.

"Golden blood, um, it is very rare, just through this opportunity, also hit the face of the group of people with the use of people, but also a good thing. Do you want to play in Qinling?" Say it.

Tang Long speechless, come, don't go in, how can you?

"Golden blood, I grabbed it, I drunk, the people outside, I don't have to pay, the province is all, I can't scratch my mind, I don't put my mind in the place!" Tang Long said.

Zhennan Tian: "... Do you want to stay? Things are quite rare!"

Tang Long is pleasing, and the heart said that so many people count, but also want me to give you a chess piece? I want to go!

"Who is leaving? Don't stay, otherwise I will go home directly." Tang Long did not loose mouth.

Who is tube, even if Tang Long took back the 'golden blood, it was handed over to Zhennan's hand, and finally used him, and he could not fall in his hands.

Zhennan is a little bit of laughing: "Yes, anyway, you don't return to me now, I will do it."

Tang Long took the smile and was overcast: "Who is calculating me?"

Zhennan sighed, smiled and said, "Anyway, I am not me!" Said that the phone hangs.

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