Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter VIII Chapter

"Go, call it the little girl!" Tang Long said to Li Li.

Li Li lived, she didn't understand Tang Long this is what I want to do. I looked at Tang Long unlike a joke. He hesitated, or opened the door.

Not long after, the waiter called 'single girl', followed Li Li.


Tang Long grinned.

Silently, the other party still opened the rear drill door and sat in it.

Start the car and open it in front. Tang Long passed the rearview mirror, and the other side, the small face was round, but it was not too beautiful, but young.

"You called a single girl?"


Tang Long smiled and asked: "Do you have anyone in addition to your father?"

"Nothing!" Years shook his head.

Tang Longdao: "If you earn enough to buy a house, what else wants to do?"

Single girl is silent, so half a ring is said: "I don't know!"

"Are you going to school?"


"What grade?"

"Third grade!"

"If you give you a chance to choose, are you willing to go to school?"

"I don't want to!"

The answer is unexpected in Tang Long.

Tang Long frowned, said: "If you give you a house, let you go to school, are you willing?"

The single girl went down and the voice said: "I am not a book!"

"Then do you think you are a dry material? Tell me!" Tang Long asked.

Are you a dry?

Single girl stayed, it seems that no one has asked himself, after half a ring, only shook his head: "I don't know if I am a dry material, but I want to make money, make a lot of money."

When it comes to money, the eyes are different from usually, like a light.

"Many money, how much?" Tang Longshun asked her.

Single girl said: "Get one million, no two million!"

"If you have two million, will you think about making money?" Tang Long said.

Single girl shook his head, said that he didn't know, two million praise, even earned 10,000 a month, do not eat for more than 120,000 years, two million for more than ten years before they can earn.

"In the future, I will follow you Li Jie and multisurine management. Don't honestly grab overtime. I will read more books. I will give a speech. I will make money by working, and the speed is very slow. How much can you earn every month? ? 300,000, more than 300 million a year, you think, is there a knowledge to make money, or how to make money overtime? "Tang Long said.

The single-eyed bead is almost unsained, the little mouth is boss, one does not believe it, everyone knows that Li Li is the manager of the fish, but few people know how many wages she takes every month, because Li Li's salary is the finance department of Fishtou Village, directly accounting, and does not take the finance of the fish head.

"Three years, more than 3 million?"

Li Li is crying, she doesn't know why Tang Long wants to say these.

"Yes, more than 300 million, she has more than one year's income than you have made a lot of things. Make money, red eyes make money, this is nothing wrong, but I hope you can clear, make money Diverse, can't make a frog in the bottom of the well, you can't make money blind, some, you go to study, you go to learn, you can accumulate, you are also making money, just these money, you will give you the first, don't Will give you the first time, it takes time. "

Tang Long said that it is a little paused, laughing: "Do you know why I said to tell you?"

The single girl shakes his head.

"How old are you this year?" Tang Long asked.

"19 years old!" Single girl said.

Tang Long smiled and said: "19 years old, how good, if you give you another chance to learn, are you willing to cherish it?" Said to pause, but also said: "As long as you work for ten years, wait for you thirty When I am old, I can let you enter a million years. "

After saying that I didn't listen to what I replied, just put her a place not far from the fish head: "Go back, I think about it. It is the hard work of your overtime, or the money that you can't see. , Accumulate, go to learn, make money faster! "

Open the door, wait until you get off the bus, Tang Long drove away.

Looking at the unseaful single girl who gradually disappeared in the backview, Li Li smiled and said: "Know you, it should be the biggest blessing of this stupid."

Tang Long shook his head: "Her blessings are not from me, but from her own. If now, she can listen, then her future path will be spacious."

"If you can't hear it?" Li Li was curious.

Tang Longdao: "If you can't hear it, she will remember, let her daughter will not turn the same person with her."

Li Li attacked, she didn't expect Tang Long.

Sometimes, some obsesses, not only affect one person, perhaps, it will also affect a few generations.

All the way, Li Li and Tang Long are more silent, and the two people think about their own things. In this world, there is no one who supports who. Who is giving, perhaps, it's just causal, good, good fruit, today you help others, or today, others help you, because it may be fruit.

Goodwill, no matter if there is no feedback, he will bring you unexpected benefits.



Bai Yu has participated in the event, waiting for the Tang Long call in the booking hotel.

Before she came, she has passed many times with Ou Tang Long. After the last misunderstanding, the white peony left thousands of entertainment, I opened the company, and the business has a certain loss. However, after more than a year, it has gradually been gradually detached. Shadow, come out, and become better and better.

Today, I mainly want to talk to Tang Long, and the fishing of the fishing village film and television company, such as join the "black scales 2", Tang Long said that there is a heavyweight role in the "Black Scull 2", very suitable for yourself .

"Do you want to go home first?"

After the city, Tang Long looked at Li Li asked.

Li Li shook his head: "I can't go back. If there is anything, you can put me in the front crossroads. Let's contact me tomorrow!"

Tang Long wants to say: "Then you will go with me, the province will be taken by those dogs, I want to explain it unclear!"

Li Li didn't know where Tang Long had to go, but did not refuse.

After the white spot, Tang Long called, took Li Li and got off the bus.

"White peony is definitely in the room, you let me go."

Mu sister looked at the face of the rose, a fat man in a white suit, helpless: "Yao Gongzi, Bai Yanzhen has already left, I lie to you!"

"I don't believe, unless you let me go in check and check!" White and west fatters don't make it, the little eyes are looking at the hotel room, I want to go through Mu sister and bodyguards.

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