Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter VIII Chapter Yuan Universe

"In the future, most people will live in dollars inside the universe, simple point, the reality is in charge of local material needs, it would be the local universe yuan spiritual needs of mankind, in different meta-universe, can achieve friends, interactive games, and so on a series of adventures in reality it is difficult, not easy, or impossible to accomplish things in the universe yuan can be realized.

But the yuan is not the universe from the real world! "

Tang Long could not help but interrupted and said: "What you say is not immersive gaming experience in the game world, you can get a visual, hearing, smell, have their own friends, what work, as well as property, just like a virtual world? almost?"

The concept of the virtual world, a long time, not the first time been mentioned, but now the pinnacle of world science and technology, has indeed been signs point the virtual world.

"! On" Lo chubby excited nodded and said:. "Yuan universe is the superposition of several virtual game world, linking local property time to interact, exchange and can even be real currency, dollar world of property , it means your real wealth. "

Tang Long said thoughtfully: "I probably was listening to understand the point, you say meta-universe is the Internet as the carrier, multiple virtual game world composed of the universe, is not it?"

"Roughly what it means, but also divided into many details." Luo chubby nod.

Tang Long and asks: "Are you for this meta-concept of the universe, was interested in?"

Luo chubby said with a smile: "not only interested, I myself have opened a universe yuan and related companies, 'Luo dimensional world,' I think, 'Yuan universe' will be the next biggest outlet, will be finished full completely change the world, ah, and this meta-universe, we ordinary people are not far away, say three to five years near point, far point to say, eight or ten years, it will completely hot up. "

"Luo dimensional universe is doing what?" Asked Tang Long.

"Immersive gaming experience!" Luo chubby Road.

Tang Long a little stunned, and asks: "can carefully talk about it?"


Luo chubby organized under way said: "Now the network platform, there are some very good games, playing the game as if the same can place in them, and you will not consciously think that they are inside the game world, but the light do immersion is not enough, we have to have autonomy, simply put, without breaking the rules of the game, players can follow their own ideas, to the development and construction of the game world, which is self-immersion.

'Lo dimensional world', is in production to create such a very high degree of autonomy virtual immersive game world. "

A little pause the next, but also with a bit of regret, said: "! Immerse have independent light, the universe can not be the yuan"

"What else is missing?" Asked Tang Long.

Luo chubby to put away a smile, in all seriousness, said: "! Decentralization"

"Decentralized?" Tang Long slightly wrinkled brow.

Luo chubby nodded: "Yes, to the center of the universe yuan most important principle is fair, very fair, not fair enough, the universe would not exist yuan.

Suppose you join a game in the Yuancosk, everyone is very hard to make equipment leveling, in the game world, I have been working hard for a few years, big BOSS, you hang or use a non-rule means, divided into minutes The best equipment, big boss spike, is it fair?

For other players, it is unfair, how can I be absolutely fair? That is to go to the center, use the block chain to record, and do absolutely fair as much as possible. "

If Tang Long is thinking about it, ask: "What about it?"

Luo Xiaohui: "Let the game world and the real world to link, if you can't open the game world and the real world, it is always just a game, not a metamorns. If you have the game world, or we make The virtual game world and the real world have a collection of intersections, it is not the same, completely different.

For example, in the virtual game world, you can make the money in the real world, use the currency in the game world, you can purchase items to the real world through the Internet, such as Taobao, take the takeaway, afternoon tea, it is different. NS. "

"How can the game world and the real world will link?" Sitting Li Li and couldn't help but ask. She is also very serious.

Luo Xiao fat looked at her, said: "Let the virtual game world and the real world have a set of economic systems, and the currency in the virtual game world can exchange in the real world currency."

Seeing no one, Luo Xiaoxi continued: "There is an autonomous immersion, go to center, and two-way links. This virtual game world may become a metamorphic, or part of the universe, and we 'Rowan Yuan This is this. "

Tang Long thought about asking: "Is there any such mature game company like you?"


Luo Xiaomei nodded: "There is a company in foreign countries, and it is already listed. The game they release can create a variety of new games in the game, or play the game created by others, if a game is particularly Welcome, the creator can get the virtual currency in this game world, and the virtual currency in the game can be exchanged into a real world currency. After the company launches, it has caused a very sensation, the market value from the opening of $ 20 billion, Once soared to 400 billion! "

"This company has completely done the three points you said?" Tang Long's eyes and asked.

Luo Xiaomei shook his head: "I have made autonomous immersion, virtual and reality two-way links, but it is still a listed company. It is necessary to control the capital, so I can't do 100% to go to the center, that is, the rule is still this company. The monetary system is not open, but they are already the world's best 'Yuancos' concept company! "

"Yuan Universe!"

In Tang Longmouth, he called these three words, suddenly smiled and said: "I like this concept!"

"I would also like!"

Luo Xiao Herry At this time, the eyes of Tang Long's eyes were different, and there was a feeling of chances, and hate the night.

Jiang Xue played a cold and said: "You are enough, it is estimated that our feelings are good."

Tang Long, Luo Xiaoli Q: "How big is your 'Luo Dianyuan world' asset size?"

"One hundred million or so, the company now I am in my friends, although it is not large, but there is still a certain influence in the small circle!" Luo Xiao fat said confident.

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