Taoyuan Soldier King

The seventh hundred and fifty-fifth chapter who is not a face

This is good, people have hated Tang Long. After returning, Larda, I don't know who is giving, Tang Longquan didn't see!

Li Li is very happy, holding a flower back, put it on the table.

"I will give you music, isn't it a flower, I have never seen the world." Wang Wei did not yin the opening.

Li Li looked up at his eyes, smile did not change: "Yes, my hair is short, I really haven't seen anything, but it is you, I just grab it, I almost hit me, I still don't like it. Grab? "Said to stop, and smiled and said:" I finally know why you can't find my girlfriend! "

"Let your mother have a dog's dressed!" Wang Wi is annoyed.

Li Li's smile on his face, the eyebrows are relatively: "Who are you?"

Surrounded by classmates, I saw that Shao Mei Fang wrinkled and said: "Wang Wei, don't look at what is today, this mature is still not drinking, how are you?"

So Shao Mei Fang, plus the classmates from the next to help, Wang Wei is not talking about it. After all, Xiao Lu Teng is really can't afford, saying that he can't think of this relationship with Zhang Yue.

Tang Long sat there and didn't jug.

"Feeding, your woman is bullied." Shao Mengfang looked at the calm Tang Long, and he couldn't help but have a few more curiosity. This man is the number of ways.

Tang Long whispered: "Not right!"

Not right?

Shao Mei Fang squatted, crying: "If my man, I have already given you a slap, it is not suitable, where is it is not suitable, when you are bullied, no matter when, no matter how often, Our woman is looking for your man? "

Tang Long wants to think, smile and say: "You are also right, okay, wait for a while, the guy is forced, I will take the big mouth to smoke him, do you see it?"

Shao Mengfang turned over and then laughed.

After the ceremony, the hotel has already started!

"I am going, such lobster, I am afraid to have four or five pounds?"

"Who is not, you, I also have the light of Zhang Yue." Wang Wei took the words, and said not yin, not yang, said: "In fact, I should not hit you, oh, it is old Classmates, see if you are now mixed now, Shao Meng Fang at the time, let's learn well? Watch too much, can you go now? After you have finished your child, you can have a fresh hard, your family can Touch you twice?

You still have a small breakage of the city, you are not a small breakage of the city, or a deputy, you can have a good day, and you will eat the chicken. Bull. I tell you, people are outside, there is more than one, there is more than one, are you still having a mood here? "

No one thought that Wang Wei famed at this time, and the first is still Shao Mei Fang.

Shao Mengfang's face is gloomy, and she hasn't waited for him to return. Wang Wei continued to be smneped and said: "You don't have to thank me, you have some things, I have an estimate, I don't know if you still don't know, others are almost known. You The mouth is outside, the evaluation of your evaluation is Huangshi, stinking, don't believe you will go home, I will ask! "

When I finished ignite, Shao Mei Fang, I watched the scene, I was very satisfied and said, "I have no girlfriend, I don't mean that my lack of women, this year is money still afraid of women? You don't know if I open the company, now there is a car with a house, I have just received a 'Taoyuan Ancient Town' live, 'Taoyuan Ancient Town' Do you know? Investing in 100 billion, built domestic top ancient town architecture group.

I can do the least for three years, I don't dare to say, 20 million a year, three years 60 million, and I have to play with it.

Take a look at you, one, is not a small staff member, it is a breaking civil servant, what is the use, still here, five people, more than a good thing? "

Something, let Li Li, who are sitting, do not speak.

Wang Wei seems to be very satisfied with this effect, smiling: "There is a face here to evaluate me, our class now, in addition to Zhang Yue, people have found a good husband, flying on a high branch into a Phoenix, who can more On me? "

Turning to Li Li, not yin, no yang, said: "Let's talk about you Li Li, give you a cow, are you thinking in a small restaurant in Taoyuan County? Can you earn a few cents a month? Your boyfriend? Will not be the cook in the restaurant, or what is the service? Hey, or you will come over with me, I will give you 100,000 for a month, usually give me a secretary, what? "


Tang Long doesn't live in the music.

Wang Wei stared at Tang Long and frowned: "What is your kid smiled?"

"You just said that you took a living in 'Taoyuan Gu Town', can you talk to us?" Tang Long did not take care of him, but smiled and asked.

"The paint spray brush of all wooden structures in Taoyuan Guzhen is responsible. Is there a problem?" Wang Wei said.

"All wooden structures paint spray?" Tang Long slightly stunned, smiled and shook his head and said, "No problem, just brush a paint to the wood, earn 20 million in a year? Blow!"

Wang Wei smiled: "You know a fart, 'Taoyuan Gu Town' is 70% of the antique wooden decoration style, how much is your cost value? Take 10 billion!"

"Hey, it is enough!" Tang Long nodded, smiled and said: "What is your company?"

"Dawn Decoration Company!"

Wang Wei said to be a little and said.

Tang Long nodded, take it out from the clothes, when you dialed the phone, Gong Ying's phone, laugh and laugh: "Qian Qian, King Decoration Company, do you know? As far as I know, they have been contracted 'Taoyuan Ancient Town' paint spray project? Well, you check it, if there is any words, to change a company, this company's boss is a bit cow, I think it is not suitable for our partners! "

When I exported, people in the scene were almost looking to Tang Long, and I also looked down at Wang Wei.

"If you can order Taoyuan Guzhen Group? You really dare to blow you." Wang Wei reflected it, haha ​​laughed.

Li Li's other students also think that her boyfriend is a bit high, tens of millions of projects, can you tell me a sentence?

At this time, the groom Xiao Lu Teng and the bride were gone with people.

Zhang Yue contains a smile and asked: "What do you talk, say so happy, Wang Wei, your laughter is really wretched."

Seeing the bride of the groom, everyone screamed, because this time, there is a bit breakdown, even if you want toast, you will start with the VII inside, and you can't get this table.

Wang Wei hurriedly stood up from the stool. He Xiao Luiten took a laughter: "Xiao, congratulations, hey, this is not Li Li to find an object, I don't just get from the 'Taoyuan Gu Town' to pick up a little business This is even called to tell me about the ancient town of Taoyuan. He thought that he is, this is called him! "

Zhang Yue is slightly stunned: "Are you conflicting with Li Li?"

Wang Wei did not know how to say: "The old students don't understand my situation, I will say it, I don't count, I don't work!"

Shao Meifang is in the face of the face: "Don't you have conflict? Let's work now, developed, developed, Cao Ni!"

The last few words bite his teeth, so it can be seen that she is now a lot of fire.

Wang Wei's face has disappeared, yin and gains: "Shao Meiling is less to face, if you don't look at Xiao, you are the days of Xiaoyu, and Laozi is used to you!"

Tang Long shake his head, whispered: "What about this IQ, how to open company?"

Being called by Wang Wei, the old classmate present is embarrassed.

"Hey, I think your good days are also headed!" Zhang Yue helidly sighed and shook his head.

People's groom Xiao Lu Teng is not looking at him, and did not communicate with him, but went to Tang Long, laughing: "Tang Tonguan is not week, blame I blame me, this cup we have two mouths respect you, Today is really busy, I have been waiting today, we personally go to the door! "

Tang Long hurriedly stood up, smiled and said: "Xiao, you can see you, we are not outsiders." Turned against Li Li: "Do you two together to respect the bride, I wish two People early birth, white-headed? "

Li Li stands up and Xiao Lu Teng Zhang Yueqiang!

Three two big cups, Xiao Lu Teng did all.

"Haha, today, Xiao Xia is happy, you can get better!" Tang Dynasty, Tang Long also smiled and dried the wine in the cup.

Xiao Lu Teng said: "If you don't want to go to the VIP seat, some of the leaders in the city and some of the boss of some companies in the city are there."

Tang Long hurriedly shook his head, smiled and said: "Don't, don't, I am sitting here, you don't know how to see them, I am headache now, Xiao You don't say I am here!"

"Haha, understand!"

Xiao Lu Teng took a little bit. When he left, he touched the next cup with Zhang Yue, and even his mouth did not touch it. When he left, he said: "Everyone eats!"

Take someone to hurried forward the VIP!

Originally toast should start from there, this is not the bride Zhang Yue, this table has a "big Buddha". However, Xiao Lu Teng moved this, and he was seen in the eyes of the people.

Everyone is curious, the heart says who is that young people, such a large spectrum, can make Xiao Lu Teng's bigger to show up.

"Who do you know that young man there?"

"Look at it is a bit more familiar ... Is it from Taoyuan County?"

"Tang Long?"

"Tang Long to participate in Xiao Lu Teng's wedding?"

After returning to the taste, the people who have the cerebon melon are standing directly from the bench, and I will run away from the wine glass.

Li Li, the table, this table did not understand, Tang Long just sat down, Li Li saw a little anxious to drink, and quickly gave him some refreshing vegetables.

"Drink so hard!" The sound is not difficult to hear my distress.

Tang Long smiled and whispered: "People are grooming, the bride is your girlfriend, I can not give others, I can't say it too much!"

"Hurry and eat oral pressure!" Li Lihong faced him.


Tang Long dishes have not swallowed. The same table has not spoken, just see a middle-aged man coming over and smiled. "Tang, you are Tang, I really didn't expect it to be here. Can see you, I am the old man of Dafeng Construction Company, my surname, this is my business card. "

Tang Long stunned, helplessly laughed: "Hello!" Take it over the business card handed over the other hand, don't laugh at the face.

"I respect you!"

Tang Long smiled, hesitated, or stopped from the chair, after all, people put the shelf so low, they did not have a score.

, Two cups collided.

"I'm doing, you will be free!" I finished my heart.

Tang Long smiled and was not vague. Whose face is not a face, but also to eat.

"Tang, hello, I am the old general ..."

"Tang, I am XXXX company ..."

I got around five or six middle-aged people around him, and I was introduced to Tang Long Tao.

The name of Li Li is watching the old classmates, where is I? what's the situation? Who is this person?

Shao Mei looked at Li Li, and I was a Tang Long, who was taken toast, and lowered the sound: "To tell the truth, why do you have this boyfriend?"


Li Lihong face, said that I knew where I knew it, I was a person who worked in her hand.

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