Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 722, two unicorn companies

"Do you live here at night?" Tang Long was in charge of Hi Yun Niang, smiled and asked.

Meng Ziji nodded: "Yes, I am temporarily living in the evening!"

"Where is the home?" Tang Long and the other party pulled up home.

Before the answer, Mencheng first secretly smashed the face of Yuxi, after all, hooked Yun Niang is his own boss, and she has not completely figured it out for the relationship between Tanglong, the relationship between this person and her boss. However, I didn't find anything unpleasant on the face of Yuxi Niang.

"Home is Beijing, there is a sister and a brother at home, my mother works in the hospital, my father is a university teacher, I graduated from ..."

About ten minutes, during the period, I didn't insert the mouth, just sitting quietly, smiling.

"Already dinked yet at night?"

This is the first time Tang Long and Meng Ziran, and the Yushu first opened, smiled and asked: "What do you want to eat, I will give you!"

The gentleness of the water, let Meng Zijing are very surprised. She came over for a few days. For the character of hook Yun Niang, how many more people know, although the boss is very good, the bones are extremely arrogant, the bones are very arrogant, and people and good people are not Gentle people, this is two things.

Ren Yingying said that the 'good bullying' is compaistent, Meng Ziran never believes that his boss is the kind of person who is bullied, maybe for her, just the things in front of you, not enough to let her get angry. .

It can be an absolute woman for the gesture of Tang Long, Hook Yun Niang, and maybe I don't even realize that she is.

"Be a noodle!" Tang Long smiled and stunned: "Don't go tonight!"


Hook Yidami got up and smiled and said: "You talk!"

Meng Zirai hurriedly got up: "Tall, I will give you a hand!"

Hook Yun Niang smiled and shook his head: "No, I will come!" Said it is going to the kitchen in the inside.

Tang Long smiled and asked: "Is it habiting with Yue Niang?"

Meng Ziran said: "The habit, the tick always does not take me outsider, more comfortable than working outside the big companies outside."

"Oh, she is this character!"

Tang Long smiled and said: "Maybe you can meet her is a chance, this is a rare opportunity, don't smash your hook, she is not only rich, their strength is also sucking the world Nine-nine people, in some areas, she is the strongest person in the world! "

Listening to Tang Long, Meng Ziran suddenly stunned, just want to talk, then Ren Ling came in from outside.

"Tang Longge!"

See Tang Long, Ren Lingling's eyes bright, happy to come over.

In fact, Ren Lingling is better than Ren Yingying, the age is here, Ren Ying Ying has not long, and Ren Ling is more like a delicate lily.

"It's also just come back, is you a holiday?" Tang Long smiled.

"Well, let a holiday!"

Renling nodded and worked hard to sit on Tang Long. Ren Ying did not go to the magic reading, but Renling went, this year, the college entrance examination is not too ideal, but the relationship between Yangshui, helping her have made a good university.

In fact, what university is now reading, it is not too important, still looking at yourself, you will not be able to suffer hard after getting university, will not work hard, now many famous college graduate students, all the second three-run university, come out, come up . In many well-known big companies in China, graduate degree is the 'knocking on the door.

"Reading outside, is it habits?" Tang Long smiled.

"I just started some uncomfortable, but it was much better later." Ren Ling said with a smile. I hesitated, and said: "This year, the Yulong Pavilion and the Treasure Pavilion, and the Royal Dragon Jianbao has a sharp development, the flying crane sister is really famous!"

Nowadays, the headquarters of the three companies have been moved out from Taoyuan County. They set up two headquarters in Nanta, and the headquarters of the Yulongge in Beijing. The headquarters of Treasures in the magic, and 'Yulong Jianbao' because of their own Particularity, all in Beijing and Magic are all set up by headquarters.

Feihemei as the head of Yao Han winter, is known as the Zhen Tank, although it is an island, but it is very important to Ying Winter.

This year 'cold winter capital', in China is also aqi torthard, and set off a stormy waves in the stock market and invested market.

"This is the personal secretary of your Master." Tang Dan is talking about Meng Ziying.

Ren Lingli smiled and said: "Know it, we also went to the bar with sisters last night."

"Winter melon bar?"

"Well, now the winter melon bar can more." Ren Lingli said.

Tang Long dotted himself: "The girl is less place, and the fish dragon is mixed, it is easy to accident."

"Well, I know!" Ren Lingli smiled and didn't have a mouth. This would be replaced by Ren Yingying. She can talk to you, rebellious, not obedient, perhaps because of this age.

I hesitated, and said: "It's not too much like a bar, I don't like too much!"

Tang Long did not study on this issue, occasionally playing, can't say absolute prohibition, some things parents are banned, the more I want to try, it is better to block,

"Let's talk about the company!"

Ren Lingli said: "Yulongge has become a 'collection' circle, and the preferred place of lovers. After the traffic is coming, the live broadcast is opened. Now mainly with 'coin ancient play', 'jade jewelry' , 'Books and calligraphy plays' main. Daily login browsing users more than 30 million.

The 'Tibet Pavilion' in some respects, has fully exceed the 'Yulongge', now the 'Treasures' is one of the largest 'alcohol' online trading market, white wine, wine, old wine, etc. Senior wine friends, or alcohol collectors, Treasures are preferred.

Secondly, luxury goods, especially second-hand luxury goods, famous tables, bags, jewelry, etc., domestic registered second-hand luxury merchants have more than 60,000 households, saying that in China, 'Treasures' in second-hand The field of favorites is a benchmark.

And this year 'Treasure Pavilion' transaction volume is likely to exceed 100 billion. "

"100 billion? So much?" Tang Long stunned, curiously asked.

Ren Lingli smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't don't have much, our goal next year is 500 billion! Domestic, Treasure Network is already the most well-known" second-hand luxury goods "transaction intended land, alcohol trading distribution And the footwear and toy handle, it is the fastest type. No. 100 billion, is not a whimsy, but it is already conservatively estimated! "

Slightly pause, continue to say: "In addition to the two platforms of the Royal Dragon Court and the Treasure Pavilion, we also formed our own 'related account' matrix. On the domestic existing APP, there are basically our matrix publicity. Account. This year, the capital market gave the Value of the Royal Dragon Pavilion is a $ 120 billion, and the valuation of 'Treasure Network' is '3,600 billion', giving the Value of 'Yulong Jianbao'. Is 'six billion', a total of 520 billion! "

Tang Long stunned, smiled and said: "Is the three companies have been worth money?"

Ren Lingli said with a smile: "If the Treasure Pavilion is listed independently, the market value will not be less than 5 billion, or even eight billion, one hundred billion, all possible. After all, 'Tibet" is' second-hand luxury Product ', and' alcohol collection 'trading has become a domestic warp, far away from the peers.

Relatively speaking, the Royal Dragon Court is still a little too small, so the valuation will not go.

Feihe's sister said that the 'Tibet Pavilion is done, you can take it out to list, there is a market, there is a prospect, there is a field, you can draw a big cake to the capital circle, such a company, the most capital welcome In the professional platform, it is the most speculative value! "

Tang Long has a little speechless, grabbed his head, this year, it seems to be a strange year, what is the heart to plant flowers, no heart to join Liu Ying?

The 'Kirin Car' given by Tang Long, how much is the market value of this year? More than 800 billion, up and down, have been floating, did not say like Yao Han Winter, soared to 20 billion, or even 400 billion.

Tang Long personally took charged the participating 'Tayuan Ancient Town' Group, and the total investment was only 100 billion.

Good guy,

I don't ring, have two unicorn, or 'big' unicorn.

It was used for half a year by the rain butterfly, burned a few billion, and got a 'green super selection group' coming out, valuing more than 100 billion.

Three of this side are inconspicuous, investing for more than a dozen billions of small companies, this year, there is a rising, the valuation has reached more than 500 billion, don't say it is to grab bank, blow the ball, I am afraid that it is not so fast. ?

But listening to Ren Lingling, this estimate although some moisture, it is not there without gold.

Especially the 'Tibet Pavilion', even if he doesn't say, he can hear it, the future prospect of this platform is absolutely very vast.

Second-hand luxury, hype, wine, ball shoes, bags, names, etc. These nouns are gathered together, will have quality changes.

The Meng Zi, who is sitting next to him, heard a bit, hundreds of billions, tens of billions, this, will n't it really?

"Is the treasure Pavilion, is your company?" Mencius couldn't help but asked.

Ren Lingli looked at her, smiled and said: "This is the big shareholder of Tibet Pavilion, I and Yingying is the initiator of Tibet Pavilion, creator!"

Menciuli lined up, and the film said: "Really, I don't know Taishan, I really don't know Taishan, I don't think about it. Yesterday I just placed orders from Treasures, I bought my father. A bottle of Zhumotai, spent more than 10,000, and bought a package for my mother. "

Tang Long turned to her, curiosity: "Do you usually use 'Treasure Network'?"

"Yes, the things above the treasure network, the fake pay 10, buy people can rest assured, my girlfriends have lived their birthdays, the younger watch, etc., basically buy it from Treasures, some limited edition, physical store Already, I can only go outside, and I am afraid to buy fake. Some things are new and second-hand nine-year new, the price is half the price, the land, I have spent more than 100 this year. ten thousand!"

Mencheng said that this is a little passion, and I am happy to say: "But I didn't lose money, where I bought two limited edition packs have risen a lot, giving my younger brother, the watch, it is worth a thousand, The fastest to the fastest is to buy my dad, a few boxes of Tiantai, which is approaching half, two bottles of first generation 'dragon wine, two times. Come down, and earn A lot! "

Ren Lingli smiled and loud: "Perhaps, this is also one of the charm of the" Tibet "!"

Tang Long laughed and said: "Nothing is a gluten?"

"Market law, this is not returned to us 'Treasure.com', the Treasure Network is only responsible for the authenticity of the item, and it is determined that the user will not buy the fake!" Ren Lingli shook his head.

Tang Long didn't say anything, anyway, this company is not him.

"Is the treasure network now operate independent operation?"

Ren Lingnawa said: "Yes, Treasure Network and Yulong Pavilion have been separated, now 'Treasure Network' belongs to 'Treasure Technology Company', 'Yulong Court' belongs to 'Yulongge Collection Auction Company' , The identification business of the two companies has been responsible for the 'Yulong Job Identification Rating Company', and the three companies are completely independent! "

Tang Long nodded, smiled: "Yes, how many shares have been in the three companies, the winter capital?"

"Thirty percent!" Ren Bingli didn't know how Tang Long thought about this.

Tang Long smiled and said, "Then, let them have a big cheap."

Ren Lingli smiled without speech, said that this said that there is no flying crane, three companies this year will not develop so rapidly. So being a person, I can't only read the eyes!

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