Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 726, family has a difficult experience

Tang Long really doesn't feel, this is a good thing, but if you can not blend it, he absolutely does not want multiple tubes, because there is no need to fall well.

The big childhood is listened to Tang Long, and the eye beads almost didn't give it out.

On Tuesday, this is a matter of greed, and the ultimate goal is, in addition to the good days, it is more important to marry the daughter-in-law of marrying this halfway, from their old Zhoujia Maritime.

Wu Li took the son of the door, it was not a self-owned person, why did you give him a house to get married?

"The surname Tang, who is you scare anything?" After returning the big bread, two hands, caught the husband, and slammed his eyes on the eyes of Tang Long.

Tang Long fripped his eyebrow, said: "Don't be nois with me, we can't quarrel. Today, I can see if I can coordinate it, I'm looking at the face of Zhou Min, I really have no relationship with you. "

The exterior meaning, you are as you ask yourself, then you are not coming!

"Boss, you don't talk," Zhou Jia's old lady opened.

For Tang Long, the big daughter-in-law is also very counted, in case the overall transformation of the family village, do not bring their house, it can really be lost.

"Xiao Tang, what do you mean by coming today?" The old lady asked Tang Long.

Tang Long smiled and said: "No meaning, your home is so big, the left neighbors are looking at it, Zhou Min and I don't come over, think about adjusting it to you, after all, is also a family, what is it? Can't say it! "

"Is it adjusted? The set of rooms we live now is that I am old with me, I don't have a copy of Tuesday, so I want to take all the time, and I don't have it all!" Zhou Jia's old lady said.

Tang Long fripped his eyebrows, asked: "Then you mean, Tuesday is not worthy of the family, don't give him at all?"

Mr. Zhou squatted and shook his head and said, "Give it, but this old house must be five people in their brothers!"

Wu Li is on a gas, biting his teeth: "You eat us, live in our, these years, my good life is waiting for you, this is from your mouth, don't you feel the heart?"

"You shut up, I am funeral? When I am eating you, here is my house, you live here, I am watching, I don't want to be more than you, otherwise I will let you roll. Going out, where to die, where to die! "Said the wife of the old family.

Tang Long feels some speechless, this family, an estimated ... , maybe the family has a difficult experience.

"Old lady can't say this, you can't say this ..."

Tang Long's words, I have been interrupted by Zhou Jia Lao Jing, I'm going back: "I don't say this, how do I say? Isn't it my house?"

I don't know how long I have been blocked, I am not talking to myself, and I also have a bit in this stomach.


Tang Longtang: "That, you will discuss the discussion, and wait for the results in the village." He said to turn around, facing Zhou Village, you also saw it, I have no face. No one listened to it, it's not good, people are light, this is still in your village, you can do it! "

After saying, he hesitated, and heard: "But when you represent Zhoujia Village to borrow money, we have said it, money can lend you, but you must pay three years later. This family You also saw it, I think it is enough after three years, and the family's family is not clear, I will not borrow their money to repair the house. "

After talking about it, turned to go outside!

The family listened to Tang Long, all stunned, wait back God, I want to call Tang Long and I am not intended to open, and I can only look forward to Zhou Min.

"Zhou Min, ?? Our house is not renovated?" The big daughter-in-law asked anxiously.

Zhou Min slang said: "Yes, your family can't solve it, I can't give you money. I want to know that the money borrowed in the village is a condition. You look like it, who dares to lend you Money! "

"You dare!" Zhou Jia's old lady listened, and immediately fired.

Zhou Min, a wry smile and said: "Aunt, this is not something I dare you contradict the Tanron gave away, this paying the money how to lend you?"

"We can't fix the house, then you don't want to repair the house!" Zhou Jia's old lady urgently.

Zhou said: "OK, ah, this matter of your own village to talk to others to explain, because if your relationship, we have to borrow money, can not build a house, then ...... we the village people will blame you!"

Having turned and walked toward the outside too!

"Zhou Min, you dare ..."

"Shut up!" The wife of the eldest son gas curse: "! You silly not, Zhou was the village chief, our family house in the village to repair things, people are counting on it."

Tang Long is quickly grapevine gas to go, Zhou Village house repair things can not go on, in the village spread, those sturdy Village women, one thing can be doing this?

On the way back to the fishing village, Ren Yingying Tang Long blinks: "Zhoujiacun's things, don't you care?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "How to manage?"

"Do you solve it for Wu Li's son to get a housing base?" Ren Yingying thought.

Tang Long shook his head: "the root of things, not Wu Li who, in the week but the family who do not stupid silly treasure on Tuesday, that human beings are selfish, and his stuff usurped by others, even if it is pro-brother pro? My brother, even the mother is not good.

Why not stand up treasure on Tuesday, with his wife to stand in a line, stop Zhou family bully them? One may be because of his filial piety, the other, is probably what he said with him in his mother.

After all, are not their own natural son, working so hard to get him Suites, replaced who have had heart estrangement, not too happy. "

Ren Yingying staring eyes, she said: "? When that marriage, early why gone, I do not know Wu Li Po Tuesday with a son, stepson burden they have to do more."

Tang Long said with a smile: "I know, I know how to choose is the pleasant creatures, bride important ah, that time always thinking to marry a wife, maybe it did not expect the other!"

"That can not be so ah, I think that on Tuesday, Wu Li Po wife is not very fair!" Ren Yingying thought, a little face board said.

Tang Long smiled and said: "Words can not say that this thing on Tuesday treasure it fair?"


Ren Yingying nodded: "? Tuesday treasure is a man, to marry Wu Li door, he should know what they have to face the responsibility, now I find it unfair, and why early Qula"

Tang Long smiled and did not contradict her, because Ren Yingying said, also reasonable.

"Anyway, this thing get well, a treasure now is not of one mind on Tuesday with Wu Li, the other one is the old Zhou who son and daughter, wants to rectification when Zhou Village, multi-take an advantage!" Tang Long Road.

Ren Yingying blinked: "That's the end, there must be a sure way to solve it?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "! We already gave Zhou a bottom line, the rest of the things we do not need to come forward, she should be able to solve this little thing Dounong not, the future is also in charge of how Zhou Village"

Before leaving, he said those words, enough to rack up this family, of course, Tang Long's purpose is not to give them ugly, but to solve the problem.

There are only a small family we are not, in fact, belong to their fundamental or poor, if families are rich, take tens of thousands of full-not seriously, but also point out the things you care about this?

Zhou Village If developed, the future prospects are not bad to go, not to mention Zhou or Tanron they are more optimistic about the people.

This last thing, do not come forward even if Tang Long, Zhou old man have to come forward to solve, perhaps weeks old man does not come forward, is to want to try Zhou's weight to see if she was there when the ability of the mayor.

Tang Long also think that, with this thing to Zhou Min Zhou village erected erected in danger, it is not necessarily a bad thing children.

As things Tuesday treasure this family, that is, money can solve the problem, as long as the money can solve the problem, are not really much of a problem.

Zhou did not hurry to go, because this thing is always to have a solution that can not always let this go on so noisy family in the village, things are not much, but spread out did not sound ah.

"Aunt, Sangu, seven aunt you also Knock it off!"

After "I think the village build a house, it is a big thing, so I did not come forward, on behalf of Zhou Village to talk to the head in the village to borrow money, but the money to three years: Zhou Min to speak out against the women gathered around the village, with a wry smile Road also, the causes and consequences we all know everything.

I am young, there is a bad place to do, and everyone is holding a lot. "

Slightly pause, continue: "If everyone feels that the house is in this, it is not important, and it is not willing to pull the scorpion, and the house is like Zhou Dabao's wife, we can stop, don't worry!

Zhoujiacun does not repair a house?

Zhou Dabao's wife listened, and I was anxious to give himself a loud and said: "Do you want to talk, do you say that the repair house is not important, you can't do it? Repairing the house is the most important thing in Zhoujia Village, How can I not do it? "

"That is, this is not said!" Mrs. Zhou also followed.

Zhou Min helpless: "You are so touched Tang Long, isn't you want to let our village repaired a house? Huang , our money is borrowed from the fishing village, what is the identity of Tang Long? You will work for you. I want to make your family to share things, but you can go, I am not easy to please, three words are ran by you! "

Around the neighbors also discuss: "Yes, what you are in your home."

"Originally, the old family has a house, the old three also have a house, you live in the second treasure this, people Wu Li have not abused you, do not give people the house."

"Temporary Times is really a good goods, being bullied by people, you can't put a fart!"

Zhou Min looked at the fire, noisy, then aroused the people, hurriedly came to say: "Everyone is quiet, I said two words!"

After a while, everyone stopped his mouth.

Now I am in the face, everyone has to give, who is a big face.

"Older, the second treasure brother, really can't be so easy. You don't want to be, you don't have it. Stand up and say something, how do you want, your wife is still, however, you don't Talk, we know what it means! "Zhou Min Zhou Tao Road.

On Tuesday, I looked at his old lady.

Zhou Jia's old lady face is also the old high!

At this time, Wu Li was standing out, crying: "Top Tall, let's divorce, your son is returned to you, I will take my son, but I have promised that you have a good eight thousand dollars, you must give me. "

I heard Wu Li said that I have to divorce, and I have been anxious.

"You are dry!"

"Do you have enough? I can't go on, I can't go on, you see what day, what you have, you can lose this person, I can't afford it." Wu Li bites his teeth. NS.

Top Ten Bao hesitated, Don said: "Okay, isn't you get a homestead? Let's still don't work. If you want to buy a family, then you will be, you will not, everyone is divided into, Everyone is holding, everyone is serving, who has got alimony, grass its grandmother! "

The last dirty words, I don't know who is!

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