Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 739, Laozi is not you

"The world of ordinary people, and extraordinary world, the gap is like a difficult gap, it is difficult to go!" Tang Long looked, it didn't matter.

For him, it is not in that the world, and people who don't want to know themselves, all become a cultivator or a comprehension, even if it is my wife.

Because the ordinary people are more suitable for ordinary people, the ultimate world in the back, is not suitable for everyone.

"Why can someone can cross the gap, can we?" Zhang Guang said, anyway, anyway, he is very forward to the extraordinary world.

Tang Long for a while, said: "Sometimes this world is very unfair, including your birth, your home world, how you live in this life, no one is fair, but sometimes, this world is relatively fair, What have you got, you will lose anything, what can you have, just ask if you don't have these, this sentence is that a wise man is told me, there is no, easy and difficult, long and short, high and lower They are all opposite, don't persistent anything. "

The mountains have a laugh: "You are big, you can understand, but we can't, we are all secular and a small person, the dust is in general."

Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "I just put the wise words, turn to you, you can't understand, I can't understand it."

"Village head, can we can't practice?" Zhang Guangze asked.

Tang Longdao: "Repair, usually meditate, is part of the practice."

Zhang Guangkong felts, smiled: "I mean, can you give us a real thing? You see the last time, the winning victory is like a grandson, it is pressed on the ground, you said he Yes? If we all become a master, I will dare! "

Tang Longdao: "If you have become a master, then your enemies will become a master. Now it is a grandson who is being hit by a grandson. At that time, it is that you die, there is no other result. Master, it is not necessarily a good thing! "

Slightly pause, say a little indifferent: "Remember, the murdere is never a knife!"

The murder is never a knife?

"Not a knife, what is that?" Zhang Guang asked his eyes.

"Heart, people!"

After that, Tang Long is not in words. There is no murder, how will the knife hurt.

The mountain smiled: "Let's talk about things in front of you. Today, Longhu Turn these people, what do you want to find you?"

Tang Don said: "Just now Wu Yao, Longhu Hui is the largest medicine businessman in the northern market, almost controls the eight-handed market, there is a lot of cherish the medicinal materials, and the extraordinary contact is quite, so I know some cultivation means, just now Li Dingqiu's heart, the roots are good, it is a small success on the road to the road, and it should be a master in the world of ordinary people. "

Slightly pause, "" But people practice, it is in the sky, all the anti-heavens, must be condemned, also known as' robbery, so when people cultivate to see, it is to be "robbed", that is, Our ordinary people often say 'ferry', Li Dingqiu's old head, live a lot of two maneules, I estimate is that I am going to be robbery, so I will seek to go to the door, I want to find me to help him! "

"Two Methic? The old is not dead, is alive?" Zhang Guangneng eyes.

Tang Long 'Well' s voice, said: "Almost, ordinary people's life limit, probably in the two son, Li Dynasty, with a large number of Tianwei Bao, plus a good spirit, successfully, become a cultivator, even Building a foundation, can't escape the mortal body, the two Methie is also his life limit, plus the robbin is coming, and finally ten eight nine is not in the past! "

Zhang Guang is curious to ask: "The village is long, you have to help him?"

Tang Long shook his head and smiled: "Who said to help him, he is not boring for him, helping him!"

"Then what do you make a grandchild climb in the village?" Zhang Guang called Tang Long to be a happy, smile and said.

"Two yards, that is to punish him to humiliate the punishment of the embroidered book, and there is no relationship with other things!" Tang Longdao.

"What should I do if I don't want it?" Zhang Guang said.

Tang Long stalls, there is no way: "Turning, calling alarm, we don't owe him."

It is not difficult to listen to the words, and Tang Long embossed the roots, I didn't want to help Li Dingqiu's intention.

"Can you help people to rob?" The mountain is curious.

Tang Long smiled and said: "How can I have the ability to fight against Tiandao, even if you win, it is also a thousand damage to the enemy, and I am helping him, my brain There is no pit, people have no problems! "

Mountain and Yangwu, they have heard about the things about 'ferry', but how many faults have never seen it. The most listening is the 'thunder robbery, heavenly falls to Tianlei, and the robbery is crazy, and it is quite the robbery, and it is not too bustless to smoke.

What is going on, no one is unclear!

In this regard, Tang Long also only mentioned that for ordinary people, those things are still less known as well, know too much easy to go, and want to blow their heads, the troubles, there is no hairy.

About half an hour, that is, an hour, Li Dynasty, with people to the Tang Longjia Xiaotou House, Li Chunshui followed the promise, really climbed a circle in the village.

Li Dingqiu, squinted: "Laoimaicheng has made grandson Li Chunshui climbed a circle in the village, to show the discipline, please come out to meet me!"

Waiting, wait, wait, I have a movement in the middle school, but I don't see someone.

About ten minutes later,

Li Dingqiu is a bit sinking, and then he said: "Please see Mr. Tang Dynasty, come out to meet Li people!"

This time has a sound.

Tang Long hanging his voice, from the small courtyard: "Laozi is not you ... no!"

Li Dingqiu, who is angry, is a big mile.

"Mr. Tang, do you have a little unfinished? Li people came to the door to seek, do you have this attitude?" Li Dingqiu.

Tang Long hub, said on the small court short chair: "Is it not a attitude? You ask you to come to the door, I have to take you into the guests? Funny, your matter, I am unknown, ask I am useless, let's go. "

Li Dingqiu helpless said: "Mr. Tang does not try how to know, know that I have time, if this is can't be robbed, then I can't pull my enemy together!"

This is the threat to Tang Long, the meaning of the exterior, like Tang Long doesn't help, he may slaughter the fish head, give yourself!

"The mouth is quite big, you Li Dingqiu ... count a carved hair!"

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