Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 752 Chapter Snow Factory

Tang Long's dare to talk to Liang Jingya, just want to tell her, don't do more, unless you feel that the relationship with the other party is special iron, you can help each other to call himself.

In fact, in essence, Tang Long is not too annoying Liang Jingya, although sometimes this woman is very strong, but also a side of people.

Back in the conference room, Tang Long was hitting.

Wu Zhengyao has gathered together today's' large enterprises in the county, which is to make a toning for the development of Taoyuan County next year.

All large enterprises in the county have basically in the village of the fish head, and there are ten ten people with Tang Long.

"I am preparing to invest a little five billions, build a 'ice cream factory', will provide at least eight hundred jobs for Taoyuan County!"

As a speech representative, the mountain is a speech, sitting there, talking about it.

Snowflake factory?

Tang Long couldn't help but touch the nose. Why didn't he know when Longshan Quan is going to cross the ice cream? ice cream?

I have a little fun in my heart!

Whether it is what, 1.5 billion funds, for Longshan Spring Group, can only be tried, no matter whether there is no harm to elegance.

Longshanquan Group's valuation this year is six billion, dollar bills, is a real golden mole.

After the break, hook Yuxiang invited everyone to drink tea in the carving factory, and the embroidered book is very good, and others have no opinions.

Go to the road of engraving, Tang Long, Mountain, curious: "How do you suddenly think about the 'ice cream factory'?"

"There are two points, first, Longshan Quan Group needs to expand, we can't put eggs in a basket, except for mineral water, drinks, we also invest in a winery outside this year." Shanxi Road.

"Wine Factory? Foreign foreign?" Tang Long asked.

The mountain shakes: "Not, investing in domestic winery, the scale is still not small."

Tang Long did nod to say: "How is Longshan Springs Beer this year?"

The mountain looked at him, smiled and said: "The sales is not bad, but there is no sales of 'Taoyuan beer'."

Longshan Spring Beer Factory in the city, and Tang Long investred in 'Taoyuan Beer', in the county, two beerrs were on local enterprises, there is a certain competition.

Longshanquan Group has not much supported Longshan Spring Beer, and the brand of Luo Shanquan ', is also superior in China. However, 'Taoyuan beer' is not bad, various soft and hard advertising promotion, the momentum is fierce, including the 'green brand ultra-selection group' belt, the dragon wine industry help promotes publicity, so the momentum is very fierce.

'Taoyuan Beer' is a veritable 'net red beer' this year, killing the top ten of the beer brand list, although the share of the market is limited, but the market can be diluted.

Overall, Longshan Spring Beer and Taoyuan beer are doing well!

"Yes, this year I put the Longshan Spring Brewery from the core assets of Longshanquan Group, now operate." The mountain said with a smile.

Because Longshan Quan Group has already listed plans, if there is no accident, it will be listed within three years, and the main business of Longshan Quan Group is' mineral water 'and' drink ', and even a thinking tank wants to put the' Longshan Quanshui 'and' Longshan Spring Beverages are set up separately, listed separately.

But in the end, it is still vetoed by the mountain, and the trouble is one. In addition, if the main business is separated, the advantages of Longshanquan Group will not be so obvious, so the main business is still in the Longshan Spring Collus.

Do you make money more?

One day sales of 150 million, the annual sales exceeded 500 billion.

"Second?" Tang Long smiled and pulled the topic.

Mountain said: "The second is to make money, the ice cream also has a good market, this share is not low, especially the high-end market." Slightly paused, continue: "If the concept of speculation, it is easier to exploit."

"Longshan Spring Snow Cake?" Tang Long smiled.

Shanxi, "No?"

Tang Long laughed twice, shaking his head: "It's not not good, um, I think there is so farewell."

"You are talented!" The mountain is dissatisfied with him, then he also laughed, said: "The ice cream factory determines the scale, production process, but has not determined the brand name."

"Do you want to call the fishing cream?" Tang Long smiled.

The mountains looked at him with special eyes: "I said that I am a common, I think you are the most popular people, it is simply not possible!"

"Ha ha!"

Mountain: "The ice cream produced in the ice cream, we have to add a small number of juices produced by the 'Qinglong Farm', and use anhydrous process, so the pricing of each ice cream will not be less than 30 yuan!"

"Will not lower than 30 yuan?" Tang Long smiled: ", directly position high-end market?"

"The cost is one of the factors that restrict prices. In addition, we are not preparing to grab downstream low-end markets, causing pressure to other manufacturers in China!" The mountains explained.

Tang Long said with a smile: "Then you are not afraid to cause pressure to the manufacturers of high-end markets?"

"This is not considered, domestic high-end ice cream, which is delicious?" The mountain shook his head and said.

"A ice cream thirty dollars, do you think consumers will buy your account?" Tang Long asked.

The mountain is positive, "We have reached a cooperation intention with 'Green Super Selection Group', green-style app, green shop, green selection, etc., will become a distributor, in addition to this, Water users should be a potential user of ice cream. In addition, you are afraid that it is not too much to understand the current concept of consumption, I think the price is not a factor in the construction of the ice cream. "

"Well!" Tang Long smiled and did not know with the mountain. Anyway, it was not for himself. He didn't know much about the consumption of young people. Little rich woman is so angry, and it is estimated that I have already launched the market research.

"In fact, I think the name of the 'ice cream factory is directly, atmospheric, and the ice cream than Long Mountain Spring is better." After sitting and listening, he listened, suddenly said.

The mountain is bright, laughs: "It's really good, um, look back, I ask the opinion of the plan. If there is no problem, I will register the 'ice cream factory' this brand."

"The ice cream is in the domestic market, a little one is a little?" Yu Qi curiously asked.

The mountains smiled and said: "Overall, it is not too small, mainly watching future propaganda, positioning, and research success!"

"A ice cream can still be put on the research results?" Tang Long couldn't help but let her laugh.

The mountain is said to be said: "You can't see a snow cream? I tell you, the above is more, I feel the ingredients from the mouth, I have my own technology on it, I want to do it well, it is not easy. Things! "

Tang Long stayed, the old man nodded: "Yes, you are taught!"

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