Taoyuan Soldier King

The seventh fifteenth chapter throws out

"Is Taoyuan Gu Town, whether there is a kind of cat, frankly from wide, stunned, not trying to escape, now talk to you, is to give you a chance to change your own, have you heard it?"

In a separate interrogation room, Vice President Fang Zhen and Qian Yingying were separated separately and interrogated.

Fang Zhen is so speechless, not good to say: "Please figure out, our Taoyuan Gu Town Development Group is a private company, our company has no tax evasion, the second is not violated, do you check us? Do you think about it? ?"


The trial person took the table.

Liang Jingya sat in his office and did not leave, and she was clear about the company, she knows where the people who have to check the accounts come from.

"Total Liang, let's watch it so much?" Secretary Li Jing, whispered.

Liang Jingya looked at her, asked in: "Otherwise?"

Li Jing: "..." Thinking from her subconscious, it is not right, at least to call Tang Long, pass the gas. People inside the city say that check the account, the question is, if you can't find a problem? Even if you can find the problem, then?

You know, our Tang is not waiting for the world!

"You go to a call!" Liang Jingya hesitated, and the board said with his face.

Li Jing squatted, blinking and said: "What do you mean to call Tang?"

Liang Jingya smiled: "Otherwise? I am inappropriate this phone, there will be comments over the city."

"Is there anything in my play?" Li Jing was some fear.

Liang Jingya called her to be amused and said, "You can do anything, this matter is not a normal program!"


Li Jing hesitated and nodded.

When I received a call, Tang Long was bonded to Meng Fan in the bar, and I was prepared to see if I would really happen in the old street.

"Check up?"

Tang Long took a mobile phone and frowned.

Li Jing put the sound in the bathroom and said: "Well, the total sum of the square will always turn up, in the interrogation, you have come back!"


After the mobile phone, Tang Long did not urgently move.

Meng Fan looked at him and asked: "What happened?"

Tang Long smiled and said: "At the end of the year, some people are uncomfortable." After finishing the number of Wu Zhengyao, I played.

"Little Tang, is there something?"

"Wu Shuji, I heard what survey group has come down in the city, is investing the group in Taoyuan Guzhen, the two vice presidents in our company are detained? What is going on, when a private enterprise has become a crime Molecule! "Tang Long did not turn his porter and asked directly.

Sender interview? Check up?

Wu Zhengyao suddenly stunned, frowned, said, "I don't know, you wait, I am calling." After that, I will hang Tang Long's call.

"Oh, a bit means!" Tang Long took the mobile phone and laughed without anger.

Meng Fan is odd: "What is a bit mean, who is checking your account?"

Tang Long shook his head did not tell her, but the topic asked: "The old city street is now lively than the new city?"

"Yes, especially at night!" Meng Fanburned.

Tang Long smiled and said: "It is not far from the old city."

"Not far, anti-Taoyuan County is such a large place!"

Say two heads, each table, and then say Wu Zhengyao, hanging Tang Long's phone, call the city directly to ask.

"Monkey, joining, who gives you the right??? Do you want to talk to our Taoyuan County? Taoyuan County is the jurisdiction of the city, but Taoyuan ancient town development group is not Taoyuan County. The public industry, I don't care, this thing must give me an explanation, now I will call the province! "

After the completion of the situation, Wu Zhengyao is also an angry.

Because the survey team in the prior city, I didn't say hello to Wu Zhengyao.

At the survey group here, the investigation team of Taoyuan Guzhen Group has also received the phone inside the city: "We have delayed until noon tomorrow, you will control yourself!"

Fang Zhen and Qian Gong Ying are quite calm, because the two are Tang Long's believing, and then the Taoyuan Guzhen Group has no cats, not afraid.

"Sleepy, I want to go home to rest!"

"You can go back if you explain it."

"Nothing to explain!"

Tang Long hesitated, call the autumn: "Call the two cars security, go to the 'Taoyuan Gu Town' Group Company, to throw people in the chaos."

"throw it out?"

Autumn will repeat the three words.

Tang Longping said: "Yes, throw it out."

"Understand!" The autumn swatched, for the boss, she absolutely supported.

The car did not open, and two helicopters were dispatched directly from the humid village.

When Qiu Yu arrived in Taoyuan Ancient Town Development Group Headquarters, the ordinary department security guards in the county were already waiting!

"What are you doing, we are the survey group in the city!"

"Let's let go!"

"You are in crime!"

There is no expression in the autumn: "You said that it is a survey group in the city, what is investigated, is there any procedures? We are the security company, the boss is orders, told us to throw you, if you have a formalities, then Continue to investigate, don't go on your own, don't wait for us! "

"Let's let you know who I am?"

Looking at the middle-aged people in front of the autumn, the autumn cockroaches said: "That is to say there is no formal procedure. Come, you will lose these people!"

"Total, Tang Long sent people, throwing people in the city's investigation team." Li Jing pushed the door of Liang Jingya office and came in.

Liang Jingya slam nodded, and the brow did not speak.

Taoyuan County, the city, soon received news, but did not know why, it was silent, because this thing, there have been leaders in the province to pay attention.

"You said, who is Taoyuan Guzhen Group, who is it?" Liang Jingya suddenly asked.

Who is the group belong?

Li Jing retured, Zhang said: "Of course, it belongs to Tang Long ..." said half of the words, I realized that it is not right, behind the back.

"Is it Tang Long?" Liang Jingya belief from the language.

Li Jing hesitated and said, "I don't think it is, it should belong to all Taoyuan County talents!"

"Is it all Taoyuan County? It is not in the county, nor is it in the city ... Hey." Liang Jingya sighed.

If this project is not a Tanglong's potential, can you get it? Even if anyone do it better than Tanglong?

Liang Jingya also caught in thinking!

Today, this is still too small to look at Tang Long's pattern and strength. He didn't show up. Next, it may not be so easy to put the situation to share the situation!

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