Taoyuan Soldier King

Seventh hundred and sixth chapter aleon

Mu Xiaoxia and two colleagues drive, and they sent Ren Yingying, and Meng Fan was sent to the engraving factory.

"Take the tick, we want to borrow a few pieces of blessing or wishful jade body, it will come back in a few days." After seeing Hi Yue Niang, Mu Xiaoxia said.

Hook Yun Niang is a little bit, because the jade is in this kind of thing, it is not low, plus the collection of her hands, but also the best in the best.

And there is a jade, most prices are tens of thousands, millions, not anyone can buy.

"Tang Long's meaning?" Hook Yun Niang hesitated and smiled.

Looking at Mu Xiaoxi, hooking Yun Niang returned to the Rioman, opened the safe, took out a box from inside.

"Although it is a small piece, wearing it is right. Yucai has a person, since they can go to your hand, it means that I have a fate, I don't have to send you, don't have it.

Mu Xiaoxia hurriedly shook his head: "Take the total, this is too expensive, we can't accept it, if you don't let us come back, then we will not borrow."

Hui Yanyu sighed, smiled and said: "Well, in you!"

After that, I took out a gray black gossip jade card from the box, I was handed on Mu Xiaoxia: "This jade brand is carved by my hand, you carry it with you!"

On the way back, Mu Xiaoxia didn't know what he should say, this hook is really generous, and it has taken her a small box, fifty pieces of jade pendant, although I don't know the value, even if I have eight pieces Money, this box is not cheap.

is that useful?

Looking down at the neck and hanging Taoyuan jade gossip, Mu Xiaoxia is still guilty.

After the Xiaoxia belt, Ren Yingying was a serious opposite: "Tang Long said that there will be a big event tonight, and those people may be for you."

Hook Yellow nodded, the psychology is clear, it will never be for yourself, otherwise Tang Long will let Ren Yingying come back.

"Time is not early, everyone will take a hot bath, take a break!"

For the hook of Yuxian, Meng Fan, Sakura, Yaoyao, I. I.

Tang Long, open the skin, from the old city, and drive straight into the suburbs.

The reason is like the enemy, because those who have brought a very scary news to Tang Long, and the entire Taoyuan County was surrounded.

It's surrounded!

In the sewer in the new city, they found at least thousands of people who exude a blind-like performance. These people have already rotted, and they were described by mice. They were still live because they were eaten by them.

It is very likely to be 'the corpse will'!

Tang Long once gave a war, 'The corpse will "use a special evil" means to make people into the dead, become something that is not ghost, generally appear in the side of Nanjing, belongs to the header teacher The jungle trick.

If you want to divide it carefully, 'The corpse will' things you should belong to 'alfine gates'.

Making a ', corpse will' is extremely difficult, there is a ridiculous way in the new city in the new city, this special thinking?

It is also 'refraction gates', it is a black witch, so this big move, how can you go?

Although I don't know what people have attempt, I can be so big, Tang Long doesn't have much anti-point!

Come to the suburbs, didn't go directly to the new city, another reason is that the mice in the sewer feel the 'Normalization', in this regard, animals can be more sensitive than humans.

Come over, Tang Long can't help but pick up the cold.

Arranged such a large juncture, at least one year ago, no, even three years ago, the entire Taoyuan County is within the routing range, will be fully arranged.

If you are finished, the neighboring people will sacrifice all the people inside and summon the Satan in hell.

When the bureau, the whole world will be ruled by Satan and become hell.

This is the "Black Wizard '". And such a big 'junior', it is definitely not a two black wizards!

What started three years ago?

Tang Long's cold is cold to the extreme, and I don't dare to hesitate, call directly to the Nantian of Damu Town.

"You kid, just I want to call you, what happened, what happened, the alert index is four or five? Is it so high?" Zhennan laughed.

Tang Long didn't laugh, but said seriously: "The big man, the warning index increased, now ... at least seven!"

Smile in the mobile phone, stop, Zhennan is serious asking: "Talk about the specific situation!"

Tang Long also said, directly said: "In the new urban sewer, I found a ', the corpse will', the overcome of the refinery door is here, and the quantity is huge."

Zhen Nantian interrupted carefully: "How is the number?"

Tang Long frowned: "At least there are at least thousands of" corpse will ", and should not be refined recently, because there is no population missing near the county."

I listened to the town of Zhennan, I took a deep breath, and the mobile phone didn't hang it. I told people to tell: "Notify the special service seven games, nine bureaus, in addition to all two stars in the base and the Save of the two stars, except The monsters, and the soldiers shouted, and the fire went to Taoyuan County and the realm index level 6. "

Tang Long frowned: "Daddy, not enough, the whole Taoyuan County is arranged under the 'evil spirits', and it is difficult to wrap the bureau three years ago."

"Mad!" A calm town of Zhennan, actually dirty. "What do you eat?"

Tang Long was awkward, but he didn't dare to do his mouth. He was not responsible for monitoring these.

"I only know this, I am not sure. Anyway ... this time is a lot!" Tang Longdao.

Only listen to the phone, the big man and the road: "The alert index is eight, no, nine, all free personnel, the fire rushed to Taoyuan County, and then inform the Devil's", "and the 'Taoist Association', domestic Evil invasion. "

Depend on!

Warning index, nine level?

There have been almost ten years in China, there is no such high 'warning index'.

"You support it first, support people will come immediately."

Tang Long looked up, and his eyes opened his eyes.


Is this someone wants to sleep in the neighborhood?

The old city is haunted, plus the disappearance of Yao Yao and Sakura Tonight, some people know that they are in the winter melon bar, the other side is so strong, the reason why Yaoyao and Sakura are fine, completely want to confuse Tang Long, Let him reduce the police.

Indeed, just starting Tang Long, I didn't take the 'Black Wizard' to be more than things until the mice in the sewer, came back, and said that a large number of '. The corpse will', he realized that the situation was serious.

Only the "corpse of the corpse", the people of the corpse, the maximum number of the warning index, although the number is much, but not too called Tang Long worried.

It can be such a big 'deadline ", is worried about Tang Long.

You must know that there can be 300,000 people in Taoyuan County!

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