Taoyuan Soldier King

The seventh hundred and sixty-second chapter owes three incense, ask the cigarette god

Urban area

Even if I sit in the pick-truck cab, Tang Long also obviously feels much lower than when it is often, this cold is not caused by the weather.

"Tang Long, where are you?"

Mu Xiaoxia called.

Tang Long stopped the car, not because of Xiaoxia's phone, but in front of the middle of the road, standing in the middle of the road, standing a red man, the clothes are not the kind of dark red, bright red, shining in the light light It is extremely eye-catching. And around, it seems that there is no other vehicle except for the car in Tang Long.

"Where are you?" Tang Long didn't answer, his eyes stared at the middle of the road, the strange red man, asked in his mouth.

"I am in the bureau!" Mu Xiaoxia frowned.

Tang Long, said: "Then temporarily stay in the bureau, don't run away, now the situation is extremely special, no longer the thing you can manage, do not add chaos is the biggest help."

After saying it to the phone.

Mu Xiaoxia is extremely angry, this Tang Long, what is it, now the situation is special, you can't manage yourself, then you can manage?

Even if you can manage, it is too much to be more than things.


"Master, do you want to go out?" Mu Xiaoxia turned to Xing Jun, who was closed and hurt.

Xing Jun shook his head and his eyes did not open: "From now on, all matters of matters are not necessary, do not go out."


Xing Jun broke Xiaoxia, Shen Sheng said: "Listen to Tang Big, he is more experience than us!"

Besides, Tang Long hangs the mobile phone, staring at the red people in front of the front, and did not hurry to get off. He has to confirm first, this is something!

It seems that it is a black witch, nor is it like a person who is' alchemy.

Tang Long car does not move, the people in the road in the road are not moving, and the two are in the car, one stands on the road, just five or six minutes.

Finally, Tang Long first opened the door and walked from picking.

In front of the car, smoke a cigarette in the smoke box, squat on your mouth, point fire, ask: "The big night's red coat is scary, it is a bit uncomfortable, report a wrist?"

"Blood slaves!"

The opponent has a green repayment.

"Blood slave?" Tang Long smiled slightly, smiled and spit a smoke, curiously asked: "You are a special trip to block me? How do you know, will I go back?"

The red man raised his hand toward the roadside camera refers to: "90% of the whole city, because of the reasons of the comic circle, there is not much to be active."

Tang Long smashed his eyes and smiled: "It seems that you have a computer master, do it. Talk about it, do you do so big, picture?"

"Resurrection My Lord!"

Tang Long frowned, the other party is very cooperated, what is your answer, let him feel a bit abnormal, how do you feel that this parties are holding themselves, don't let yourself go?

"Who is your Lord!"

"The ancient god emperor!"

Tang Long frowned, shook his head and said, "Listening to it is very exciting, but I have never heard of it, where is he?"

Blood slaves are cold and cold: "You have been to the ancient temple, naturally have seen my master!"

In a word, let the smile on the Tang Dynasty disappeared, replacing the sharpness, with boundless oppression, staring at each other: "You are because of the reasons for the ancient temple, only to find me?"

"Good momentum!"

Blood slaves sighs, smiled in the middle of the world: "I have not waited yourself, what do we use it."

Tang Long asked: "Why is Taoyuan County?"

"Zhenshan inscription, Jiulong Mountain, and this Taoyuan County is the land of the dragon, within a hundred years, there must be the emperor, within a thousand years, there must be a holy immortal, what we have to do is to use this dragon vein, On the sky, I wake up my Lord, so that the people are killed. "

Blood slaves said that the whole person changed.

"Nima clusters!"

Tang Long couldn't help but whispered.

If the heavens and the earth are like a bow, people are as arrows, short three or forty meters, blinking.


Tang Longyu, put the blood slaves and worn.

What happens? Is this simple?

Blood slave rises, blood, but it is crazy: "I will fall to the world, rule thousands of years, and you will die."

Not right!

Tang Long's face changed, opened his blood red red dress, and found that it has been rotted for a long time, this is a slave.

And still the type of cyset, non-combat.

"Dog is brewed!"

Tang Long whispered, took out the mobile phone, found that there is no signal, look up at the sky, black fog is about to cover the entire Taoyuan County.

"Sure enough, it is delayed!"

Tang Long frowned, erected the left hand and two fingers, soft: "The five elements are hidden, the heavens and the earth, the clouds from the dragon, the wind will, the tiger, the wind!"

With the softness of Tang Long, I don't know if it is an illusion, I seem to have a wind on the street.

Looking up at the black fog on the sky, Tang Long knew that he didn't have this road. After a fundamental, it took three years, and there were countless people, and it was necessary to be broken by Tang Long, not white. , Is there a scorpion?

"Daddy, hurry to send people to support!" Tang Long self-speaking belly, his mouth showed silk smile.

Such a huge juncture, want to break, is not a simple thing at all, first look for the core of the core.

New City?

Tang Long looked at the direction of the new city, it is a bit wrong, it seems to be something, or who, deliberately want to bring yourself to the new city.

I can't get my mind, I always feel that it is not as simple as the appearance.


Tang Long once again took a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket, took out a smoke from the box, and took it in the hand with a special way.

"When you don't even ask Qiankun, Qiankun has a way to smoke, smoke, smoke, listen to me, the new city old city helps me choose, choose to return to you."

The small road, please cigarette God, it is the Tang Long before, and it is a bit similar to 'Mirror' 'Panxian' 'Penx'.

If you don't have to use it, you will often get a grateful effect. For example, if you ask, it is not something big.

I saw the cigarettes of the Tang Long fingers, and the smoke was like a pillar, and the increase of three feet was not scattered. The top of the three feet points to the old city.

"old Town?"

Tang Long fripped his eyebrow, looking at the direction of the old city. Then throw the smoke in your hand, the cigarette is going out!

"There is three feet of life, there is Shenming, look back, you still have three incents, first account, and still." Tang Long mouth looked softly, turned to go quickly.

This time he is ready to listen to the god, don't go to the new city, and you will return to the old city!

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