Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 767 people are still alive

"Old cattle, isn't it alive?"

Lao Huang asked the old cow, this old dog, at least seventeen, the knife wounded, all can be seen, but it is not a life of life.

"You can't die!" The old cow breathed the gas.

The fox white hair is completely blushing, I don't know if it is it or the enemy. Step by three: "The three rises are dead, the hedgehog is left, the goat is cut off, the husband Cut your head ... "

Animal poultry for more than 20 spiritualizens, with this battle, only less than ten remaining, the rest is very dead, there is no complaint.

It's so, what is your trick?

"The two guys arrived in tonight!" The old mouse snorted with a few white beards in his mouth, carefully found that the consumption head was cut down with the half of the ears, this knife is at a point, It is not possible to get on the spot.

The eyes of the old yellow and old cow, looking at a big one in the village stone table, watching the two fox fairy in the village, at this time, the two-East West is holding two pots and drinking the peanuts and drinks. The appearance sees that there is no trauma, but tired Description, the size of the size is absolutely not easy.

The blood emperor and the alchemist and the fierce, there are two hundred thirty war, are all trusted by them.

All wounded people have emergency, they are sent to the fishing village hospital, sweeping the battlefield, silence.

A military helicopter parked in the village,

Town south jumped from above.

Tang Long sighed and left the other side.

"The blood emperor is very mysterious. It has been in the domestic hidden for so long, and we have not discovered it." Town south is looking at the horror of fish head, and the plate said.

Ordinary people have not been affected, whether it is the villager of the fish, or the tourists who come to the fish, this will be sleeping.

The casualties are from Tang Long to make the autumn assault, which is the previous mercenaries and special practitioners, as well as those animal birds, and the black scorn and snake valley.

Cadina has already called the 'Snake King' drives the snake group to return to the snake valley, but the number of snakes is sharply reduced.

Of course, if it is not the Kadi Na to lead the poisonous snake group to support, maybe the fish head village has fallen, everything is already in order to bubble, so the Snake Valley and Cadena have a great effort. The snake group can be reproduced, and it can be purchased again, people have gone, the village is gone, that everything is late.

Tang Long nodes do not say much, do not say information and hidden problems, this is the damage, in fact, most of them are subject to the fish head village.

"What is going on?" Zhen Nantian looked at him asked.

Tang Long shook his head: "Nothing is going!"

Zhen Nantian saw the body of the money, the body of the Donghai, before he said: "Reassure, we will definitely investigate today's things, and you will be fair."

Tang Long nodded and still didn't speak.

Before the dawn, the sneaked nets of the fish head village were cleaned, and the blood stains were cleaned, and only the bloody flavor did not dissipate within the air.

"Finally, Denang!" Zhang Embroidered in Tang Long Huai.

Tang Long mouth is slightly moved: "Well, the sky is bright, it has passed, hey, sleep well, you will be fine after waking up!"

Zhang embroidered his eyes and calmly slept.

Tang Long hugged him into the house, put it in bed, cover the quilt, before you came out of the room, although he didn't sleep overnight, he didn't sleep.


Ren Yingying snooked from the room out of the room, went downstairs, looked at the hook yolk sitting in the living room, smashed his eyes: "How do I fall asleep last night?"

The entire Taoyuan County is affected by the huge "dead rinse", only a few people are awake.

For example, hook Yuxiang!

Her spirit is far from ordinary people, so I can be awake.

But I didn't leave in the engraving factory until three in the morning, Tang Long called and asked if there was anything happening this side, and it was determined that the crisis had already lifted, and it was relieved.

Hook Youth laughed: "Everyone will be sleepy at night!"

Ren Yingying blinked: "What did you sleep last night?"

Hook Yun Niang smiled at her and said, "How do you know that I didn't sleep?"

Ren Ying Yingnu Nuzzi, laughing and said: "The clothes on your body have not changed, and there is no fold, that design is not sleeping overnight, I don't have this single eye, still do you have you apprentice?"

"You are smart!" Hoo Yumui smiled and stood up from the sofa: "When you get up, go to wash, eat breakfast for a while!"


Taoyuan County City, the city, continued, some people wake up, for the things last night, everyone is unclear, work as usual as usual, everything is the same as yesterday.

It is just the side of Yumou Village, many of the sick numbers, and the injury is not light.

"How could the mountain?"

After the injury of Qiu Yuxia, after the injury of Little Fu Po, the heart almost did not come out from the eyes of the throat, then the big hole in the chest, a little bit a little, people can't.

In addition to the mountain, Qingyi, Yangwu, autumn, etc.

Last night, the ordinary people like Qiu Yuxia have also fallen into sleep, so I don't know how fierce the battle.

Tang Long shrugged and smiled and said: "People are still alive, is the most gratifying thing."

Qiu Yuxia looked at him with vignette, and his heart said that still is dead?

Tang Long Huo open topic: "Right, those animals upstairs, the injury is quite heavy, first let them raise it in the hospital, um, more vegetables from the Qinglong Farm give them to eat, for them Restore benefits! "


Qiu Yuxia nodded, she had long known that those animals have spirituality, but only half of the remainings remain in last night.

Push the ward,

Tang Long went in, Xiao Wan king sitting in bed, sitting on the bed, holding an apple in the bed, holding an apple in one hand.

"Tang Big, don't forget to owe my 'vitality Dan'!" Lu Le City saw Tang Long and smiled.

Xiao Wan Wang, Temple Ice, Curse, Bailong, Lule City's injury is not light, so don't go, now Lule City is a ward, spell and white dragon, a ward, temple ice, a ward, temple ice The ward, five people are in the fishing house.

"When will you see me?" Tang Long said.

Lule City sat up straight, excitedly squatting: "This is not a long time to make so big."

I heard the voice of Tang Long, Xiao Wan Wang also slowly opened his eyes in the hospital bed.

"Advanced cough ~!"

Haven't spoken yet, people cough with blood, prove that he is not hurt.

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